4 research outputs found
Analisis Technology Acceptance Model Dalam Memahami Niat Perilaku Mahasiswa Untuk Menggunakan E-learning
Development of science and technology is rapidly increasing, especially Communication and information technology that is influence most aspects of daily life including education. The latest trend in education is about e-learning, which is facilitating students to get material for lecture easily. However, it is not that easy to build e-learning by integrating technology in education system. Within development and implementation process of e-learning, it is necessary to consider how the students' reaction and understanding of e-learning system. The educational institution, especially private colleges in Bandar Lampung, should be able to cover it. The results of the testing show the perception of easiness using e-learning is influenced by self efficacy and accessibility system. While subjective norm does not influence students' behavior in using e-learnin
Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Connect Extend Challenge Melalui Peta Konsep Terhadap Kemampuan Penalaran Saintifik Siswa Biologi
: This research was aimed to study the effect of Connect Extend Challenge learning through concept maps and different levels of metacognitive awareness to the students\u27 scientific reasoning. This study was done in a quasi-experimental design is using a nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design. The results showed that CEC combined with concept map learning increased scientific reasoning ability by 59.826% compared to the conventional learning, metacognitive awareness level affect the reasoning ability. The highest reasoning ability was achieved by the high metacognitive awareness level group
Anticancer Activities and Metabolite Fingerprinting of Uplc-qtof-ms/ms Method From Chrysanthemum Cinerariifolium (Trev)
Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium (C. cinerariifolium) is an empirically proven medicinal plant that has anticancer activities. This study aimed to profile metabolites, and cytotoxic activity of root, leaf, stem, and root extracts C. cinerariifolium on T47D cells and to determine the correlation of metabolite content with cytotoxic activity. The metabolite profile was carried out using UPLC-QToF-MS / MS, and cytotoxic activity was carried out using the MTT method. The results obtained in the form of a chromatogram were processed with the application Masslynk so that a metabolite profile data obtained. The data is then analyzed statistically using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The results obtained on metabolite profiling showed that there were differences in metabolite profiles in the roots, stems, leaves, and chrysanthemums. The characteristic compounds in the flower section are D - (-) - Morphine and in the leaf part of genistein and N - [(5-Chloro-1,2,3-thiadiazol-4-yl) methyl] -1- (2-isopropyl-4 -methyl-1,3-thiazol-5-yl) -N-methyl ethanolamine. The major compounds in the roots, stems, and leaves are Orphenadrine with successive percentages of 9.11%, 10.16%, and 3.24%, and the major compounds in the flower section are D - (-) - Morphine with a percentage of 10, 86%. Furthermore, the results of the cytotoxic activity test showed differences in anticancer cytotoxic activity in the parts of the flower, leaf, stem, and root of C. cinerariifolium. Besides, there is a relationship between the metabolite content and anticancer cytotoxic activity of each part of C. cinerariifolium. The higher the level of orphenadrine compounds in the plant, the higher the potential for anticancer