1,388 research outputs found

    Expanded Dimensions Of The Purposes And Uses Of Performance Appraisal

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    This paper attempts to develop an understanding of performance appraisal (PA) and to identify inconsistencies in its purposes and uses through an analysis of previous studies. The paper explores the purposes and uses of PA in the literature and devises a scheme for classifying the practice of PA into four categories – administrative, developmental, strategic, and role definition. This work was done to expand our understanding of performance appraisal and to highlight its uses in connection with other human resource management and development functions. The study finds that previous researchers devoted the most attention to PA conducted for administrative purposes, followed by PA for developmental purposes; the strategic category of PA was studied somewhat, whereas PA for purposes of role definition was almost ignored. The author offers a full-scale inventory of the purposes and uses of PA for researchers, performance raters and ratees. The study proposes that raters need to focus on the broader dimensions of PA, not simply its administrative functions

    Evaluation of doctor's knowledge and practice with reference to clinical practice guideline (2009) Ministry of Health Malaysia on management of diabetes mellitus at Hospital Pulau Pinang

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    The available literature suggests that divergence of doctors with the recommendations of the guideline in the management of diabetes mellitus is the main reason for poor control of diabetes mellitus in patients. The current research in which 51 doctors were involved in the co-relational study conducted at Hospital Pulau Pinang (HPP). The aim was to evaluate the doctor's knowledge and prescription writing practices (diagnosis, screening and medication) on recommendations of Malaysian clinical practice guideline (CPG 2009) on diabetes mellitus, and factors concerning with the guideline adherence and diabetes mellitus control. Knowledge and attitude of doctors were evaluated by a validated questionnaire. Record of the patients written by 51 enrolled doctors to 1020 established diabetic patients (20 Record of the patients per enrolled doctor) with demographic and clinical information of the patients were noted by validated data collection tool. The taken record of the patients was classified as compliance or noncompliance with CPG 2009. SPSS version 20 was used for data analysis. Ap-value <0.05 was considered as statistically significant. The total 38 (74.5%) doctors were having adequate knowledge on recommendations of CPG 2009. Group of specialists were having good knowledge as compared with medical officers and house officers (p-value <0.03). Doctors were having highly positive and welcoming attitude on recommendations of CPG 2009 with mean attitude score of 36.64 ± 3.93 points ranging from 35-40 points on 50 point scale.Statistically strong association (p-value< 0.001) was observed between doctors knowledge and practice score. Seven hundred and fifty (73.5%) patients were receiving guidelines compliance therapy

    The Anatomy of Web Search Engines and Large-Scale Alterations in Ranking Algorithms

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    In the Research paper I explained about working Google Web indexing, crawling and ranking algorithms. On every new day Google and other search Engines are changing their way to index and rank website. It explains the way to get ranks your website with safest way and keep your business moving towards top positions. The paper provides in-depth analysis of all big hits of Google by updates in ranking algorithms. This paper addresses this question how to make a better strategy for getting in local search


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    Objective; To determine the efficacy of intravenous acetaminophen versus ketamine for postoperative pain after abdominal hysterectomy. Material and Methods; A total of 114 women undergoing abdominal hysterectomy were taken in this study. The study was conducted from June 2017 to May 2018 at department of Anesthesiology, Nishtar Hospital, Multan. Results; Our study comprised of 114 ladies undergoing abdominal hysterectomy, mean age of the study cases was 54.13 ± 6.89 years (with minimum age of the patients was 39 years while maximum age was 68 years). Majority of our study cases i.e. 92 (80.7 %) had parity more than 3 and American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA) score level 1 in 93 (81.6%). Sixty one (53.1%) belonged to rural areas, while mean duration of surgery was 72.80 ± 11.32 minutes. Mean BMI level in our study cases was noted to be 23.98 ±4.17 Kg/m2 and obesity was present in 34 (29.8%) of our study cases. Efficacy was noted in 60 (52.6 %) of our study cases. Efficacy was 73.7% study cases in group A while 18 (31.6%) in group B (p=0.000). Conclusion; Our study results support the use of intravenous acetaminophen (IVA) for pain management in patients undergoing abdominal hysterectomy compared with ketamine. Intravenous acetaminophen is safe, reliable and effective for the pain management in postoperative abdominal hysterectomy patients which was associated with shorter hospital stay and cost effective for the suffering families. No adverse reactions were noted in this study with the use of intravenous acetaminophen. Keywords; Intravenous acetaminophen, Ketamine, Abdominal Hysterectomy.


