24 research outputs found

    Epidemiology of HIV Infection and AIDS in Croatia – An Overview

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    This article presents an overview of HIV/AIDS epidemiology and surveillance in Croatia 20 years after the first documented case of AIDS in the country. Here we describe strategies employed for HIV/AIDS surveillance in Croatia as well as preliminary results of HIV seroprevalence among most-at-risk populations (MARPs) research conducted by the Infectious Diseases Epidemiology Service at the Croatian National Institute of Public Health (CNIPH). Croatia has a low incidence and prevalence of HIV and AIDS. At the end of 2005, there were 553 documented cases of HIV infection, 239 of which progressed to AIDS. In Croatia, AIDS is being registered within MARPs only and dominantly among men who have sex with men (MSM). AIDS patients and HIV infected persons are found in all parts of the country. Crude prevalence of HIV among MARPs was found to be 0.9%. It is necessary to continue with current prevention and control measures in the country, and to create a culture of awareness and precaution, a strategy that has proven effective in reducing risk of HIV infection

    Risk Behaviors for Getting HIV Infection among the Croatian Men Who Have Sex With Men

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    This study was conducted with the aim of obtaining the very first information on the sexual risk behavior of Croatian men who have sex with men (MSM). There were 1127 respondents recruited at four venues: three physical meeting places of the Croatian MSM population (disco club, bar and sauna) in Zagreb and one virtual (gay oriented web-site) meeting place of the Croatian MSM population. The overall response rate was only 19%. The rate of condom use during last anal intercourse was 59% and 56% of those who used a lubricant had chosen an incorrect product to use with latex condoms. There was no connection between drug-use and unprotected anal intercourse (UAI). Only a fifth of those who had also had sex with women (MSM/MSW) during last 12 months regularly used protection. The obtained findings will serve for focused and effective prevention activities and a basis for comparison in future research

    Druga generacija praćenja HIV infekcije i AIDS-a u Republici Hrvatskoj

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     U prosincu 2006. godine izašla je publikacija   kao jedan od produkata Projekta «Unapređenja borbe protiv HIV/AIDS-a u Hrvatskoj » Ministarstva zdravstva i socijalne skrbi, Programa HIV-5 «Poboljšanja praćenja HIV-infekcije u Hrvatskoj » Hrvatskog zavoda za javno zdravstvo. Publikacija se zove «Druga generacija praćenja HIV infekcije i AIDS-a u Republici Hrvatskoj » s Irom Gjenero Margan kao glavnom autoricom i suradnicima

    Epidemiološka izvješća

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    Epidemiologija zaraze HIV-om u Hrvatskoj od 1985. do 2007. godin

    Cijepljenje protiv bolesti uzrokovanih HPV tipovima 6, 11, 16 i 18

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    Agencija za lijekove i medicinske proizvode Republike Hrvatske je 19. rujna 2007.izdala odobrenje za puštanje u promet četverovalentnog HPV cjepiva.Gardasil (Merck & Co., inc.) je rekombinantno, adsorbirano cjepivo protiv humanog papilomavirusa tipova 6, 11, 16 i 18, namijenjeno sprečavanju teške displazije i raka vrata maternice i teške displazije stidnice uzrokovanih HPV-om tipa 16 i 18, te vanjskih genitalnih bradavica uzrokovanih HPV-om tipa 6 i 11

    Sexualverhalten kroatischer Seeleute und Nautikstudenten und ihr Kenntnisstand bezüglich übertragbarer Geschlechtskrankheiten

