129 research outputs found

    Building Climate Resilience at NASA Ames

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    NASA Ames Research Center, located at the southern end of the San Francisco Bay (SFB) estuary has identified three primary vulnerabilities to changes in climate. The Ames Climate Adaptation Science Investigator (CASI) workgroup has studied each of these challenges to operations and the potential exposure of infrastructure and employees to an increased frequency of hazards. Sea level rise inundation scenarios for the SFB Area generally refer to projected scenarios in mean sea level rather than changes in extreme tides that could occur during future storm conditions. In the Summer of 2014, high resolution 3-D mapping of the low lying portion of Ames was performed. Those data are integrated with improved sea level inundation scenarios to identify the buildings, basements and drainage systems potentially affected. We will also identify the impacts of sea level and storm surge effects on transportation to and from the Center. This information will help Center Management develop future Master Plans. Climate change will also lead to changes in temperature, storm frequency and intensity. These changes have potential impacts on localized floods and ecosystems, as well as on electricity and water availability. Over the coming decades, these changes are going to be imposed on top of ongoing land use and land cover changes, especially those deriving from continued urbanization and increase in impervious surface areas. These coupled changes have the potential to create a series of cascading impacts on ecosystems, including changes in primary productivity and disturbance of hydrological properties and increased flood risk.The majority of the electricity used at Ames is supplied by hydroelectric dams, which will be influenced by reductions in precipitation or changes in the timing or phase of precipitation which reduces snow pack. Coupled with increased demand for summertime air conditioning and other cooling needs, NASA Ames is at risk for electricity shortfalls. To assess the anticipated energy usage as climate changes, the Ames CASI team is collecting historical energy usage data from Ames facilities, historical weather data, and projected future weather parameters from the CASI Climate subgroup. This data will be incorporated into the RETScreen model to predict how energy usage at Ames will change over the coming century

    NASA Science in the Middle of Nowhere: Measuring Greenhouse Gases in Railroad Valley, NV

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    In June 2011, scientists from NASA's Ames Research Center joined a multi-institute team of researchers to investigate carbon dioxide and methane gas emissions from a dry lake bed and the neighboring environment in Railroad Valley, Nevada. Measurements were taken from the ground and onboard two aircraft, and the data will be compared to those measured by the GOSAT satellite. During the campaign, the Ames team conducted a series of flights with an unmanned aircraft system (UAS) known as SIERRA and with a modified Alpha Jet. Methane emissions were also measured from hot and cold springs in the area, and soil microbiology was explored to determine the origin of the methane. This talk will describe the instrumentation and airborne platforms used, as well as preliminary results

    Up in the Air: Methane and Ozone over California

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    The Alpha Jet Atmospheric eXperiment (AJAX) at NASA Ames Research Center measures in-situ carbon dioxide, methane, and ozone concentrations in the Earth's atmosphere several times each month. The AJAX team studies local photochemical smog production, provides data for long-term studies of trans-Pacific transport of pollution, and supports the observation of greenhouse gases from satellites. The aircraft is stationed at Moffett Field and is outfitted with scientific instruments to measure trace gas concentrations and 3-D wind speeds. Vertical profiles from near the surface up to approximately 27,000 ft are routinely collected over locations such as: Merced, Edwards Air Force Base, Railroad Valley, NV, and over the Pacific Ocean. In addition, boundary layer measurements scout for surface sources such as fires, oil gas infrastructure, livestock, and urban pollution. This talk will focus on recent observations over dairy operations, fossil fuel infrastructure, and wildfires

