18 research outputs found

    A core function for p120-catenin in cadherin turnover

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    p120-catenin stabilizes epithelial cadherin (E-cadherin) in SW48 cells, but the mechanism has not been established. Here, we show that p120 acts at the cell surface to control cadherin turnover, thereby regulating cadherin levels. p120 knockdown by siRNA expression resulted in dose-dependent elimination of epithelial, placental, neuronal, and vascular endothelial cadherins, and complete loss of cell–cell adhesion. ARVCF and δ-catenin were functionally redundant, suggesting that proper cadherin-dependent adhesion requires the presence of at least one p120 family member. The data reveal a core function of p120 in cadherin complexes, and strongly predict a dose-dependent loss of E-cadherin in tumors that partially or completely down-regulate p120

    Oas1b-dependent Immune Transcriptional Profiles of West Nile Virus Infection in the Collaborative Cross

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    The oligoadenylate-synthetase (Oas) gene locus provides innate immune resistance to virus infection. In mouse models, variation in the Oas1b gene influences host susceptibility to flavivirus infection. However, the impact of Oas variation on overall innate immune programming and global gene expression among tissues and in different genetic backgrounds has not been defined. We examined how Oas1b acts in spleen and brain tissue to limit West Nile virus (WNV) susceptibility and disease across a range of genetic backgrounds. The laboratory founder strains of the mouse Collaborative Cross (CC) (A/J, C57BL/6J, 129S1/SvImJ, NOD/ShiLtJ, and NZO/HlLtJ) all encode a truncated, defective Oas1b, whereas the three wild-derived inbred founder strains (CAST/EiJ, PWK/PhJ, and WSB/EiJ) encode a full-length OAS1B protein. We assessed disease profiles and transcriptional signatures of F1 hybrids derived from these founder strains. F1 hybrids included wild-type Oas1b (F/F), homozygous null Oas1b (N/N), and heterozygous offspring of both parental combinations (F/N and N/F). These mice were challenged with WNV, and brain and spleen samples were harvested for global gene expression analysis. We found that the Oas1b haplotype played a role in WNV susceptibility and disease metrics, but the presence of a functional Oas1b allele in heterozygous offspring did not absolutely predict protection against disease. Our results indicate that Oas1b status as wild-type or truncated, and overall Oas1b gene dosage, link with novel innate immune gene signatures that impact specific biological pathways for the control of flavivirus infection and immunity through both Oas1b-dependent and independent processes

    Proteomic Analysis of Ovarian Cancer Cells Reveals Dynamic Processes of Protein Secretion and Shedding of Extra-Cellular Domains

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    Background: Elucidation of the repertoire of secreted and cell surface proteins of tumor cells is relevant to molecular diagnostics, tumor imaging and targeted therapies. We have characterized the cell surface proteome and the proteins released into the extra-cellular milieu of three ovarian cancer cell lines, CaOV3, OVCAR3 and ES2 and of ovarian tumor cells enriched from ascites fluid. Methodology and Findings: To differentiate proteins released into the media from protein constituents of media utilized for culture, cells were grown in the presence of [ 13 C]-labeled lysine. A biotinylation-based approach was used to capture cell surface associated proteins. Our general experimental strategy consisted of fractionation of proteins from individual compartments followed by proteolytic digestion and LC-MS/MS analysis. In total, some 6,400 proteins were identified with high confidence across all specimens and fractions. Conclusions and Significance: Protein profiles of the cell lines had substantial similarity to the profiles of human ovarian cancer cells from ascites fluid and included protein markers known to be associated with ovarian cancer. Proteomic analysis indicated extensive shedding from extra-cellular domains of proteins expressed on the cell surface, and remarkably high secretion rates for some proteins (nanograms per million cells per hour). Cell surface and secreted proteins identified by indept

    Identifying protective host gene expression signatures within the spleen during West Nile virus infection in the collaborative cross model

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    Flaviviruses are hematophagous arthropod-viruses that pose global challenges to human health. Like Zika virus, West Nile Virus (WNV) is a flavivirus for which no approved vaccine exists [1]. The role host genetics play in early detection and response to WNV still remains largely unexplained. In order to capture the impact of genetic variation on innate immune responses, we studied gene expression following WNV infection using the collaborative cross (CC). The CC is a mouse genetics resource composed of hundreds of independently bred, octo-parental recombinant inbred mouse lines [2]. To accurately capture the host immune gene expression signatures of West Nile infection, we used the nanostring platform to evaluate expression in spleen tissue isolated from CC mice infected with WNV over a time course of 4, 7, and 12 days' post-infection [3]. Nanostring is a non-amplification based digital method to quantitate gene expression that uses color-coded molecular barcodes to detect hundreds of transcripts in a sample. Using this approach, we identified unique gene signatures in spleen tissue at days 4, 7, and 12 following WNV infection, which delineated distinct differences between asymptomatic and symptomatic CC lines. We also identified novel immune genes. Data was deposited into the Gene Expression Omnibus under accession GSE86000

    Transcriptional profiles of WNV neurovirulence in a genetically diverse Collaborative Cross population

