91 research outputs found

    Coupled Crystal Orientation-Size Effects on the Strength of Nano Crystals

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    We study the combined effects of grain size and texture on the strength of nanocrystalline copper (Cu) and nickel (Ni) using a crystal-plasticity based mechanics model. Within the model, slip occurs in discrete slip events exclusively by individual dislocations emitted statistically from the grain boundaries. We show that a Hall-Petch relationship emerges in both initially texture and non-textured materials and our values are in agreement with experimental measurements from numerous studies. We find that the Hall-Petch slope increases with texture strength, indicating that preferred orientations intensify the enhancements in strength that accompany grain size reductions. These findings reveal that texture is too influential to be neglected when analyzing and engineering grain size effects for increasing nanomaterial strength

    Homogenization of Plastic Deformation in Heterogeneous Lamella Structures

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    It has been shown that unlike its constituent nanocrystalline (NC) phase, a heterogeneous lamella (HL) composite comprising NC and coarse-grain layers exhibits greatly improved ductility. To understand the origin of this enhancement, we present a 3D discrete dislocation, crystal plasticity finite element model to study the development of strains across this microstructure. Here we show that the HL structure homogenizes the plastic strains in the NC layer, weakening the effect of strain concentrations. These findings can provide valuable insight into the effects of material length scales on material instabilities, which is needed to design heterogeneous structures with superior properties

    Nanograin Size Effects on the Strength of Biphase Nanolayered Composites

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    In this work, we employ atomic-scale simulations to uncover the interface-driven deformation mechanisms in biphase nanolayered composites. Two internal boundaries persist in these materials, the interlayer crystalline boundaries and intralayer biphase interfaces, and both have nanoscale dimensions. These internal surfaces are known to control the activation and motion of dislocations, and despite the fact that most of these materials bear both types of interfaces. From our calculations, we find that the first defect event, signifying yield, is controlled by the intralayer spacing (grain size, d), and not the intralayer biphase spacing (layer thickness, h). The interplay of two internal sizes leads to a very broad transition region from grain boundary sliding dominated flow, where the material is weak and insensitive to changes in h, to grain boundary dislocation emission and glide dominated flow, where the material is strong and sensitive to changes in h. Such a rich set of states and size effects are not seen in idealized materials with one of these internal surfaces removed. These findings provide some insight into how changes in h and d resulting from different synthesis processes can affect the strength of nanolayered materials

    Plastic response by dislocation glide in solid helium under dc strain rate loading

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    We develop a model for the gliding of dislocations and plasticity in solid He-4. This model takes into account the Peierls barrier, multiplication and interaction of dislocations, as well as classical thermally and mechanically activated processes leading to dislocation glide. We specifically examine the dc stress-strain curve and how it is affected by temperature, strain rate, and dislocation density. As a function of temperature and shear strain, we observe plastic deformation and discuss how this may be related to the experimental observation of elastic anomalies in solid hcp He-4 that have been discussed in connection with the possibility of supersolidity or giant plasticity. Our theory gives several predictions for the dc stress strain curves, for example, the yield point and the change in the work-hardening rate and plastic dissipation peak, that can be compared directly to constant strain rate experiments and thus provide bounds on model parameters.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures; minor revisions of accepted versio

    Dislocation induced anomalous softening of solid helium

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    The classical motion of gliding dislocation lines in slip planes of crystalline solid helium leads to plastic deformation even at temperatures far below the Debye temperature and can affect elastic properties. In this work we argue that the gliding of dislocations and plasticity may be the origin of many observed elastic anomalies in solid He-4, which have been argued to be connected to supersolidity. We present a dislocation motion model that describes the stress-strain τ\tau-ϵ\epsilon curves and work hardening rate dτ/dϵd\tau/d\epsilon of a shear experiment performed at constant strain rate ϵ˙\dot{\epsilon} in solid helium. The calculated dτ/dϵd\tau/d\epsilon exhibits strong softening with increasing temperature due to the motion of dislocations, which mimics anomalous softening of the elastic shear modulus μ\mu. In the same temperature region the motion of dislocations causes dissipation with a prominent peak.Comment: 15 double-spaced pages, 4 figures; revised model parameters to account for low experimental yield stress, otherwise unchange

    Dynamic Phases, Pinning, and Pattern Formation for Driven Dislocation Assemblies

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    We examine driven dislocation assemblies and show that they can exhibit a set of dynamical phases remarkably similar to those of driven systems with quenched disorder such as vortices in superconductors, magnetic domain walls, and charge density wave materials. These phases include pinned-jammed, fluctuating, and dynamically ordered states, and each produces distinct dislocation patterns as well as specific features in the noise fluctuations and transport properties. Our work suggests that many of the results established for systems with quenched disorder undergoing plastic depinning transitions can be applied to dislocation systems, providing a new approach for understanding pattern formation and dynamics in these systems
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