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    Objective: To know the frequency of carotid atherosclerosis in ischaemic stroke patients in our population using color Doppler ultrasound. Methodology: This is an observational study conducted in the department of Medicine Nishtar Hospital, Multan. All the patients admitted during this duration with CT scan proof of stroke were included in the study. Risk factors in all these patients were stratified. Doppler ultrasound was performed on all patients with ischaemic stroke according to the study protocol. Results: A total of 100 patients were included in this study over a period of five months. 66% of these were having cerebral infarction. Hypertension (72%), diabetes (35%), smoking (29%) and obesity (20%) were the common risk factors. The frequency of significant carotid atherosclerosis in acute ischaemic stroke patients was 21%. Conclusion: Carotid atherosclerosis is one of the most important indicators, predictors as well as an independent risk factor in the development of ischaemic stroke. KEY WORDS: Carotid, Atherosclerosis, Doppler ultrasound

    Shifting Paradigm in the Higher Education Sector of Pakistan during COVID-19: An Empirical Analysis of the Online Teaching Experience

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    The world is undergoing a dramatic COVID-19 induced transformation in almost every sector of the economy including education. The virus has drastically changed the dynamics of teaching and learning across the globe. This paper is an attempt to examine how COVID-19 has affected the higher education sector of Pakistan. An empirical analysis of the online teaching experience of both the public and private sector university faculty was conducted for this purpose. The current study aims to highlight the need for developing tools for effective teaching that have wide ranging applications in Pakistan, an exercise that requires concerted research effort. Education sector is among the worst hit sectors due to the spread of the coronavirus in Pakistan. Indeed, educational indicators for Pakistan and the current state of the education sector indicate a gloomy scenario. Instructors and students across universities, colleges and schools were ill-prepared for a situation where they had to rely on online teaching and other web-based instructional tools. In this scenario, certain areas in the education sector require extensive research, training and application, such as digital education, assessment tools and applications, project-based learning (PBL), and mobile based strategies for developing self-regulated learners (SLRs) as well as the introduction of various other tools meant to enhance student engagement during the process of learning. The study found that the faculty in the public and private sector universities was not inclined towards online teaching. The results also revealed that the private sector institutions were more facilitating than the public sector institutes. However, the role of HEC during the pandemic was proactive. There is a need to take effective measures at the local and national level to facilitate the&nbsp;student body as well as the instructors lest there is a severe decline in educational indicators or rise in the dropout rate

    Rock Quality Analysis using Empirical Techniques (RMR & Q-SYSTEM) along the Headrace of a Hydropower Project in Kalam, Swat, Pakistan

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    The principal goals of this research were to examine the rock mass classification (RMC) and characterization as well as the support assessment for the proposed headrace tunnel route of an approximately 11 km long hydropower project (HPP) in Kalam valley, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan. It was important to look at the key discontinuity factors for the classification of rock masses. To accomplish the aim, field discontinuity surveys were carried out to obtain rock mass parameters, and collected samples along the proposed tunnel route. Furthermore, characterization and classification of rock mass have been done using empirical techniques (ET) such as Beiniawski's Rock Mass Rating (RMR) and Barton's Tunnelling Quality Index (Q). The rock types were identified as Kalam Quartz Diorite, Gabbro and Granodiorite from literature. The prominent discontinuity sets were evaluated by exporting discontinuity data to DIPS. Quality Index was determined by calculating, its parameters, Quality Index values range between 3.74-17.00, 3.74 (poor at DS-04), 7.08-7.33 (fair at DS-01, DS-11 and DS-18) and 10.07-17.00 (good at DS-02, DS-09, DS-13, DS-14, DS-17 and DS-19), whereas, rock mass classification values ranges from 47-60 (fair at DS-01, DS-02, DS-04, DS-09, DS-11, DS-13, DS-14, DS-18, DS-19) to 64 (good at DS-17). The rock support according to the RMR scheme suggests fully grouted systematic bolting 3 to 4 m in length and 1.5 to 2.5 m spaced and 50-100 mm shotcrete in the crown and 50 mm in sides, while Q-system suggests spot bolting to Systematic bolting with 40-100 mm unreinforced shotcrete