3 research outputs found


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    The aim of this study is to discuss the new reading of Imam Saddiq debate based on intertextuality of Genette Theory. Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) engaged in discussions with various people during his lifetime and tried to show the truth based on the book and religion of his grandfather, the Messenger of God. This study used content analysis approach to analyse Imam Sadiq though and the results of the study was presented based on themes found in the data. The findings of this study shows that theories of Intertextuality, including the Intertextual theory of Kristova and Barthes and the theory of Genette's trans textuality, are new approaches to reading and criticizing texts. Genette proposed his theory of trans textuality on five bases, and intertextuality is one of his bases. After briefly introducing the theories of trans textuality using Genet's theory of intertextuality, this article deals with a new reading of Imam Sadiq's debates with different people. Using the descriptive-analytical method, it examines the text of the discussions with the verses and concepts of the Holy Quran, and the types of relationships intertextuality, expresses them.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membahas bacaan baru debat Imam Saddiq berdasarkan intertekstualitas Teori Genette. Imam Sadiq (saw) terlibat dalam diskusi dengan berbagai orang selama hidupnya dan mencoba untuk menunjukkan kebenaran berdasarkan kitab dan agama kakeknya, Rasulullah. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan analisis isi untuk menganalisis olah Imam Shadiq dan hasil kajian disajikan berdasarkan tema yang ditemukan dalam data. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa teori Intertekstualitas, termasuk teori Intertekstual Kristova dan Barthes serta teori transtekstualitas Genette, merupakan pendekatan baru dalam membaca dan mengkritik teks. Genette mengusulkan teorinya tentang tekstualitas trans pada lima landasan, dan intertekstualitas adalah salah satu landasannya. Setelah memperkenalkan secara singkat teori-teori transtekstualitas dengan menggunakan teori intertekstualitas Genet, artikel ini membahas bacaan baru tentang perdebatan Imam Shadiq dengan orang yang berbeda. Dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif-analitik, penelitian ini mengkaji teks pembahasan dengan ayat-ayat dan konsep-konsep Al-Qur'an, serta jenis-jenis hubungan intertekstualitas yang diungkapkannya

    The Hosoya index and the Merrifield-Simmons index of some graphs

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    The Hosoya index and the Merrifield-Simmons index are two types of graph invariants used in mathematical chemistry. In this paper, we give some formulas for computed these indices for some classes of corona product and link of two graphs. Furthermore, we obtain exact formulas of hosoya and Merrifield-Simmons indices for the set of bicyclic graphs, caterpillars and dual star