111 research outputs found

    Final report

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    "This report contains the results of the first consensus process to establish a national strategy for controlling the number one killer of American farm family members and farm workers: tractor-related injuries. A very rigorous and formalized process was used to achieve consensus from a broad range of stakeholders. The report is in three parts: 1. Consensus Process: Results of a consensus process of 40 individuals, representing a broad range of stakeholders of this issue. 2. Action Plan: A guiding document for public and private organizations to carry out the recommendations of the consensus process. 3. Model Legislation: A guide for federal and state governments to assist them in carrying out the intent of the consensus recommendations" - NIOSHTIC-2Conference sponsored by National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health, Centers for Disease Control, Iowa Injury Prevention Research Center, Iowa's Center for Agricultural Safety and Health, the Great Plains Center for Agricultural Health.Conference held September 10-12, 1997 at the University of Iowa.Publication date from publisher press release

    Learning in sender-receiver games

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    Reiz-Reaktions- und ueberzeugungsgestuetzte Lernmodelle werden anhand von experimentellen Daten eines Senders-Empfaenger-Spiels geschaetzt und anhand des Davidson und MacKinnon P-Tests fuer nicht eingebundene Hypothesen verglichen. In Abhaengigkeit eines bestimmten Anpassungsparameters stuetzt der P-Test das Reiz-Reaktions-Modell, das ueberzeugungsgestuetzte Lernmodell bzw. keines der Modelle. In Anlehnung an Camerer und Ho werden die Modelle auch in Form eines hybriden Modells verglichen, das eine Mischung beider Typen des Lernens beinhaltet. Das Hybridmodell ist haeufig nicht signifikant besser als das Reiz-Reaktions-Modell bzw. das ueberzeugungsgestuetzte Lernmodell. Ausserdem wird die Sensitivitaet der Ergebnisse im Hinblick auf Beobachtungen aufgezeigt, die nach Abschluss des Lernens gemacht wurden. (HH)'Stimulus-response (SR) and belief-based learning (BBL) models are estimated with experimental data from sender-receiver games and compared using the Davidson and MacKinnon P-test for non-nested hypotheses. Depending on a certain adjustment parameter, the P-test favors the SR model, the BBL model or neither of the models. Following Camerer and Ho, the models are also compared to a hybrid model that incorporates a mixture of both types of learning. The hybrid model is frequently not significantly better than either the SR or the BBL model. The sensitivity of the results to observations taken after learning has ceased is investigated.' (author's abstract)German title: Lernen in Sender-Empfaenger-SpielenAvailable from UuStB Koeln(38)-991102756 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman


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    Writers On the Fly: Tom Franklin

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    Tom Franklin was born and raised in Dickinson, Ala. He began writing by creating his own comic books and writing stories inspired by the Tarzan and Conan the Barbarian books. His family moved to Mobile after he graduated from high school. Franklin attended the University of South Alabama and graduated with a BA in English. He supported himself during that period by working in a hospital morgue, a sandblasting grit factory, and a chemical plant. Franklin later attended the University of Arkansas where he earned an MFA in 1998. He taught briefly at the University of South Alabama. Franklin\u27s collection of short stories, Poachers , was published in 1999. His publication contract for Poachers required him to write a novel also. Hell at the Breech , a fictionalized version of the Mitcham War of Clarke County, Ala., was published in 2003. Franklin has held the Philip Roth Residency in Creative Writing at Bucknell University and has been Writer-in-Residence at Knox College, the John and Renee Grisham Writer-in-Residence at University of Mississippi, and the Tennessee Williams Fellow at University of the South. Franklin has been awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship and a residency at the MacDowell Colony. Currently, he is Writer-in-Residence at the University of Mississippi. Franklin is married to the poet Beth Ann Fennelly and lives with his family in Oxford, Miss. Franklin\u27s novel Smonk was published in 2010 and in 2010 he published his latest novel, Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter
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