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    West Nile Virus (WNV) is a mosquito-transmitted virus from the Flaviviridae family that causes fever in 1 in 5 infected people. WNV can also become neuro-invasive and cross the blood-brain barrier leading to severe neurological symptoms in a subset of WNV infected individuals [1]. WNV neuro-invasion is believed to be influenced by a number of factors including host genetics. In order to explore these effects and recapitulate the complex immune genetic differences among individuals, we studied gene expression following WNV infection in the Collaborative Cross (CC) model. The CC is a mouse genetics resource composed of >70 independently bred, octo-parental recombinant inbred mouse lines [2]. To identify the individual host gene expression signatures influencing protection or susceptibility to WNV disease and WNV neuroinvasion, we used the nanostring nsolver platform to quantify gene expression in brain tissue isolated from WNV-infected CC mice at days 4, 7 and 12 post-infection [3]. This nanostring technology provided a high throughput, non-amplification based mRNA quantitation method to detect immune genes involved in neuro-invasion. Data was deposited into the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) under accession GSE85999

    Dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 VOC Neutralization and Novel mAb Reveal Protection against Omicron

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    New variants of SARS-CoV-2 continue to emerge and evade immunity. We isolated SARS-CoV-2 temporally across the pandemic starting with the first emergence of the virus in the western hemisphere and evaluated the immune escape among variants. A clinic-to-lab viral isolation and characterization pipeline was established to rapidly isolate, sequence, and characterize SARS-CoV-2 variants. A virus neutralization assay was applied to quantitate humoral immunity from infection and/or vaccination. A panel of novel monoclonal antibodies was evaluated for antiviral efficacy. We directly compared all variants, showing that convalescence greater than 5 months post-symptom onset from ancestral virus provides little protection against SARS-CoV-2 variants. Vaccination enhances immunity against viral variants, except for Omicron BA.1, while a three-dose vaccine regimen provides over 50-fold enhanced protection against Omicron BA.1 compared to a two-dose. A novel Mab neutralizes Omicron BA.1 and BA.2 variants better than the clinically approved Mabs, although neither can neutralize Omicron BA.4 or BA.5. Thus, the need remains for continued vaccination-booster efforts, with innovation for vaccine and Mab improvement for broadly neutralizing activity. The usefulness of specific Mab applications links with the window of clinical opportunity when a cognate viral variant is present in the infected population

    A Mouse Model of Chronic West Nile Virus Disease

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    <div><p>Infection with West Nile virus (WNV) leads to a range of disease outcomes, including chronic infection, though lack of a robust mouse model of chronic WNV infection has precluded identification of the immune events contributing to persistent infection. Using the Collaborative Cross, a population of recombinant inbred mouse strains with high levels of standing genetic variation, we have identified a mouse model of persistent WNV disease, with persistence of viral loads within the brain. Compared to lines exhibiting no disease or marked disease, the F1 cross CC(032x013)F1 displays a strong immunoregulatory signature upon infection that correlates with restraint of the WNV-directed cytolytic response. We hypothesize that this regulatory T cell response sufficiently restrains the immune response such that a chronic infection can be maintained in the CNS. Use of this new mouse model of chronic neuroinvasive virus will be critical in developing improved strategies to prevent prolonged disease in humans.</p></div

    Comparison of WNV disease models by clinical presentation and neuropathology.

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    <p>(A) Representative RIX lines for 3 WNV disease model categories: 1) No disease 2) Chronic disease and 3) Disease. Representative “No Disease” and “Disease” lines were selected from 40+ lines of each category, identified through the screen. Each RIX line’s CC nomenclature and <i>Oas1b</i> allele status is shown (N = null, F = functional allele). Clinical scores and (B) weight loss and survival curves are shown for the seven CC RIX lines over the time course of WNV infection. “No disease” RIX show little to no weight loss and maintain a “0” clinical score across the time course. “Disease” RIX lines show increased weight loss by d8, as well as increase in clinical scores corresponding to neurological weakness and paralysis (see description in <a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.1005996#sec009" target="_blank">methods</a>). (C) Brain WNV loads at d12 for the seven lines. p<0.001 for CC(032x013)F1 compared to all disease lines. (D-E) Neuropathology of WNV infection in RIX lines as indicated. (D) The approximate subregions of the brain that were scored for neuropathology are colorized. These regions were chosen due to the quality and consistency of the sections across the high throughput histologic study. (E) Hematoxylin and eosin stained sections of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues of WNV-infected lines as indicated with subregion noted. <b><i>Thalamus</i></b>: Arrows indicate neurons. In the Chronic and Diseased tissues, the neurons are surrounded by glia (satellitosis). In the Disease tissue there is moderate hemorrhage (arrow), diffuse gliosis and mild malacia. <b><i>Cortex Meninges</i></b>: In the Chronic and Diseased boxed region there is gliosis in the superficial cortex with mononuclear cell infiltrate in the meninges, which is more pronounced and widespread in the Diseased tissue. There are prominent mononuclear cells with rod-shaped nuclei in the Diseased cortex (arrows) are consistent with activated microglia. <b><i>Cortex</i></b>: Arrowheads indicate blood vessels. In the Chronic and Diseased tissues there is mild to marked accumulation of mononuclear inflammatory cells in the vessel wall and perivascular space. In the Disease tissue there is moderate diffuse gliosis and perivascular cuffing. <b><i>Cortex 40X</i></b>: Arrowheads indicate neuron cell bodies. In the Chronic tissue, there are glial nodules and early degeneration of neurons with mild malacia. In the Disease tissue the neurons are shrunken with dark eosinophilic cytoplasm, and pyknotic nuclei consistent with acute neuronal degeneration to apoptosis (left arrow). Note karyorrhectic debris (small basophilic bodies). All panels 20X except where indicated. Data represent three mice per group for all lines in the screen, and six mice per group for d28 and d60 validation time points.</p