11 research outputs found

    Managementul bazat pe cunostinte - o noua tendinta in managementul contemporan

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    Recent times have as a dominant feature "change" always and everywhere shown, with major implications for the evolution of contemporary society. Transformations and changes in the economic, political and social, are produced with an amazing speed and affect the visible organization XXI century and default management. The paper examines the importance of knowledge management in contemporary society and organizations ability to adapt to the specific future economy based on the values of knowledge, research and scientific creation. They are also called into question the concepts related to information society and the impact that it has this on organizations.knowledge management, organization, society information, swot analysis

    The relationship among economy, organization and management within new economies

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    „In the concept of a new economy that should integrate all stakeholders such as man, society, environment and organization, knowing natural, human and social life is becoming a greater and more comprehensive concern”. - D.J.Hickson Humankind is undergoing a historic process of passage to a new society, a new economic system that is modernized by IT. The new society is characterized by major changes as there is an upturn of values where knowledge has become the most important manufacturing factor in modern economy, meaning the bases of power exertion, generating productivity increase and ensuring business competitiveness. One can be certain that the future world ensuing from the current reshaping of values, beliefs, economic and social structures, of political concepts and systems, in brief of world conception shall be different from what anybody could imagine.new economy, organization, management, knowledge, business competitiveness.

    Evaluarea unei afaceri in franciza

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    Evaluation of a franchise business Parpandel Denisa Elena, Faculty of Management Marketing in Economic Business, Rm. Valcea, “Constantin Brancoveanu” University, Pitesti, Romania Belu Nicoleta, Faculty of Management Marketing in Economic Business, Rm. Valcea, “Constantin Brancoveanu” University, Pitesti, Romania Albici Mihaela, Faculty of Management Marketing in Economic Business, Rm. Valcea, “Constantin Brancoveanu” University, Pitesti, Romania Ţenovici Cristina Otilia, Faculty of Management Marketing in Economic Business, Rm. Valcea, “Constantin Brancoveanu” University, Pitesti, Romania Rizea Ionela Carmen, Faculty of Management Marketing in Economic Business, Rm. Valcea, “Constantin Brancoveanu” University, Pitesti, Romania The contents of this paper I will try to address all those interested in studying the system of franchising, both theoreticians and practitioners in this field to contribute to the progress of this system in our country. Franchising is a reality in motion which will write more, being on time to find a theoretical foundation able to provide solutions for all aspects and economic instruments involved a commercial phenomenon. Therefore, franchising can and should be successful adventure for both franchisees and franchise, for those who are guided by ethics and passion, vision and innovation, and for those who want to develop franchises or franchise network . The aim is to highlight research opportunities to improve the system of franchising as a strategy for penetrating foreign markets in Romania and not only because the franchise is the fastest and safest way to becoming a business owner, and its success depends on what you do owner - franchisee, i.e. not repeat the mistakes inherent in any beginning business and risk losing everything at each "turning point" of the road. Typically, franchisees receive information and knowledge vital to business success in exchange for various fees they pay to those who purchased the business, that the franchisor. The success of franchises is most dependent on one man: the franchisee, and to be successful is not enough that it will have the necessary knowledge to purchase a license and to build a franchise unit, to arrange and start businesses in within this unit. Franchisee must be dedicated to his work, it must have the desire and willingness to work hard and ability to remain motivated, ability to do business.Keywords: franchising, evaluation, business, strategy

    Managementul bazat pe cunostinte - o noua tendinta in managementul contemporan

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    Recent times have as a dominant feature "change" always and everywhere shown, with major implications for the evolution of contemporary society. Transformations and changes in the economic, political and social, are produced with an amazing speed and affect the visible organization XXI century and default management. The paper examines the importance of knowledge management in contemporary society and organizations ability to adapt to the specific future economy based on the values of knowledge, research and scientific creation. They are also called into question the concepts related to information society and the impact that it has this on organizations

    The impact of external environment on organizational development strategy

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    Abstract External environment of an organization includes a variety of factors, whose existence, influence its behavior and performance. The action of these factors may be direct (for example, the actions of competitors) or indirect (for example, changes in business climate), and external environmental analysis is done in two different contexts: meso and macro environment. Are concerned, to be analyzed, those major variables that are affecting the organization, providing, strategic diagnosis, information on strategic situation complementary to those offered by internal analysis. Tests results at this level senses opportunities and threats existing and potential success factors of field work. Analyzing thus two types of environment, (meso and macro environment) can be identified strategic directions for action or policy options

