10 research outputs found

    Dampak Pembangunan Perkebunan Karet-rakyat terhadap Kehidupan Petani di Riau

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    Meaning sense of this paper is to explain and to analyze development process (insmallholder rubber sub sector) that have done by the government in Riau Province. Agriculturalsystem which plantation system is a compatible model with in local people. Afterwards for toexplain reality and to phenomenon analysis and what dynamic happen in that development, soanalysis and it's examine pressured to literacy study and others theory and to use information's.The development problems appear because of the modernization strategy that applied by thegovernment less accommodating local potential's, with the result that local societies think that thedevelopment are not for them. And finally, development programs less popular in the societiesand can not supported by the people, so consequences social change not yet

    Perpustakaan Umum di BAgan Siapi - Api Kabupaten Rokan Hilir dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Hijau

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    According to the vision and mission Rokan Hilir Regency which one of them is to prepare self to educational society life, so it need to design a public library which is economical in using the nature resource, minimize the negatif impact, also be able toimproving the human life quality. Library is a space, a part of a building or the building it self which is used to keep books and other derivative which are usually kept according to thecertain formation to be read, not to be sold. The nature phenomenon which is menacing this earth is a global warming. To reduce that impact so we choose the green architecture as the approach in designing the public library. One of them is about the thermal pleasure, by set the site and building mass which can give the thermal pleasure to the user of public library.Because, the thermal is a thermal condition which can be felt by human, not by object, animal, and architecture, but is conditioned by the environment and the objects around thearchitecture or the mind condition of somebody who can expressing his satisfaction to the thermal environment. This public library is presented with the green architecture conceptwhich be expected will be used in this present and the future, for the better continuity of life. The design method which be used in this public library is the six criterion of the Green Building Index (GBI). (1) Energy efficiency; (2) The environmental quality in the space; (4) Material and resource; (5) Water efficiency; (6) Innovation. From the theory and method which be used in this design reaching the conclusion that in the strive to set the site and the building mass as the strive to reach the pleasure, we apply the green architecture in this public library design. To reach the thermal pleasure to the public library user, we do the strive to set the site and mass of the building by applying six criterion of Green Building Index (GBI) from the green architecture

    Rapid Prototyping and Evaluation for Green Manufacturing

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    With global awareness of environmental risk and the pressing needs to improve efficiency, manufacturing systems are growing into new concept. Green manufacturing is reflected to employ various green strategies and technique to produce with eco-efficient. Green manufacturing aspects on the machine level were studied in various machining process. On this paper presentsthe green manufacturing review of Rapid Prototyping process. The objective is to evaluate the factors involved in green process of RP.Several comparative RP process respect to green manufacturing criteria are described.Rapid Prototyping process uses three dimensional CAD files to fabricate a physical model. Models are usually made from variety of material such as ABS, rubber and specific metals. Each material has the environment impact during the process and recycling.RP process are known as process not suitable for making direct product. However, lates technology makes it suitableto produce the parts with reasonable cost. For near the future, the utilization of this technology is becoming increasing and green manufacturing effect should be considered.Based on study conducted, several type of RP process is eco-efficient due to amount of waste material produced and environment impact during the process

    Learn Piano Music Instrument Applications Using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

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    Nowadays computers are often in use for studying, playing games, play music,business affairs, and others. In this writer talk about learning how to play musicalinstruments using application on your computer that's been made by the author, theapplication in question is "Musical Learning Applications Using Microsoft VisualPiano Basic 6.0 ", where with this application we can learn how to musicalinstruments piano played and understand the term - the term of music available.Besides, with use these applications we can save the cost of learning, because we donot need to buy musical instruments Piano that its expensive price. This applicationexists at the display exciting, interactive, and easy in his operate

    Pendidikan Nilai-Nilai Kecakapan Hidup Punggawa dan Sawi dalam Sistem Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat Nelayan Etnis Bugis Perantauan di Kota Bandarlampung

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kehidupan masyarakat nelayan Bagang (dibaca; Bagan) etnis Bugis Perantauan, khususnya nilai-nilai kecakapan hidup dalam sistem sosial ekonomi punggawa-sawi yang ada di Kelurahan Kota Karang Kecamatan Teluk Betung Barat Kota Bandarlampung. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif analitis dengan pendekatan kualitatif yang berfungsi menggambarkan dan menjelaskan suatu realitas yang kompleks dengan menerapkan konsep dan teori yang telah dikembangkan oleh ilmuwan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan analisis ditemukan bahwa (1) pola pendidikan keluarga nelayan punggawa dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai kecakapan hidup lebih cenderung pada pola pendidikan partisipasi. (2) Keluarga sawi dalam proses pendidikan nilai-nilai kecakapan hidup, cenderung menggunakan pola represif dari anggota keluarganya yang lebih dewasa kepada anggota keluarga yang lebih muda, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. (3) Proses penerapan nilai-nilai kecakapan hidup punggawa dan sawi di dalam sistem sosial ekonomi masyarakat nelayan Bagang etnis Bugis Perantauan di wilayah Kelurahan Kota Karang terjadi karena adanya keinginan masyarakat untuk tetap bertahan hidup dengan eksistensinya sebagai masyarakat nelayan yang khas dengan tradisinya

