17 research outputs found

    On the Synergism of Biogenic Gold Nanoparticles and Hydroxyaluminum Phthalocyanines in the Photoeradication of Staphylococcus aureus

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    Due to the unusual properties of gold nanoparticles, these structures are widely used in medicine and biology. This paper describes for the first time the synthesis of colloidal gold nanoparticles by the cell-free filtrate obtained from the Coriolus versicolor biomass and the use of these biogenic nanostructures to increase the photosensitizing efficiency of di- (AlPcS2) and tetrasulfonated (AlPcS4) hydroxyaluminum phthalocyanines in antibacterial photodynamic therapy. The obtained monodisperse particles were extremely stable, and this remarkable stability was due to the presence of phosphoprotein as a capping agent. The studied gold nanoparticles had a spherical shape, were uniformly distributed, and were characterized by a single plasmon band at wavelength of 514–517 nm. Almost 60% of the gold particles were found to be in the range of 13 to 15 nm. In accordance with the regulations of the American Microbiological Society, indicating that any antimicrobial technique must kill at least 3 log CFU (99.9%) to be accepted as “antimicrobial”, this mortality of Staphylococcus aureus was shown to be achieved in the presence of AlPcS4 + AuNPs mixture and 4.8 J cm−2 light dose compared to AlPcS4 alone, which required a light dose of 24 J cm−2. The best effect of increasing the effectiveness of combating this pathogen was observed in the case of AlPcS2 + AuNPs as a photosensitizing mixture. The light dose of 24 J cm−2 caused a lethal effect of the studied coccus in the planktonic culture

    On the Photo-Eradication of Methicillin-Resistant <i>Staphylococcus aureus</i> Biofilm Using Methylene Blue

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    This work compared the effectiveness of several Methylene Blue (MB)-based protocols for photo-eradication of biofilms formed on the surface of the glass and stainless steel discs by S. aureus MRSA isolates using a diode laser (λ = 665 nm; output power 40 mW; energy fluence was 189 J cm−2). The results obtained showed that MB alone, up to a concentration of 62.5 mgL−1, had limited photo-bactericidal activity. It was possible to enhance the activity of MB using two types of spherical gold nanoparticles of similar sizes, 15 ± 3 nm/20 ± 3 nm, but differing in the method of their synthesis and stabilization. The enhancement of the photodestruction effect was related to the increased production of hydroxyl radicals by the MB+gold nanoparticles mixture, and this mixture showed dark cytotoxicity against the cocci studied. Effective destruction (mortality above 99.9%) of the biofilms formed by MRSA isolates was also possible without the use of gold nanoparticles, but the concentration of MB had to be at least 125 mgL−1. A highly efficient protocol of photodestruction of biofilms, consisting of triple exposure of biofilms to laser light in the presence of MB alone, combined with the removal of dead bacteria protecting deep layers of pathogens against photosensitization, was also described

    Gold nanoparticles in an enhancement of antimicrobial activity

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    The effect of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) on Gram-positive bacterium Staphylocccus aureus was studied. Methylene blue (MB) at non-toxic concentration of 31.25µg/ml was used as a photosensitizer. LEDs diodes were used as a light source to study the effect of methylene blue alone and the MB-gold nanoparticle mixture on the viability of S. aureus cells. Biogenic gold nanoparticles (biolAuNPs, 10ppm) and chemically synthesized gold nanoparticles (chemAuNPs, 3ppm) were tested as enhancement agents. In the presence of MB alone as a photosensitizer, the killing effect was about 92% after 30min of irradiation. The aPDT therapy was enhanced by addition of biolAuNPs and chemAuNPs and killing rate of S. aureus was 95-96% after 30min of irradiation. The probable mechanism of enhancement of MB-mediated photodynamic bactericidal efficacy against S. aureus in the presence of gold nanoparticles is discussed leading to the conclusion that colloidal gold increases the accumulation of MB in bacterial cells

    Electrospun Polymer Nanofibers with Antimicrobial Activity

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    Nowadays, nanofibers with antimicrobial activity are of great importance due to the widespread antibiotic resistance of many pathogens. Electrospinning is a versatile method of producing ultrathin fibers with desired properties, and this technique can be optimized by controlling parameters such as solution/melt viscosity, feeding rate, and electric field. High viscosity and slow feeding rate cause blockage of the spinneret, while low viscosity and high feeding rate result in fiber discontinuities or droplet formation. The electric field must be properly set because high field strength shortens the solidification time of the fluid streams, while low field strength is unable to form the Taylor cone. Environmental conditions, temperature, and humidity also affect electrospinning. In recent years, significant advances have been made in the development of electrospinning methods and the engineering of electrospun nanofibers for various applications. This review discusses the current research on the use of electrospinning to fabricate composite polymer fibers with antimicrobial properties by incorporating well-defined antimicrobial nanoparticles (silver, titanium dioxide, zinc dioxide, copper oxide, etc.), encapsulating classical therapeutic agents (antibiotics), plant-based bioactive agents (crude extracts, essential oils), and pure compounds (antimicrobial peptides, photosensitizers) in polymer nanofibers with controlled release and anti-degradation protection. The analyzed works prove that the electrospinning process is an effective strategy for the formation of antimicrobial fibers for the biomedicine, pharmacy, and food industry