    A Study of Ozone at Railroad Valley, NV and Trinidad Head, CA

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    A STUDY OF OZONE AT RAILROAD VALLEY, NV and TRINIDAD HEAD, CA Ozone (Oᴣ) is a form of oxygen that protects the planet Earth from deadly ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun; without this triatomic molecule high in the atmosphere, life processes on the planet would be impossible. Ozone is an air pollutant and toxic in the lowest part of the atmosphere, and inhaling it could cause permanent damage to animals’ respiratory system. Long term exposure to high concentration of ozone has been linked with the development of asthma in children. Because of its complicated role in our atmosphere, scientists are studying its depletion and recovery in the stratosphere, and the minimization of ozone formation in the atmospheric boundary layer (the lowest part of the atmosphere). Here at NASA Ames Research Center (ARC), the Atmospheric Branch of Earth Science Division is conducting a study to examine and compare ozone concentrations in the atmospheric boundary layer (0 to ~2 km above the surface of the Earth) to those of the free troposphere (~2 km to ~10 km, where regional transport occurs), and to validate the accuracy of the ozone instrument used in the experiment. Using a 2BTechnology, Inc., Dual Beam Ozone Monitor installed inside the wing pod of an Alpha jet aircraft based at Moffett Field vertical profiles of ozone concentrations have been collected at Trinidad Head, California, and Railroad Valley (RRV), Nevada. The airborne data at Trinidad Head are also compared to standard measurements collected by the National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration (NOAA) using a balloonborne DMT Electrochemical Concentration Cell Ozonesonde. My area of research is to support the calibration of the ozone instrument, to aggregate ozone measurements, and to analyze data collected from the three subject locations

    Favorável de infecção por SARS-COV-2 em paciente com insuficiência hipofisária

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    Background: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) outbreak originated in Wuhan (China) rapidly turned into a pandemic. Due to a national compulsive decree of quarantine, office visits for chronic disease control were delay.Hypopituitarism includes all clinical conditions that result in partial or complete failure of the pituitary gland's ability to secrete hormones. Pituitary insufficiency per sehas been associated with an increase in both morbidity and mortality, particularly due tocardiovascular disease, which is an important risk factor for COVID-19 disease severity. Objective: To report the first case of SARS-CoV-2 infection in a patient with hypopituitarism, discuss the implications of the treatments the patient was taking and grade up the value of telemedicine in the present scenario. Methods: Report of the clinical record of a patient with hypopituitarism and infection with SARS-CoV-2. Results: During the span of the infection, the patient remained on the same hormonal therapeutic scheme (thyroid, gonadal and adrenal axis). The dose of hydrocortisone was not changed during the course of the infection as she was asymptomatic. We use telemedicine to control and advise her on the treatment. Conclusion: Health care professionals should carefully follow up on the evolution of patients with hypopituitarism to provide them a safer outcome. The use of telemedicine as a methodology for selected patients acquires relevance in the present epidemiological context.Introducción: El nuevo coronavirus 2 del Síndrome Respiratorio Agudo Grave (SARS-CoV-2), la cepa viral que está causando la enfermedad pandémica conocida como COVID-19, está generando un desafío sin precedentes para los sistemas de salud de todo el mundo. Dicho escenario puede favorecer el deterioro de las patologías crónicas por la dificultad en el acceso al sistema sanitario. El hipopituitarismo es una condición clínica que se asocia a comorbilidades desfavorables en la evolución de la infección por coronavirus. Objetivo: reportar el primer caso de infección por SARS-CoV-2 en una paciente con hipopituitarismo. Métodos: se describe el primer caso de una mujer con insuficiencia hipofisaria e infección por SARS-CoV-2. Se destaca el aporte de la telemedicina como estrategia para seguir al paciente en forma remota. Resultados: la paciente permaneció con el mismo esquema de terapia de reemplazo hormonal (eje tiroideo, gonadal y adrenal). Se implementó la telemedicina para asesorar sobre la adaptación del tratamiento. Debido a que cursó el proceso infeccioso en forma asintomática no se modificó la dosis de hidrocortisona, evidenciando una evolución favorable. Conclusiones: los profesionales de la salud deben permanecer atentos y vigilar la evolución de los pacientes con insuficiencia hipofisaria e infección por SARS-CoV-2. El uso de la telemedicina, en pacientes seleccionados, se jerarquiza en el contexto epidemiológico actual.Introdução: O novo coronavírus 2 da Síndrome Respiratória Aguda Grave (SARS-CoV-2), a cepa viral que está causando a doença pandêmica conhecida como COVID-19, está criando um desafio sem precedentes para os sistemas de saúde em todo o mundo. Esse cenário pode favorecer o agravamento das patologias crônicas devido à dificuldade de acesso ao sistema de saúde. O hipopituitarismo é uma condição clínica associada a comorbidades desfavoráveis na evolução da infecção por coronavírus. Objetivo:relatar o primeiro caso de infecção por SARS-CoV-2 em paciente com hipopituitarismo. Métodos: é descrito o primeiro caso de uma mulher com insuficiência hipofisária e infecção por SARS-CoV-2. A contribuição da telemedicina é destacada como estratégia para acompanhar o paciente à distância. Resultados: a paciente permaneceu com o mesmo esquema de terapia de reposição hormonal (eixo tireoidiano, gonadal e adrenal). A telemedicina foi implantada para orientar sobre a adaptação do tratamento. Devido ao processo infeccioso assintomático, a dose de hidrocortisona não foi modificada, apresentando evoluçãofavorável. Conclusões: os profissionais de saúde devem permanecer vigilantes e acompanhar a evolução dos pacientes com insuficiência hipofisária e infecção por SARS-CoV-2. O uso da telemedicina, em pacientes selecionados, é hierárquico no contexto epidemiológico atual.publishedVersionFil: Fux Otta, Carolina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas; Argentina.Fil: Moreno, Laura. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas; Argentina.Fil: Vitaloni, Roberto. Dirección de Epidemiología del Departamento Castellanos de la Provincia de Santa Fe; Argentina.Fil: Iraci, Gabriel S. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas; Argentina