    Prediksi Utang Luar Negeri Indonesia dengan Menganalisis Cadangan Devisa terhadap Nilai Ekspor Indonesia Periode Tahun 2003 - 2016

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    Indonesia's foreign debt has increased dramatically in the last decade both government and private debt, and has taken up a portion of Indonesia's state budget (APBN). The amount of principal payments and debt interest is almost double the Indonesian development budget. For this reason, an effort is needed to pay it off, that is, every country needs foreign exchange reserves as a means of foreign payment, export activities will increase the country's foreign exchange reserves, which in turn can strengthen economic fundamentals. One of the government's efforts to obtain foreign exchange from abroad is by making loans to other countries (foreign debt) and exporting the results of natural resources and non-natural resources abroad. From the results of this foreign exchange can be used to increase state development funds. This study uses multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that: Multiple linear regression analysis can be used to predict Indonesia's foreign debt by analyzing foreign exchange reserves against Indonesia's export value; There is a large (significant) partial effect between foreign exchange reserves and foreign debt; There is no significant (partial) significant effect between the value of exports on foreign debt

    Analisis Kata Adil Dalam Al-qur'an

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    تسعى هذه المقالة إلى بيان معاني العدل في القرآن الكريم، والعدل في القرآن له معان عدة مختلفة، والمعهود عندنا أن العدل هو نوع من الصفات الحميدة فقط، إلا أن سياق الآيات التي أوردت لفظ العدل قد تؤثر في معانيه وتتغير. وفي هذه المقالة سرد لمعاني العدل الاصطلاحية، وقد عرف العلماء معاني العدل واصطلحوه بما يرون من فهومهم، وفي القرآن نفسه عدة معان للعدل، وقد ذكر في القرآن العدل في أربعة عشر موضعا من السور بصيغة المصدر وأربعة عشر في ثلاثة عشر موضعا من السور بصيغة الأفعال: الماضي والمضارع والأمر وبعدة معا

    Indonesia's Challenge to Combat Climate Change Using Clean Energy

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    Indonesia as the biggest archipelago country and situated in equator is very vulnerable to the adverse effect of climate change. There are two main categories of efforts to handle the issues in climate change; that are how to mitigate it and how to adapt to the change. One of the main culprits of climate change is the emission of carbon gas due to fossil fuel energy utilization contributing 302 million tonnes CO2equivalent.President of the Republic of Indonesia in 2009 in the G-20 Meeting, Pittsburgh, USA, and in 2010 in COP 15 UNFCCC, Copenhagen, Denmark issued the national voluntary target to reduce greenhouse gas emission by year 2020 as much as 26% from business-as-usual by national domestic efforts. This emission reduction will further be improved as much as 41% from business-as-usual by International supports. The Government of Indonesia issued a national action plan to reduce greenhouse gases emission which is enforced by Presidential Regulation No. 61/2011. To achieve this target in energy sector,REFF-Burn (Reducing Emission from Fossil Fuel Burning) concept has been proposed by Sumiarso. Based on REFF-Burn Technology Portfolio, reducing emission from fossil-fuel burning is categorized in three different stages, which are pre-combustion, during combustion and post-combustion. In pre-combustion stage, utilization of clean energy is one of the wise choices. The perspective of the clean energy resources and utilization in Indonesia is discussed in this paper

    Penerapan Metode Forward-Backward Chaining pada Sistem Pakar Pencegahan dan Pengobatan Penyakit Sapi

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    Increasing the population of cattle in Aek Nagali village, especially in hamlet V, really helps the economy of the community, the health of the livestock raised by breeders is important for the animals themselves. It is difficult for veterinarians in Aek Nagali village so that it is the custom of people in the village where when their cows are sick and dying they are immediately slaughtered and the meat is traded. Even though this does not mean that the cow is suitable for consumption or not because there is a cow disease that can be transmitted to humans when eating beef. The purpose of this research is to build an expert system-based system that can provide an overview or decision. The method used is Forward Chaining and Backward Chaining in diagnosing cow disease. The discussion is focused on applying Forward Chaining and Backward Chaining rules and applying them to the system. From the results of research, the backward and forward methods provide information on how to prevent and treat cattle disease so that breeders can know what steps to take