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    Cilj je ovoga rada bio ispitati stavove i znanje hrvatskih pomoraca i studenata pomorstva o spolno prenosivim bolestima. Za ispitivanje je upotrijebljen anonimni anketni upitnik. Ukupno su ispitane 482 osobe (37,8% ~asnika, 27,4% studenata pomorstva i 34,8% ostalih ~lanova posade). Skupine su uspore|ivane s obzirom na obrazovanje i `ivotnu dob. Rezultati pokazuju da je od spolno prenosivih bolesti najmanje jednom u `ivotu bolovalo najvi{e ispitanika u skupni "ostali ~lanovi posade" (54,8%), zatim pomorskih ~asnika (23,1%), a najmanje je bilo bolesnih studenata (4,5%). Spremnost na stupanje u seksualni odnos, iako imaju stalnu partnericu, pokazuju najvi{e ostali ~lanovi posade (82,1%), zatim ~asnici (70,3%) te studenti (53%). Razlike su statisti~ki zna~ajne. Najvi{e znanja o spolno prenosivim bolestima pokazuju studenti, zatim pomorski ~asnici, a onda ostali ~lanovi posade. Na epidemiolo{ke posljedice ovakva znanja i pona{anja upozorava ~injenica da 15% oboljelih od AIDS-a u Hrvatskoj ~ine pomorci te da me|u njima nema ~asnika. Stoga dr`imo da treba organizirati dopunsku edukaciju pomoraca, poglavito onih ni`ega obrazovnog nivoa, glede spolno prenosivih bolesti.The aim of the study was to assess the behaviors and knowledge of Croatian seamen and nautical students about sexually transmitted diseases. The study was performed by use of an anonymous questionnaire. The study sample included 482 subjects (37.8% of them officers, 27.4% nautical students, and 34.8% other crew members). Comparison was performed on a dual basis, i.e. according to the level of education and age. Study results revealed the highest rate of infection with a sexually transmitted disease at least once in a lifetime in the group of other crew members (54.8%), followed by the group of officers (23.1%), whereas the lowest rate was recorded among nautical students (4.5%). The group of other crew members were most willing to have sexual affairs in spite of having a steady partner (82.1%), followed by officers (70.3%) and nautical students (53%), the differences being statistically significant. The highest level of knowledge about sexually transmitted diseases was recorded in the group of nautical students, followed by officers and other crew members. The serious epidemiological consequences of these unfavorable attitudes and behavioral patterns are indicated by the fact that seamen account for 15% of subjects suffering from the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in Croatia, however, there are no HIV+/AIDS infected nautical officers. These data obviously point to the need of additional education of seamen, especially those of a lower educational level (other crew members), on sexually transmitted diseases.Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war, die Einstellungen und den Kenntnisstand kroatischer Seeleute und Nautikstudenten bezüglich übertragbarer Geschlechtskrankheiten zu untersuchen. Dazu wurde ein anonymer Fragebogen eingesetzt. An der Umfrage nahmen 482 Personen teil, darunter 37,8% Offiziere, 27,4% Nautikstudenten und 34,8% übrige Mitglieder der Schiffsbesatzung. Anhand zweier verschiedener Kriterien wurde ein Vergleich durchgeführt: Das erste Kriterium war das Bildungsniveau, das zweite das Alter. Die Umfrage ergab, dass die meisten Personen, die mindestens einmal im Leben an einer übertragbaren Geschlechtskrankheit erkrankt sind (54,8%), aus der Gruppe der "übrigen Besatzungsmitglieder" kommen. An zweiter Stelle liegen Marineoffiziere (23,1%). Die wenigsten Krankheitsfälle sind unter den Studenten zu verzeichnen (4,5%). Die größte Bereitschaft zu sexuellem Verkehr zeigen – trotz der ständigen Partnerin zu Hause – übrige Besatzungsmitglieder (82,1%), sodann Offiziere (70,3%) und Studenten (53%). Die Unterschiede sind statistisch relevant. Den größten Wissensstand bezüglich übertragbarer Geschlechtskrankheiten haben Studenten aufzuweisen, sodann Offiziere und übrige Besatzungsmitglieder. Die epidemiologischen Folgen werden in der Tatsache anschaulich, dass 15% aller AIDS-Kranker in Kroatien aus den Reihen der Seeleute kommen und dass es unter den HIV-Positiven bzw. den an AIDS Erkrankten keine Offiziere gibt. Die Verfasserin des Artikels hält es daher für notwendig, Seeleute mit niedrigerem Bildungsstand ("übrige Besatzungsmitglieder") durch eine zusätzliche Aufklärungskampagne zum Problem übertragbarer Geschlechtskrankheiten zu eduzieren

    Higijena u postrojbi

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    Krajem lipnja 1991. godine, Jugoslavenska armija napala je Republiku Sloveniju i svima u Hrvatskoj jasno pokazala što nas očekuje slijedećih tjedana. Preventivno zdravstveni stožer je 04. srpnja 1991. godine izradio naputak “Higijena u postrojbi" za potrebe izgradnje Hrvatske vojske i do sada taj naputak nije bio javno objavljen. Pojedine navedene preporuke ne odgovaraju mirnodobskim normama