17 research outputs found

    Happiness, Gratitude, Life Satisfaction, and Life Orientation among Working and Non-working Individuals

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    The study was conducted to find differences among working and non-working individuals regarding happiness, gratitude, life satisfaction, and life orientation. Convenient sampling technique was used to collect the data. The sample consisted of 300 individuals; 150 were working and 150 were non-working individuals. Out of 150 working participants, 75 participants were bankers and 75 were teachers. The non-working sample consisted of 75 males and 75 females. Oxford Happiness Questionnaire, The Gratitude Questionnaire-six item form (GQ- 6), Satisfaction with Life Scale and Life Orientation Test-Revised were used to measure happiness, gratitude, life satisfaction, and life orientation respectively. Correlation unveiled that happiness, gratitude, life satisfaction, and life orientation were positively correlated. Independent sample t-test showed that working individuals were happier, more grateful, and more satisfied with life as compared to non-working individuals while non-working females showed higher levels of gratitude, satisfaction, and positive life orientation than non-working men. Further independent sample t test indicated that bankers were happier than teachers. Multiple regression analysis showed that happiness and gratitude predict life satisfaction

    Effects of Fertilizers on Copper and Nickel Accumulation and Human Health Risk Assessment of Vegetables and Food Crops

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    Despite the fact that fertilizers have been used for millennia for sustainable crop production, this high and considerable dependence on fertilizers heightens environmental concerns with the indirect human exposure due to accumulation of toxins in food chain via soil contamination. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the application of fertilizers to the soil and their effect on the accumulation of copper and nickel in spinach (Spinacia oleracea), garlic (Allium sativum), wheat (Triticum aestivum), maize (Zea mays), and barley (Hordeum vulgare); as well as potential health concerns associated with consuming vegetables cultivated on this contaminated land. Samples of available soil, food crops, and human blood were collected from three different Tehsils: Bhalwal, Sahiwal, and Silanwali and were regarded as site 1, site 2 and site 3 respectively. Urea, farmyard manure, and potassium chloride were delivered to Site 1; urea phosphate, manure, and ammonium sulphate were delivered to Site 2; and superphosphate, ammonium phosphate, and nitrate phosphate were delivered to Site 3. Data was subjected to statistical analysis for computing out ANOVA and correlation. Analysis revealed that minimum copper concentration was found in the soil of T. aestivum grown at Site-1 while the inhabitants of Site 3 had the highest concentration of Cu in their blood. The highest level of HIR was found in the human beings that ate the S. oleracea grown at Site 3. It is strongly advised that fertilizers be used sparingly, as their excessive use can cause human health risks

    Preventing the spread of Tuberculosis via refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants entering Sweden : A study of health communication, prevention strategies, policies and recommendations

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    Sverige har under många decennier sett en minskning av tuberkulos (TBC), men infektionen har kontinuerligt ökat från 2003. Majoriteten av TBC-fallen är personer som är födda utanför Sverige. Hälsotillståndet har förbättrats i Sverige men det finns fortfarande problem. Kommunikationen mellan flyktingar och sjukvårdsspecialister är bristande idag, vilket resulterar att endast ett fåtal genomgår hälsokontroller. Detta kan leda till en ökning av infektioner och sjukdomar i Sverige. Denna studie undersöker hur hälsokommunikationen idag fungerar mellan den svenska sjukvården, nyanlända immigranter, asylsökande och flyktingar, samt vilken typ av vård som finns tillgänglig för flyktingar med hög risk för att utveckla TBC. Specifikt syftar studien till att förstå på vilket sätt kommunikation brister på samt analysera vilka sätt det finns för att en reducering av TBC i Sverige ska kunna ske och hur kommunikationen kan förbättras. Studien har genomförts med hjälp av både primära källor i form av intervjuer och sekundära källor. Baserat på de intervjuer och sekundära källor som genomförts i studien dras slutsatsen att trots att den svenska sjukvården utvecklas positivt så finns det en hel del brister - hälsokommunikation är bristande idag mellan nyanlända flyktingar, sjukvårdspersonal och myndigheter. En av huvudorsakerna som informanterna i studien nämnt är språket, mycket av det som skrivs och sägs är på svenska. Det är viktigt att en mer välfungerad hälsokommunikation utvecklas mellan de nyanlända flyktingarna, sjukvårdspersonal och myndigheterna för att det ska kunna underlättas för flyktingar att söka vård och samarbeta med sjukvårdspersonal med deras arbete för att kunna förhindra spridning av TBC och andra sjukdomar och infektioner i Sverige. Sweden has for many decades witnessed a decrease of the spread of tuberculosis (TB), but between the years of 2003-2012 a new pattern has emerged with refugees carrying TB entering the country and contributing to a situation where the infection has slowly begun to spread again. The communication between the refugees and the health professionals has been inefficient, which inevitably results in fewer refugees undergoing health examinations. This in turn can lead to an increase of infections and diseases. The purpose of this study is to examine the current health communication between Swedish health professionals and immigrants, asylum seekers and refugees, and to give an overview of what type of health care currently exist for refugees with a high risk of TB. This is done to understand what is missing in the communication process, what has been done in order to improve the situation, and how it can be further improved in order to prevent TB. In order to fulfill the purpose of this study, a qualitative method has been used combining text analysis of interviews and secondary sources. This study has shown based on the interviews and secondary sources that the Swedish prevention work regarding TB is developing positively in general, but the communication between newly arrived refugees, health professionals and authorities in Sweden is lacking due to the fact that most of what is written and said in this communication process is in Swedish. This makes it difficult for the refugees to understand what is communicated and is stated as one of the main reasons why many refugees do not undergo health examinations, combined with the lack of awareness. Therefore a better functioning health communication between refugees, authorities and health professionals is required to support refugees seeking health care, as well as co-operating with health professionals to prevent the spread of not only TB but other infections and diseases in Sweden

