14 research outputs found

    Validation of a new optical diagnosis training module to improve dysplasia characterization in inflammatory bowel disease:a multicenter international study

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    Background and aims Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) increases risk of dysplasia and colorectal cancer. Advanced endoscopic techniques allow for the detection and characterization of IBD dysplastic lesions, but specialized training is not widely available. We aim to develop and validate an online training platform to improve the detection and characterization of colonic lesions in IBD: OPTIC-IBD. Methods We designed a web-based learning module that includes surveillance principles, optical diagnostic methods, approach to characterization, classifications of colonic lesions, utilizing still images and videos. We invited gastroenterologists from Canada, Italy, and the UK, with a wide range of experience. Participants reviewed 24 educational videos of IBD colonic lesions, predicted histology, and rated their confidence. The primary endpoint was to improve accuracy in detecting dysplastic lesions following training on the platform. Furthermore, participants were randomized 1:1 to get additional training or not, with a final assessment occurring after 60 days. Diagnostic performance for dysplasia and rater confidence were measured. Results One hundred seventeen participants completed the study and were assessed for the primary endpoint. Diagnostic accuracy improved from 70.8% to 75.0% (p 0.002) following training, with the greatest improvements seen in less experienced endoscopists. Improvements in both accuracy and confidence were sustained after 2 months of assessment, although the group randomized to receive additional training did not improve further. Similarly, participants’ confidence in characterizing lesions significantly improved between pre- and post-course (

    Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 4: experience from a single reference center

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    Purpose: To characterize patients with APS type 4 among those affected by APS diagnosed and monitored at our local Reference Center for Autoimmune Polyglandular Syndromes. Methods: Monocentric observational retrospective study enrolling patients affected by APS diagnosed and monitored in a Reference Center. Clinical records were retrieved and analyzed. Results: 111 subjects (51 males) were affected by APS type 4, mean age at the onset was 23.1 ± 15.1 years. In 15 patients the diagnosis of APS was performed during the first clinical evaluation, in the other 96 after a latency of 11 years (range 1-46). The most frequent diseases were type I diabetes mellitus and celiac disease, equally distributed among sexes. Conclusions: The prevalence of APS type 4 is 9:100,000 people. Type I diabetes mellitus was the leading indicator of APS type 4 in 78% subjects and in 9% permitted the diagnosis occurring as second manifestation of the syndrome. Our data, showing that 50% of patients developed APS type 4 within the first ten years, don't suggest any particular follow-up time and, more importantly, don't specify any particular disease. It is important to emphasize that 5% of women developed premature ovarian failure

    Treatment with anti-SARS-CoV-2 monoclonal antibodies in pregnant and postpartum women: first experiences in Florence, Italy

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    PURPOSE: Pregnant and postpartum women are at increased risk of developing severe COVID-19. Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are now widely used in high-income countries to treat mild to moderate COVID-19 outpatients at risk for developing severe disease. Very few data are available on the use of mAbs in special populations, including pregnant and postpartum women. Here we present our early experience with mAbs in these two populations. METHODS: Electronic records of pregnant and postpartum women treated with mAbs at Careggi University Hospital, Florence, were retrieved. Relevant data were extracted (age, presence of risk factors for COVID-19, oxygen support, mAb type, gestational age, and pregnancy status). When available, outcomes at 28 days after administration were also included. RESULTS: From March 1st to September 30th 2021, eight pregnant and two postpartum women have been treated with mAbs at our center. The median age was 31 years (IQR 30–33.5, range 29–38), median gestational age was 24 weeks. Seven patients had additional risk factors. According to the Italian disposition, all patients received casirivimab/imdevimab, with five receiving a 2.4 mg dose and five receiving a 8 g dose. Eight patients improved. One developed myocarditis, considered a COVID-19 complication. Another required a transient increase of low flow oxygen support before improving and being discharged. At a 28 days follow-up, all patients were clinically recovered. We did not observe mAbs related adverse events. CONCLUSION: Although preliminary data should be interpreted with caution, it is remarkable how mAbs were well tolerated by pregnant women with COVID-19. Further data on mAbs in this special population should be collected but the use of mAbs in pregnant and postpartum patients should be considered. Even thus oral antivirals are becoming available, they are not recommended in pregnant and postpartum women. This population may specifically benefit from treatment with last generation mAbs

    Emerging Infectious Diseases in Pregnant Women in a Non-Endemic Area: Almost One Out of Four Is at Risk