    Testing and Improving a UAV-Based System Designed for Wetland Methane Source Measurements

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    Wetlands are the single highest emitting methane source category, but the magnitude of wetland fluxes remains difficult to fully characterize due to their large spatial extent and heterogeneity. Fluxes can vary with land surface conditions, vegetation type, and seasonal changes in environmental conditions. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are an emerging platform to better characterize spatial variability in these natural ecosystems. While presenting some advantages over traditional techniques like towers and flux chambers, in that they are mobile vertically and horizontally, their use is still challenging, requiring continued improvement in sensor technology and field measurement approaches. In this work, we employ a small, fast response laser spectrometer on a Matrice 600 hexacopter. The system was previously deployed successfully for 40 flights conducted in a four-day period in 2018 near Fairbanks, Alaska. These flights revealed several potential areas for improvement, including: vertical positioning accuracy, the need for sensor health indicators, and approaches to deal with low wind speeds. An additional set of flights was conducted this year near Antioch in California. Flights were conducted several meters above ground up to 15-25 m in a curtain pattern. These curtains were flown both upwind and downwind of a tower site, allowing us to calculate a mass balance methane flux estimate that can be compared to eddy covariance fluxes from the tower. Testing will better characterize the extent to which altitude drifts in-flight and how GPS values compare with measurements from the onboard LIDAR, as well as the agreement between two-dimensional wind speed and direction on the ground versus measured onboard the UAV. Hardware improvements to the sensor and GPS are being considered to help reduce these sources of uncertainty. Results of this testing and how system performance relates to needs for quantifying wetland fluxes, will be presented

    Analyzing Carbon Dioxide and Methane Emissions in California Using Airborne Measurements and Model Simulations

