30 research outputs found

    The relationship between Internet addiction with depression and anxiety among Iranian adolescents

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    BACKGROUND: Currently, the Internet has become an indispensable part of individuals’ lives. Given the increasing use of the Internet, especially among students, it is essential to analyze its impacts on the psychological characteristics of individuals. The present study was carried out aiming to determine the relationship between Internet addiction with depression and anxiety among the adolescents. METHODS: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on all high school students of the city of Sanandaj, Iran. The study subjects included 595 students (285 girls and 310 boys) which were selected through cluster random sampling. The data collection tools in this study included Internet Addiction Test (IAT) by Young, Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Data were analyzed using SPSS software, regression analysis, and chi-square test. RESULTS: It has been found that 28.7% of the students had Internet addiction. There was a significant correlation between Internet addiction and depression (P < 0.001), anxiety (P < 0.001) and school grade (P = 0.002). However, no significant relationship was reported between Internet addiction and sex (P = 0.560), parental separation (P = 0.860) and parents’ death (P = 0.722). Moreover, the results of regression analysis showed that these variables altogether could predict 36% of Internet addiction among these subjects. CONCLUSION: The increasing Internet addiction in the Iranian society is associated with depression and anxiety. Therefore, providing educational programs for students and parents to use the Internet properly and diagnosis and treatment of Internet addiction among students are recommended

    The influence of incubator coating on the oxygen saturation per- centage of arterial blood of premature neonates admitted to neonatal intensive care

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    Introduction Nutrition problems in premature infants occur due to malformations and lack of coordination between sucking, swallowing, and breathing, and premature infants usually require neonatal intensive care unit care. This study was designed to evaluate the effect of incubator cover on the arterial O2 saturation of premature infants admitted to ne- onatal intensive care unit. Material and Methods This quasi-experimental study was performed on 70 neo- nates admitted to NICU of Ali Ibn Abi Talib Hospital in Zahedan who were randomly assigned into incubator cover (n=35) and control (n=35) groups. Intervention was performed in the intervention group by dark cloth with one side dark and the other side light. After intervention, infants' arterial O2 saturation was assessed. Data were an- alyzed using SPSS software version 16 and t test and Chi- square test. Results The mean of O2 saturation of neonates in the incubator group was 95.8 ± 0.6% and control 93.1± 1.1%. Results of t test showed mean of O2 saturation of neonates in the incubator group was significantly higher than control group (P <0.001). Conclusion In this study, incubator cover improved O2 saturation of premature neonates hospitalized in neonatal intensive care units and stable of oxygenation

    Maternal experiences about neonatal jaundice: a qualitative study.

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    Introduction Jaundice is the most common clinical condition in the newborn, requiring medical attention and hospital read- mission. This study was conducted to explore maternal experiences regarding their newborn jaundice. Material and Methods In the current qualitative study, conventional content analysis approach was used to explain 8 mothers’ experi- ences and perception of care provision for jaundiced in- fants were hospitalized in one of the hospitals affiliated to Zahedan University of Medical Sciences. Results According to data analysis, the following 3 main themes and 4 sub-themes emerged: the themes “Maternal aware- ness, a necessity in the treatment process” “The tradi- tional medicine, a paradox in healthcare and “The chal- lenges of treatment outcome in the main ones’, and the sub-themes “Recovery in the light of correct diagnosis” “Care sensitivity” “Understanding the disease” and “Family distress and concern”. Conclusion The findings of this study showed that mothers need to improve their information on jaundice and change their attitude towards it and its treatment

    The burden of disease and injury in Iran 2003

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The objective of this study was to estimate the burden of disease and injury in Iran for the year 2003, using Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) at the national level and for six selected provinces.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Methods developed by the World Health Organization for National Burden of Disease (NBD) studies were applied to estimate disease and injury incidence for the calculation of Years of Life Lost due to premature mortality (YLL), Years Lived with Disability (YLD), and DALYs. The following adjustments of the NBD methodology were made in this study: a revised list with 213 disease and injury causes, development of new and more specific disease modeling templates for cancers and injuries, and adjustment for dependent comorbidity. We compared the results with World Health Organization (WHO) estimates for Eastern Mediterranean Region, sub-region B in 2002.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We estimated that in the year 2003, there were 21,572 DALYs due to all diseases and injuries per 100,000 Iranian people of all ages and both sexes. From this total number of DALYs, 62% were due to disability premature deaths (YLD) and 38% were due to premature deaths (YLL); 58% were due to noncommunicable diseases, 28% – to injuries, and 14% – to communicable, maternal, perinatal, and nutritional conditions. Fifty-three percent of the total number of 14.349 million DALYs in Iran were in males, with 36.5% of the total due to intentional and unintentional injuries, 15% due to mental and behavioral disorders, and 10% due to circulatory system diseases; and 47% of DALYs were in females, with 18% of the total due to mental and behavioral disorders, 18% due to intentional and unintentional injuries, and 12% due to circulatory system diseases. The disease and injury causes leading to the highest number of DALYs in males were road traffic accidents (1.071 million), natural disasters (548 thousand), opioid use (510 thousand), and ischemic heart disease (434 thousand). The leading causes of DALYs in females were ischemic heart disease (438 thousand), major depressive disorder (420 thousand), natural disasters (419 thousand), and road traffic accidents (235 thousand). The burden of disease at the province level showed marked variability. DALY estimates by Iran's NBD study were higher than those for EMR-B by WHO.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The health and disease profile in Iran has made the transition from the dominance of communicable diseases to that of noncommunicable diseases and road traffic injuries. NBD results are to be used in health program planning, research, and resource allocation and generation policies and practices.</p