33 research outputs found

    Common Language Created by Legislation Regarding the Teritorial Limit of the Production Vine Wine Potential of Romania

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    Trying to build a future according to the one of EU and aspiring after becoming an apreciate member of the International Wine Community, as a producer of some valuable wines, Romania has intensified the efforts to reach these issues, to create a common language at the international level, european and even national, starting with the actions that followed to the Law of Wine and Vineyard no.224/2002. It was imperatively imposed a strict reevaluation of the production wine and vine potential, for example the delimitation and a group of the viticultural areas. With the studies made by the authorized institutions of the government there were identified and aproved eight viticultural regions.the limitation of the viticultural area, teritorial group of viticultural area, european viticultural area, viticultural region, recommended sorts, authorized sorts, wine with name of controlled origin.

    The Retail Romanian Market and the Functional Integrated Commercial Centers

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    The Romanian trade is passing through a transforming process, both for what the nature of the involved economic agents are concerned and the methods, techniques, knowledge etc. necessary for the activities within this economic field. Many of the favourable changes have been produced both under the influence of the large foreign retail groups (especially the European ones), present at the moment on the Romanian market too, and the impact of certain legislative regulations applicable in this field. Right from the beginning of the “post December” period, there was an imperative need as far as the trade development was concerned, as well as the creation of an urban framework that should offer optimal conditions to carry out trading activities. The implementation of the foreign retail groups (including the large commercial centers) has brought to our country the practices and commercial policies encountered in the civilized world, imposing at the same time the practice of the real competition, accompanied by a series of more or less favourable consequences, both at the local and national level. By the mid of March 2008, the hypermarket and supermarket type of market chains, discount and cash & carry markets (over 40) is going through an extension process, a fact which is to be observed in the huge number of markets in Romania, the Romanian market being open for the foreign investments.commercial centre, retail market, hypermarket, supermarket, discount market, cash & carry market, urban centre.

    Free Zones Development in Romania – Premises, Determining Factors and Perspectives

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    The free zone concept appears as a separate entity in a highly complex and dynamic environment. On the one hand it is a "creation" of this environment and on the other hand it is an active component that contributes essentially to the configuration of the natural, geographic, economic, social, technological, political, legal and IT environment as well as to its dynamics. Moreover its role is distinguishable from all above mentioned perspectives, even if its action is mainly economic

    Sulina and Danube-Black Sea Channels: Competitors or Allies on Cargo Transport in South-Eastern Europe?

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    The two river channels which connect the Black Sea to the inland Romanian area, have constituted since the beginning of their building two very important transport routes  for the cargo and passenger traffic (Sulina) that have connected Black Sea to the internal ports of Romania, thus representing ”transport highways” of the Romanian economy. The present study tries to present the chronological evolution of these two shipping routes, regarding their importance to the cargo traffic, as well as the financial policy imposed by the administration of these channels. We will present and analyze retrospectively the major elements regarding the administration of these channels, a comparative analysis of the role of these two channels in the river cargo transport, consequently trying to predict a future evolution of these two river communication routes

    The Traceability and Safety of Fishery Products

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    The paper follows two main objectives: to understand consumers’ perception of safety trasability and quality of fishery products and to identify communication levers in order to improve the perceived image of fishery products. The present research is focused on the fishery products, regardless of their presentation – fresh, frozen or processed. This paper conducted a questionnaire survey of Romanian consumers’ perception toward fishery products. The empirical study with brands indicated that consumers are different awareness to domestic and foreign safety fish products. National fishery products got more attention from the consumers

    Management of the creation process - essential component of management of human resources in cultural institutions

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    Important in terms of culture is how to manage because it can bring many benefits, from spiritual to material. In cultural institutions, human resources are trained in the creative process. In this context, we can speak of a creative person. Depending on the type of cultural institution, creative staff play a more important or almost exclusive role. The creative process is the one that first defines the cultural institution

    The Importance of Cultural Marketing in Evaluating Creative Personnel

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    Culture is known as the product of human activities and thinking, therefore culture consist intovarious numbers of concepts containing science, beliefs, arts, customs, etc. Thus unlike any otherdomains, culture needs a specific type of marketing that is adapted to its special cultural productsand services. In the cultural businesses the most important role goes to the creative personal,therefore this special type of personal will require special means of evaluation. The present articleaims to demonstrate the importance cultural marketing in evaluating creative personal, becausecreative personal acts like both productive personal and marketing personal at the same time. Thusevaluating creative personal should take into consideration their ability of promoting culture

    Management of the creation process - essential component of management of human resources in cultural institutions

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    Important in terms of culture is how to manage because it can bring many benefits, from spiritual to material. In cultural institutions, human resources are trained in the creative process. In this context, we can speak of a creative person. Depending on the type of cultural institution, creative staff play a more important or almost exclusive role. The creative process is the one that first defines the cultural institution

    The Tourist Potential and Sustainable Development – New Trends and Opportunities for Galati Located in Romania´S South-East Development Region

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    Galati, danubian harbor city from the South Eastern Development Area of Romania, in not found on the UNESCO patrimony list of tourist attractions but disposes of a huge tourist potential that can be capitalized. Along with the neighbouring danubian harbour city – Braila – it forms one of the unique urban groups in the country through its geographical position, number of inhabitants, history and culture and both towns are regarded as poles of urban development. For the time being, the lack of the abilities/ competences of comprehensible formulation of efficient capitalization of the tourist potential generated by the natural environment and cultural inheritance of Galati Town, through the cosmopolitan character of great Danube harbour and fair (with agricultural products- cereals, honey and wax and so on) close to the Black Sea and everything that belongs to it restrains and detains the manifestation of its tourist identity and competitiveness and identity. Thus, the identification of novelty elements as opportunities on which the paper focuses and which can ensure the promotion and development of the real needs of the town through tourism comes from an integrated correlation of the aspects that belong to the whole potential of Galatzi area, from the impact arising out of the geographical, geopolitical, political and economical position of Galati,the level of implication various actors can have, the policies and contemporary local / regional / European strategies, etc. The development of ideas in an integrated and partial way can constitute even the support of a proeminent consulting base (work groups formed of spokesmen with high qualification from academic, economic and business fields and who know the real needs of development ; consultation and public debates, including the local population) and the formulation of a direction of short, medium or long term strategic action and their transposition through a portfolio of projects. Only through a legitimization of the distinct features of Galati, as a mark / brand sprung from the cultural patrimony will this town acquire a different position and visibility in the national and European tourism and at the same time will be able to provide the tourists the maximum quarantee of getting to know its historical background and roots which are the most important conditions for a successful patimony market