Risk Behaviors for Getting HIV Infection among the Croatian Men Who Have Sex With Men


This study was conducted with the aim of obtaining the very first information on the sexual risk behavior of Croatian men who have sex with men (MSM). There were 1127 respondents recruited at four venues: three physical meeting places of the Croatian MSM population (disco club, bar and sauna) in Zagreb and one virtual (gay oriented web-site) meeting place of the Croatian MSM population. The overall response rate was only 19%. The rate of condom use during last anal intercourse was 59% and 56% of those who used a lubricant had chosen an incorrect product to use with latex condoms. There was no connection between drug-use and unprotected anal intercourse (UAI). Only a fifth of those who had also had sex with women (MSM/MSW) during last 12 months regularly used protection. The obtained findings will serve for focused and effective prevention activities and a basis for comparison in future research

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