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    Greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations have increased over the past decades and are linked to global temperature increases and climate change. These changes in climate have been suggested to have varying effects, and uncertain consequences, on agriculture, water supply, weather, sea-level rise, the economy, and energy. To counteract the trend of increasing atmospheric concentrations of GHGs, the state of California has passed the California Global Warming Act of 2006 (AB-32). This requires that by the year 2020, GHG (e.g., carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4)) emissions will be reduced to 1990 levels. To quantify GHG fluxes, emission inventories are routinely compiled for the State of California (e.g., CH4 emissions from the California Greenhouse Gas Emissions Measurement (CALGEM) Project). The major sources of CO2 and CH4 in the state of California are: transportation, electricity production, oil and gas extraction, cement plants, agriculture, landfills/waste, livestock, and wetlands. However, uncertainties remain in these emission inventories because many factors contributing to these processes are poorly quantified. To alleviate these uncertainties, a synergistic approach of applying air-borne measurements and chemical transport modeling (CTM) efforts to provide a method of quantifying local and regional GHG emissions will be performed during this study. Additionally, in order to further understand the temporal and spatial distributions of GHG fluxes in California and the impact these species have on regional climate, CTM simulations of daily variations and seasonality of total column CO2 and CH4 will be analyzed. To assess the magnitude and spatial variation of GHG emissions and to identify local hot spots, airborne measurements of CH4 and CO2 were made by the Alpha Jet Atmospheric eXperiment (AJAX) over the San Francisco Bay Area (SFBA) and San Joaquin Valley (SJV) in January and February 2013 during the Discover-AQ-CA study. High mixing ratios of GHGs were observed in-flight with a high degree of spatial variability. To provide an additional method to quantify GHG emissions, and analyze AJAX measurement data, the GEOS-Chem CTM is used to simulate SFBA/SJV GHG measurements. A nested-grid version of GEOS-Chem will be applied and utilizes varying emission inventories and model parameterizations to simulate GHG fluxes/emissions. The model considers CO2 fluxes from fossil fuel use, biomass/biofuel burning, terrestrial and oceanic biosphere exchanges, shipping and aviation, and production from the oxidation of carbon monoxide, CH4, and non-methane volatile organic carbons. The major sources of CH4 simulated in GEOS-Chem are domesticated animals, rice fields, natural gas leakage, natural gas venting/flaring (oil production), coal mining, wetlands, and biomass burning. Preliminary results from the comparison between available observations (e.g., AJAX and CALGEM CH4 emission maps) and GEOS-Chem results will be presented, along with a discussion of CO2 and CH4 source apportionment and the use of the GEOS-Chem-adjoint to perform inverse GHG modeling

    Four Years of Airborne Measurements of Wildfire Emissions in California, with a Focus on the Evolution of Emissions During the Soberanes Megafire

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    Biomass burning is an important source of trace gases and particles which can influence air quality on local, regional, and global scales. With wildfire events increasing due to changes in land use, increasing population, and climate change, characterizing wildfire emissions and their evolution is vital. In this work we report in situ airborne measurements of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), water vapor (H2O), ozone (O3), and formaldehyde (HCHO) from nine wildfire events in California between 2013 and 2016, which were sampled as part of the Alpha Jet Atmospheric eXperiment (AJAX) based at NASA Ames Research Center. One of those fires, the Soberanes Megafire, began on 22 July 2016 and burned for three months. During that time, five flights were executed to sample emissions near and downwind of the Soberanes wildfire. In situ data are used to determine enhancement ratios (ERs), or excess mixing ratio relative to CO2, as well as assess O3 production from the fire. Changes in the emissions as a function of fire evolution are explored. Air quality impacts downwind of the fire are addressed using ground-based monitoring site data, satellite smoke products, and the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) photochemical grid model

    Characterization of Wildfire Emissions in California: Analysis of Airborne Measurements of Trace Gases from 2013 to 2016

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    Biomass burning, which includes wildfires, prescribed, and agricultural fires, is an important source of trace gases and particles, and can influence air quality on a local, regional, and global scale. Biomass burning emissions are an important source of several key trace gases including carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). With the threat of wildfire events increasing due to changes in land use, increasing population, and climate change, the importance of characterizing wildfire emissions is vital. In this work we characterize trace gas emissions from 9 wildfire events in California between 2013 2016, in some cases with multiple measurements performed during different burn periods of a specific wildfire. During this period airborne measurements of CO2, CH4, water vapor (H2O), ozone (O3), and formaldehyde (HCHO) were made by the Alpha Jet Atmospheric eXperiment (AJAX). Located in the Bay Area of California, AJAX is a joint effort between NASA Ames Research Center and H211, LLC. AJAX makes in-situ airborne measurements of trace gases 2-4 times per month, resulting in 229 flights to date since 2011. Results presented include emission ratios (ER) of trace gases measured by AJAX during fire flights, and comparisons of ERs are made for each fire, which differ in time, location, burning intensity, and fuel type. We also use our airborne measurements to compare with photochemical grid model results to assess model approximations of plume transport and chemical evolution from select wildfires