22 research outputs found

    Mechanochemical basis of protein degradation by a double-ring AAA+ machine

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    Molecular machines containing double or single AAA+ rings power energy-dependent protein degradation and other critical cellular processes, including disaggregation and remodeling of macromolecular complexes. How the mechanical activities of double-ring and single-ring AAA+ enzymes differ is unknown. Using single-molecule optical trapping, we determine how the double-ring ​ClpA enzyme from Escherichia coli, in complex with the ​ClpP peptidase, mechanically degrades proteins. We demonstrate that ​ClpA unfolds some protein substrates substantially faster than does the single-ring ​ClpX enzyme, which also degrades substrates in collaboration with ​ClpP. We find that ​ClpA is a slower polypeptide translocase and that it moves in physical steps that are smaller and more regular than steps taken by ​ClpX. These direct measurements of protein unfolding and translocation define the core mechanochemical behavior of a double-ring AAA+ machine and provide insight into the degradation of proteins that unfold via metastable intermediates.Howard Hughes Medical InstituteNational Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant AI-16892

    Reactivation of protein aggregates by mortalin and Tid1-the human mitochondrial Hsp70 chaperone system.

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    The mitochondrial 70-kDa heat shock protein (mtHsp70), also known in humans as mortalin, is a central component of the mitochondrial protein import motor and plays a key role in the folding of matrix-localized mitochondrial proteins. MtHsp70 is assisted by a member of the 40-kDa heat shock protein co-chaperone family named Tid1 and a nucleotide exchange factor. Whereas, yeast mtHsp70 has been extensively studied in the context of protein import in the mitochondria, and the bacterial 70-kDa heat shock protein was recently shown to act as an ATP-fuelled unfolding enzyme capable of detoxifying stably misfolded polypeptides into harmless natively refolded proteins, little is known about the molecular functions of the human mortalin in protein homeostasis. Here, we developed novel and efficient purification protocols for mortalin and the two spliced versions of Tid1, Tid1-S, and Tid1-L and showed that mortalin can mediate the in vitro ATP-dependent reactivation of stable-preformed heat-denatured model aggregates, with the assistance of Mge1 and either Tid1-L or Tid1-S co-chaperones or yeast Mdj1. Thus, in addition of being a central component of the protein import machinery, human mortalin together with Tid1, may serve as a protein disaggregating machine which, for lack of Hsp100/ClpB disaggregating co-chaperones, may carry alone the scavenging of toxic protein aggregates in stressed, diseased, or aging human mitochondria

    Dissection of Axial-Pore Loop Function during Unfolding and Translocation by a AAA+ Proteolytic Machine

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    In the axial channels of ClpX and related hexameric AAA+ protein-remodeling rings, the pore-1 loops are thought to play important roles in engaging, mechanically unfolding, and translocating protein substrates. How these loops perform these functions and whether they also prevent substrate dissociation to ensure processive degradation by AAA+ proteases are open questions. Using ClpX pore-1-loop variants, single-molecule force spectroscopy, and ensemble assays, we find that the six pore-1 loops function synchronously to grip and unfold protein substrates during a power stroke but are not important in preventing substrate slipping between power strokes. The importance of grip strength is task dependent. ClpX variants with multiple mutant pore-1 loops translocate substrates as well as the wild-type enzyme against a resisting force but show unfolding defects and a higher frequency of substrate release. These problems are magnified for more mechanically stable target proteins, supporting a threshold model of substrate gripping

    Substrate-translocating loops regulate mechanochemical coupling and power production in AAA+ protease ClpXP

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    ATP-dependent proteases of the AAA+ family, including Escherichia coli ClpXP and the eukaryotic proteasome, contribute to maintenance of cellular proteostasis. ClpXP unfolds and translocates substrates into an internal degradation chamber, using cycles of alternating dwell and burst phases. The ClpX motor performs chemical transformations during the dwell and translocates the substrate in increments of 1-4 nm during the burst, but the processes occurring during these phases remain unknown. Here we characterized the complete mechanochemical cycle of ClpXP, showing that ADP release and ATP binding occur nonsequentially during the dwell, whereas ATP hydrolysis and phosphate release occur during the burst. The highly conserved translocating loops within the ClpX pore are optimized to maximize motor power generation, the coupling between chemical and mechanical tasks, and the efficiency of protein processing. Conformational resetting of these loops between consecutive bursts appears to determine ADP release from individual ATPase subunits and the overall duration of the motor's cycle

    Stoichiometric expression of mtHsp40 and mtHsp70 modulates mitochondrial morphology and cristae structure via Opa1 L

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    Deregulation of mitochondrial heat-shock protein 40 (mtHsp40) and dysfunction of mtHsp70 are associated with mitochondrial fragmentation, suggesting that mtHsp40 and mtHsp70 may play roles in modulating mitochondrial morphology. However, the mechanism of mitochondrial fragmentation induced by mtHsp40 deregulation and mtHsp70 dysfunction remains unclear. In addition, the functional link between mitochondrial morphology change upon deregulated mtHsp40/mtHsp70 and mitochondrial function has been unexplored. Our coimmunoprecipitation and protein aggregation analysis showed that both overexpression and depletion of mtHsp40 accumulated aggregated proteins in fragmented mitochondria. Moreover, mtHsp70 loss and expression of a mtHsp70 mutant lacking the client-binding domain caused mitochondrial fragmentation. Together the data suggest that the molecular ratio of mtHsp40 to mtHsp70 is important for their chaperone function and mitochondrial morphology. Whereas mitochondrial translocation of Drp1 was not altered, optic atrophy 1 (Opa1) short isoform accumulated in fragmented mitochondria, suggesting that mitochondrial fragmentation in this study results from aberration of mitochondrial inner membrane fusion. Finally, we found that fragmented mitochondria were defective in cristae development, OXPHOS, and ATP production. Taken together, our data suggest that impaired stoichiometry between mtHsp40 and mtHsp70 promotes Opa1(L) cleavage, leading to cristae opening, decreased OXPHOS, and triggering of mitochondrial fragmentation after reduction in their chaperone function