720 research outputs found

    Regular 3-charge 4D black holes and their microscopic description

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    The perturbative α′\alpha^{\prime} corrections to Type-IIA String Theory compactified on a Calabi-Yau three-fold allow the construction of regular three-charge supersymmetric black holes in four dimensions, whose entropy scales with the charges as S∼(p1p2p3)23S \sim \left( p^1 p^2 p^3\right)^{\frac{2}{3}} . We construct an M-theory uplift of these quantum black holes and show that they can be interpreted as arising from three stacks of M2 branes on a conical singularity. This in turns allow us relate them via a series of dualities to a system of D3 branes carrying momentum and thus to give a microscopic interpretation of their entropy.Comment: 20 pages, LaTe

    Simulating Distributed Systems

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    The simulation framework developed within the "Models of Networked Analysis at Regional Centers" (MONARC) project as a design and optimization tool for large scale distributed systems is presented. The goals are to provide a realistic simulation of distributed computing systems, customized for specific physics data processing tasks and to offer a flexible and dynamic environment to evaluate the performance of a range of possible distributed computing architectures. A detailed simulation of a large system, the CMS High Level Trigger (HLT) production farm, is also presented

    Decision Procedure for Entailment of Symbolic Heaps with Arrays

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    This paper gives a decision procedure for the validity of en- tailment of symbolic heaps in separation logic with Presburger arithmetic and arrays. The correctness of the decision procedure is proved under the condition that sizes of arrays in the succedent are not existentially bound. This condition is independent of the condition proposed by the CADE-2017 paper by Brotherston et al, namely, one of them does not imply the other. For improving efficiency of the decision procedure, some techniques are also presented. The main idea of the decision procedure is a novel translation of an entailment of symbolic heaps into a formula in Presburger arithmetic, and to combine it with an external SMT solver. This paper also gives experimental results by an implementation, which shows that the decision procedure works efficiently enough to use

    On Automated Lemma Generation for Separation Logic with Inductive Definitions

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    Separation Logic with inductive definitions is a well-known approach for deductive verification of programs that manipulate dynamic data structures. Deciding verification conditions in this context is usually based on user-provided lemmas relating the inductive definitions. We propose a novel approach for generating these lemmas automatically which is based on simple syntactic criteria and deterministic strategies for applying them. Our approach focuses on iterative programs, although it can be applied to recursive programs as well, and specifications that describe not only the shape of the data structures, but also their content or their size. Empirically, we find that our approach is powerful enough to deal with sophisticated benchmarks, e.g., iterative procedures for searching, inserting, or deleting elements in sorted lists, binary search tress, red-black trees, and AVL trees, in a very efficient way

    Horizons cannot save the landscape

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    International audienceSolutions with anti-D3 branes in a Klebanov-Strassler geometry with positive charge dissolved in fluxes have a certain singularity corresponding to a diverging energy density of the Ramond-Ramond and Neveu-Schwarz-Neveu-Schwarz three-form fluxes. There are many hopes and arguments for and against this singularity, and we attempt to settle the issue by examining whether this singularity can be cloaked by a regular event horizon. This is equivalent to the existence of asymptotically Klebanov-Tseytlin or Klebanov-Strassler black holes whose charge measured at the horizon has the opposite sign to the asymptotic charge. We find that no such Klebanov-Tseytlin solution exists. Furthermore, for a large class of Klebanov-Strassler black holes we considered, the charge at the horizon must also have the same sign as the asymptotic charge and is completely determined by the temperature, the number of fractional branes and the gaugino masses of the dual gauge theory. Our result suggests that antibrane singularities in backgrounds with charge in the fluxes are unphysical, which in turn raises the question as to whether antibranes can be used to uplift anti-de Sitter vacua to deSitter ones. Our results also point to a possible instability mechanism for the antibranes


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    After a brief study of the contract legal concept we attempted to examine the essential elements of the contract - the agreement of will between parties. The autonomy theory of will - which legally promoted contemporary, the concept of freedom of contract, we will analyze the concept in question, both over time and in last centuries when transformations of freedom of contract and contractual law have been most reliable, amplifying the ambiguity of the meaning of contractual freedom in the Romanian legal order and the number and diversity of doctrines that were interested in freedom of contract become substantial. Economic and social realities experienced significant changes, which made the autonomy theory of will first to be put in question and then challenged, attempting to detect the judicial construction of the contract
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