    Inspiration of induced magnetic field on nano hyperbolic tangent fluid in a curved channel

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    In this research, peristaltic flow of nano hyperbolic tangent fluid is investigated in a curved channel. The model used for the nanofluid includes the effects of thermophoresis and Brownian motion. The resulting equations are assembled in wave frame of reference under the effects of curvature. Influence of induced magnetic field is studied. Long wavelength and low Reynolds number supposition are treated. The travelling wave front of peristaltic flow is chosen sinusoidal (extension /reduction). Analytical solutions are computed by homotopy perturbation method. Results of substantial quantities are explained with particular attention to rheological aspects

    Corrugated walls analysis in microchannels through porous medium under Electromagnetohydrodynamic (EMHD) effects

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    This study looks for corrugated walls analysis in microchannels through porous medium under the impact of Electromagnetohydrodynamic (EMHD) effects. The incompressible and electrically conducting second grade fluid is considered between the two slit microparallel plates. The periodic sinusoidal waves are described for the small amplitude either in phase or out of phase for the corrugations of two wavy walls. By employing mathematical computation, we evaluated the corrugation effects on velocity for EMHD flow. By using perturbation technique, we investigated the analytical solutions of the velocity and volume flow rate. The influence of all parameters on velocity and the mean velocity profiles have been analyzed through graphs. The important conclusion from the analysis is that the small value of amplitude ratio parameter reduces the unobvious wave effect on the velocity. Keywords: Electromagnetohydrodynamic, Corrugated walls, Porous medium, Second grade fluid, Perturbation metho

    Happiness, Gratitude, Life Satisfaction, and Life Orientation among Working and Non-working Individuals

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    The study was conducted to find differences among working and non-working individuals regarding happiness, gratitude, life satisfaction, and life orientation. Convenient sampling technique was used to collect the data. The sample consisted of 300 individuals; 150 were working and 150 were non-working individuals. Out of 150 working participants, 75 participants were bankers and 75 were teachers. The non-working sample consisted of 75 males and 75 females. Oxford Happiness Questionnaire, The Gratitude Questionnaire-six item form (GQ- 6), Satisfaction with Life Scale and Life Orientation Test-Revised were used to measure happiness, gratitude, life satisfaction, and life orientation respectively. Correlation unveiled that happiness, gratitude, life satisfaction, and life orientation were positively correlated. Independent sample t-test showed that working individuals were happier, more grateful, and more satisfied with life as compared to non-working individuals while non-working females showed higher levels of gratitude, satisfaction, and positive life orientation than non-working men. Further independent sample t test indicated that bankers were happier than teachers. Multiple regression analysis showed that happiness and gratitude predict life satisfaction

    Changing social relations of HIV infected people with families and communities in Punjab, Pakistan

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    Background: It is observed that HIV infected people are facing multidimensional stigma, discrimination, blames, restrictions, ban, loathing and hateful behavior by their own families, community members, neighbors, and many more people who comes in daily contact with them. The objective of the study was to determine the problems of changing social relations that HIV/AIDS patients experiences in the families and communities. Materials and Methods:  The study was qualitative and cross-sectional in nature. The participants of the study were HIV infected people registered with Punjab AIDS Control Programme and enrolled at Public Hospitals and their key informants i.e. family members and medical practitioners. Purposive sampling technique was used to select the representative sample. A sample of 50 HIV infected people, 50 family members and 20 medical practitioners were interviewed. In-depth interviews were conducted with HIV infected people, family members and medical practitioners. The collected in-depth and enrich information was analyzed thematic analysis. Results: The diagnose of HIV reshape the identity of individual in the family and community. The social relations of HIV infected people change with the family and friends.&nbsp

    Effects of Decompression Therapy in Leg Pain and Straight Leg Rise in Patient with Lumbar Radiculopathy Due to Disc Protrusion

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    One among many disc problems is disc protrusion, which has more prevalence in outpatient department physical therapy management Centre globally. The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of lumbar spine decompression therapy and standard physical therapy treatment in patients with lumbar radiculopathy due to disc protrusion. The single-blind randomized control trial of 71 patients was conducted at Max Rehab & Physical Therapy Centre Islamabad, Pakistan. After setting inclusion criteria all the patients were randomly allocated into treatment and control group. Both group received standard physical therapy treatment including, Moist Hot pack, Lumbar Mobilization, Stretching & strengthening exercises. The only difference was that Decompression Group received additional Decompression therapy. The data included demographics and Numeric Pain Rating Scale score in supine lying position for the painful leg and Straight Leg Raise Range for the painful side. The values for leg pain for control group decreased from 6 to 3 and the value for straight leg raise increased from 15° to 49°. The values for leg pain for the Decompression Group decreased from 6 to 2 and the value for the straight leg raise increased from 10° to 48°, the p value for both the variables was <.001 showing statistically significant difference between pre and post values in treating patients leg pain and straight leg raise range of motion. It is concluded that decompression therapy is more effective in managing lumbar radiculopathy