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    We report the results of a targeted testing strategy for five emerging infectious diseases (Chagas disease, human T-lymphotropic virus 1 infection, malaria, schistosomiasis, and Zika virus infection) in pregnant women accessing an Italian referral centre for infectious diseases in pregnancy for unrelated reasons. The strategy is based on a quick five-question questionnaire which allows the identification of pregnant women at risk who should be tested for a specific disease. One hundred and three (24%) out of 429 pregnant women evaluated in a 20 month period were at risk for at least one emerging infectious disease. Three (2.9%, all from sub-Saharan Africa) out of 103 at-risk women resulted in being affected (one case of Plasmodium falciparum malaria, two cases of schistosomiasis) and were appropriately managed. Prevalence of emerging infectious disease was particularly high in pregnant women from Africa (three out of 25 pregnant women tested, 12%). The proposed strategy could be used by health care professionals managing pregnant women in non-endemic setting, to identify those at risk for one of the five infection which could benefit for a targeted test and treatment

    Emerging Infectious Diseases in Pregnant Women in a Non-Endemic Area: Almost One Out of Four Is at Risk

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    We report the results of a targeted testing strategy for five emerging infectious diseases (Chagas disease, human T-lymphotropic virus 1 infection, malaria, schistosomiasis, and Zika virus infection) in pregnant women accessing an Italian referral centre for infectious diseases in pregnancy for unrelated reasons. The strategy is based on a quick five-question questionnaire which allows the identification of pregnant women at risk who should be tested for a specific disease. One hundred and three (24%) out of 429 pregnant women evaluated in a 20 month period were at risk for at least one emerging infectious disease. Three (2.9%, all from sub-Saharan Africa) out of 103 at-risk women resulted in being affected (one case of Plasmodium falciparum malaria, two cases of schistosomiasis) and were appropriately managed. Prevalence of emerging infectious disease was particularly high in pregnant women from Africa (three out of 25 pregnant women tested, 12%). The proposed strategy could be used by health care professionals managing pregnant women in non-endemic setting, to identify those at risk for one of the five infection which could benefit for a targeted test and treatment

    Malaria: approccio diagnostico-terapeutico nei maggiori ospedali della Toscana

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    La malaria è la più rilevante tra le malattie di importazione in Italia. Ad oggi, non esiste consenso unanime sul miglior percorso di gestione diagnostico-terapeutica del paziente con malaria di importazione, lasciando spazio a diverse modalità operative. Questo studio si propone di valutare i differenti approcci diagnostico-terapeutici per malaria, attuati nei maggiori ospedali della Toscana, per evidenziare i principali elementi di discordanza, in relazione a esperienze, strumenti e criticità presenti nelle diverse realtà ospedaliere. A questo scopo sono stati somministrati attraverso una piattaforma online due questionari: uno riguardante i percorsi e gli strumenti diagnostici, indirizzato ai referenti dei laboratori, e l’altro relativo alla gestione clinico-terapeutica, indirizzato ai referenti clinici delle strutture di Malattie Infettive. Hanno partecipato alla survey tutti i laboratori di riferimento (n=10) e tutte le Unità di Malattie Infettive della Toscana (n=11). Riguardo ai percorsi e agli strumenti diagnostici, emerge come le tre principali metodiche – emoscopia, test immunocromatografici (ICT) e biologia molecolare – assumano ruoli differenti all’interno dei diversi algoritmi, in base alla diponibilità e agli orari di attività dei laboratori. La Loop-mediated isothermal AMPlification (LAMP), disponibile in 7/10 laboratori, è la tecnica molecolare più utilizzata, per lo più come test di screening, in alternativa o in sostituzione degli ICT. L’emoscopia viene più spesso utilizzata come test di conferma, ma in alcuni laboratori (3/10) non viene eseguita se il test di screening è negativo. E’ emerso inoltre che diversi laboratori non eseguono l’emoscopia sulla goccia spessa. Riguardo alle strategie terapeutiche per la cura della malaria, emerge grande variabilità nella soglia di parassitemia utilizzata per la definizione di malaria grave, nei criteri di dimissione e follow-up. Esiste invece buona concordanza sulle scelte terapeutiche di prima e seconda linea per la malaria da Plasmodium falciparum, sia grave che non complicata, anche se non sempre artesunato è presente nelle strutture e possono essere necessarie fino a 12-24 ore per ottenerlo. Ulteriori discrepanze si sono evidenziate nella posologia delle combinazioni a base di artemisinina e nella terapia delle forme non complicate da Plasmodium non-falciparum. Alla luce dei risultati, è auspicabile un confronto tra specialisti coinvolti nella gestione del paziente con malaria, finalizzato all’elaborazione di un algoritmo diagnostico-terapeutico condiviso