    Biofouling Removal from Membranes Using Nonthermal Plasma

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    An essential aspect of wastewater treatment systems based on membranes is fouling, which leads to a decrease in their performance and durability. The membrane biofouling is directly related to the deposition of biological particles (e.g., microorganisms in the form of biofilm) on the membrane surface. The objective of the study was to investigate the possibility of using nonthermal plasma for membrane treatment to overcome the biofouling problem. The removal of biological cells from the membrane surface was performed in a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma. The biofoulant (i.e., activated sludge) on the surface of membranes was treated with plasma for 3&ndash;10 min, corresponding to a plasma dose of 13&ndash;42 J cm&minus;2. Results of biofouling removal studies indicated that the process was very efficient (i.e., lethal effect was also observed) and dependent on the type of membrane and exposure time to the nonthermal plasma. Moreover, investigations of the influence of plasma treatment on extracellular polymeric substances of biofilms have confirmed the possibility of using plasma in the process of protein release from biological structures, which results in their destruction. It seems that plasma technologies can be part of the so-called hybrid methods of removing biological contamination of membranes used in wastewater treatment

    Electrospun polymer nanofibers for medical applications

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    Nanowłókna polimerowe wzbudzają obecnie ogromne zainteresowanie ze względu na ich potencjalne wykorzystanie w różnych procesach technologicznych, np. w produkcji tkanin lub wytwarzaniu membran. Włókna te wykazują wyjątkowe właściwości, takie jak: duży stosunek powierzchni do objętości oraz duża porowatość. Znanych jest kilka metod wytwarzania nanowłókien, jednak ze względu na prostotę, powtarzalność i niewielkie koszty, najpowszechniej stosowane jest przędzenie elektrostatyczne. Przedstawiono przegląd najnowszych osiągnięć w zakresie zastosowań nanowłókien polimerowych w medycynie, obejmujący zagadnienia materiałów opatrunkowych, uwalniania substancji aktywnych oraz inżynierii tkankowej.Polymer nanofibers are currently of great interest in terms of their potential use in various technological processes, e.g. in the manufacture of textiles or membranes. These fibers are characterized by extraordinary properties such as high surface to volume ratio and high porosity. There are several methods of manufacturing nanofibers, but for reasons of simplicity, repeatability and low cost, electrostatic spinning is the most common. The article presents a review of the latest developments in the application of polymer nanofibers in medicine, including such issues as bandage materials, release of active substances and tissue engineering

    Microbial synthesis of unique nanoscale minerals - challenges and prospects

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    In this review, we highlight new insights and place the molecular mechanisms of the biogenesis of nanomaterials such as silicified frustules, coccoliths, magnetosomes and bacterial nanowires in the context of the complex biology of a microbial cell. The silicified frustules are formed by diatoms, which are a widespread group of organisms found in the oceans, fresh water, soil and wet surfaces. They are especially important in the oceans, where it is estimated that they contribute to 45% of total primary ocean production. Coccolith is a collective term that designates all of the biomineralized, calcified scales produced by extant and extinct haptophytes (single-celled algae). The orientation of magnetotactic bacteria is based on the presence of unique organelles, magnetosomes, which are intracellular, membrane-enclosed, nanometre-sized crystals of magnetic iron minerals. The discovery of bacterial conductive structures, called nanowires, has fascinated scientists for almost a decade. Nanowires enable bacteria to transfer electrons over micrometer distances to extracellular electron acceptors such as insoluble metal oxides or electrodes. The possible applications of these extremely interesting nanomaterials in different areas of life is also considered

    Preparation and characterization of chitosan-agar films

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    Hydrogel films composed of chitosan and agar or chitosan, agar and honey/bee pollen were prepared; they could be used as active wound dressings. During this study, various types of gel films were prepared using chitosan with different molecular weights and ratios of the two biopolymers. In addition, compositions with different amounts of honey or bee pollen were obtained. The selected samples were characterized by determining typical properties that are important for wound dressings. The best twocomponent films had a chitosan to agar weight ratio of 2:1. From among the examined tri-component films, the 2:1:0.5 weight ratio of chitosan, agar and 50 wt% honey solution was the best composition

    Biogenic gold nanoparticles decrease methylene blue photobleaching and enhance antimicrobial photodynamic therapy

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    This work was partially financed by a statutory activity subsidy from the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (PMSHE) for the Faculty of Chemistry of Wrocław University of Science and Technology. We are grateful to the Photobiology Trust and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council of the U.K. for financial support. Funding from Polythea MSCA-ITN-EJD 764837 project is acknowledged.Antibiotic resistance is a growing concern that is driving the exploration of alternative ways of killing bacteria. Here we show that gold nanoparticles synthesized by the mycelium of Mucor plumbeus are an effective medium for antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (PDT). These particles are spherical in shape, uniformly distributed without any significant agglomeration, and show a single plasmon band at 522–523 nm. The nanoparticle sizes range from 13 to 25 nm, and possess an average size of 17 ± 4 nm. In PDT, light (from a source consisting of nine LEDs with a peak wavelength of 640 nm and FWMH 20 nm arranged in a 3 × 3 array), a photosensitiser (methylene blue), and oxygen are used to kill undesired cells. We show that the biogenic nanoparticles enhance the effectiveness of the photosensitiser, methylene blue, and so can be used to kill both Gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus) and Gram-negative (Escherichia coli) bacteria. The enhanced effectiveness means that we could kill these bacteria with a simple, small LED-based light source. We show that the biogenic gold nanoparticles prevent fast photobleaching, thereby enhancing the photoactivity of the methylene blue (MB) molecules and their bactericidal effect.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe