18 research outputs found

    Using fairness to make abstractions work

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    Abstractions often introduce infinite traces which have no corresponding traces at the concrete level and can lead to the failure of the verification. Refinement does not always help to eliminate those traces. In this paper, we consider a timer abstraction that introduces a cyclic behaviour on abstract timers and we show how one can exclude cycles by imposing a strong fairness constraint on the abstract model. By employing the fact that the loop on the abstract timer is a self-loop, we render the strong fairness constraint into a weak fairness constraint and embed it into the verification algorithm. We implemented the algorithm in the DTSpin model checker and showed its efficiency on case studies. The same approach can be used for other data abstractions that introduce self-loops

    Abstraction and flow analysis for model checking open asynchronous systems

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    Formal methods, especially model checking, are an indispensable part of the software engineering process. With large software systems currently beyond the range of fully automatic verification, however, a combination of decomposition and abstraction techniques is needed. To model check components of a system, a standard approach is to close the component with an abstraction of its environment. To make it useful in practice, the closing of the component should be automatic, both for data and for control abstraction. Specifically for model checking asynchronous open systems, external input queues should be removed, as they are a potential source of a combinatorial state explosion. In this paper, we close a component synchronously by embedding the external environment directly into the system to avoid the external queues, while for the data, we use a two-valued abstraction, namely data influenced from the outside or not. This gives a more precise analysis than the one investigated in [7]. To further combat the state explosion problem, we combine this data abstraction with a static analysis to remove superfluous code fragments. The static analysis we use is reminiscent to the one presented in [7], but we use a combination of a may and a must-analysis instead of a may-analysis

    Towards automatic generation of parameterized test cases from abstractions

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    Model-based tools for automatic test generation usually can handle systems of a rather limited size. Therefore, they cannot be applied directly to systems of real industrial size. Here, we propose an approach to test generation combining enumerative data abstraction, test generation methods and constraint solving. The approach allows applying enumerative test generation tools like TGV to large and infinite systems. Given such a system, abstractions allow to derive a finite abstract system suitable for automatic test generation with enumerative tools. Abstract test cases need to be parameterized with actual test data, in order to execute them. For data selection, we make use of constraint solving techniques. Test case execution will later be done by TTCN-

    Simulated time for testing railway interlockings with TTCN-3

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    In this report, we first give an overview of software systems based on Vital Processor Interlocking (VPI). Interlockings guarantee safety of railway control systems, so testing these software systems is a key issue. We show why testing such systems with real time and scaled time is inefficient. We also provide a time semantics for simulated time that is more suitable for testing VPI's software. We provide a solution that allows simulated time for TTCN-3 test systems. TTCN-3 is a standard language for specifying and executing test suites. In the context of the TT-MEDAL project, TTCN-3 is applied to various domains, in particular to testing railway and automotive systems. TTCN-3 supports real-time and scaled-time testing but not simulated-time testing. The solution is based on a distributed termination detection algorithm that we extend to provide the main ingredients of simulated time: idleness detection and correct time progress. We implemented our solution as a TTCN-3 module and several Java classes that can be reused for testing other systems that have characteristics similar to those of VPI

    Bug hunting with false negatives

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    Safe data abstractions are widely used for verification purposes. Positive verification results can be transferred to the concrete system. When a property is violated in the abstract system, one still has to check whether a concrete violation exists. However, even when the violation scenario is not reproducible in the concrete system (a false negative), it may still contain information on possible sources of bugs. Here we propose a bug hunting framework based on abstract violation scenarios. We first extract a violation pattern from an abstract violation scenario. The violation pattern represents multiple violation scenarios, increasing the chance that a corresponding concrete violation exists. Then we look for a concrete violation that corresponds to the violation pattern by using constraint solving techniques

    Closing open SDL-systems for model checking with DTSpin

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    CWI is a founding member of ERCIM, the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics. CWI's research has a theme-oriented structure and is grouped into four clusters. Listed below are the names of the clusters and in parentheses their acronyms

    Closing open SDL-systems for model checking with DTSpin

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    Model checkers like Spin can handle closed reactive systems, only. Thus to handle open systems, in particular when using assume-guarantee reasoning, we need to be able to close (sub-)systems, which is commonly done by adding an environment process. For models with asynchronous message-passing communication, however, modelling the environment as separate process will lead to a combinatorial explosion caused by all combinations of messages in the input queues. In this paper we describe the implementation of a tool which automatically closes DTPromela translations of SDL-specifications by embedding the timed chaotic environment into the system. To corroborate the usefulness of our approach, we compare the state space of models closed by embedding chaos with the state space of the same models closed with chaos as external environment process on some simple models and on a case study from a wireless ATM medium-access protocol

    Timed verification with muCRL

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    muCRL is a process algebraic language for specification and verification of distributed systems. muCRL allows to describe temporal properties of distributed systems but it has no explicit reference to time. In this work we propose a manner of introducing discrete time without extending the language. The semantics of discrete time we use makes it possible to reduce the time progress problem to the diagnostics of 'no action is enabled' situations. The synchronous nature of the language facilitates the task. We show some experimental verification results obtained on a timed communication protocol

    Using fairness to make abstractions work

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    Abstractions often introduce infinite traces which have no corresponding traces at the concrete level and can lead to the failure of the verification. Refinement does not always help to eliminate those traces. In this paper, we consider a timer abstraction that introduces a cyclic behaviour on abstract timers and we show how one can exclude cycles by imposing a strong fairness constraint on the abstract model. By employing the fact that the loop on the abstract timer is a self-loop, we render the strong fairness constraint into a weak fairness constraint and embed it into the verification algorithm. We implemented the algorithm in the DTSpin model checker and showed its efficiency on case studies. The same approach can be used for other data abstractions that introduce self-loops

    Timed verification with muCRL

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    muCRL is a process algebraic language for specification and verification of distributed systems. muCRL allows to describe temporal properties of distributed systems but it has no explicit reference to time. In this work we propose a manner of introducing discrete time without extending the language. The semantics of discrete time we use makes it possible to reduce the time progress problem to the diagnostics of 'no action is enabled' situations. The synchronous nature of the language facilitates the task. We show some experimental verification results obtained on a timed communication protocol