    The impact of external environment on organizational development strategy

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    Abstract External environment of an organization includes a variety of factors, whose existence, influence its behavior and performance. The action of these factors may be direct (for example, the actions of competitors) or indirect (for example, changes in business climate), and external environmental analysis is done in two different contexts: meso and macro environment. Are concerned, to be analyzed, those major variables that are affecting the organization, providing, strategic diagnosis, information on strategic situation complementary to those offered by internal analysis. Tests results at this level senses opportunities and threats existing and potential success factors of field work. Analyzing thus two types of environment, (meso and macro environment) can be identified strategic directions for action or policy options

    The relationship among economy, organization and management within new economies

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    „In the concept of a new economy that should integrate all stakeholders such as man, society, environment and organization, knowing natural, human and social life is becoming a greater and more comprehensive concern”. - D.J.Hickson Humankind is undergoing a historic process of passage to a new society, a new economic system that is modernized by IT. The new society is characterized by major changes as there is an upturn of values where knowledge has become the most important manufacturing factor in modern economy, meaning the bases of power exertion, generating productivity increase and ensuring business competitiveness. One can be certain that the future world ensuing from the current reshaping of values, beliefs, economic and social structures, of political concepts and systems, in brief of world conception shall be different from what anybody could imagine


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    It is well known that  benzoxazole derivatives have a wide range of biological activities. Recently, it was shown that the derivatives of benzoxazoltione, substituted at an amino group inhibit photosynthesis in chloroplasts and algae such as Chlorela vulgaris. It was observed that the inhibitory effect decreases with increasing lipophilicity of substances in the series. The lipophilicity or hydrophilicity are expressed by the partition coefficient, which is a very important factor that characterize the pharmacokinetic profile of a chemical compound. We studied the structural descriptors that contribute to the biological activity of substances. For a series of nine substances, results show that descriptors CSAA, CSEV and TFES appear to be responsible for the inhibitory activity of these substances

    Evaluarea unei afaceri in franciza

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    Evaluation of a franchise business Parpandel Denisa Elena, Faculty of Management Marketing in Economic Business, Rm. Valcea, “Constantin Brancoveanu” University, Pitesti, Romania Belu Nicoleta, Faculty of Management Marketing in Economic Business, Rm. Valcea, “Constantin Brancoveanu” University, Pitesti, Romania Albici Mihaela, Faculty of Management Marketing in Economic Business, Rm. Valcea, “Constantin Brancoveanu” University, Pitesti, Romania Ţenovici Cristina Otilia, Faculty of Management Marketing in Economic Business, Rm. Valcea, “Constantin Brancoveanu” University, Pitesti, Romania Rizea Ionela Carmen, Faculty of Management Marketing in Economic Business, Rm. Valcea, “Constantin Brancoveanu” University, Pitesti, Romania The contents of this paper I will try to address all those interested in studying the system of franchising, both theoreticians and practitioners in this field to contribute to the progress of this system in our country. Franchising is a reality in motion which will write more, being on time to find a theoretical foundation able to provide solutions for all aspects and economic instruments involved a commercial phenomenon. Therefore, franchising can and should be successful adventure for both franchisees and franchise, for those who are guided by ethics and passion, vision and innovation, and for those who want to develop franchises or franchise network . The aim is to highlight research opportunities to improve the system of franchising as a strategy for penetrating foreign markets in Romania and not only because the franchise is the fastest and safest way to becoming a business owner, and its success depends on what you do owner - franchisee, i.e. not repeat the mistakes inherent in any beginning business and risk losing everything at each "turning point" of the road. Typically, franchisees receive information and knowledge vital to business success in exchange for various fees they pay to those who purchased the business, that the franchisor. The success of franchises is most dependent on one man: the franchisee, and to be successful is not enough that it will have the necessary knowledge to purchase a license and to build a franchise unit, to arrange and start businesses in within this unit. Franchisee must be dedicated to his work, it must have the desire and willingness to work hard and ability to remain motivated, ability to do business

    The Opportunity to Approach Sustainable Development from the Perspective of the Economic and Social Environment in the Context of the Covid-19 Crisis

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    Thе consumption of natural rеsourcеs in thе industriеs of advancеd statеs is apprеciatеd as еnormous. This aspеct is bеcoming morе and morе worrying bеcausе thе procеss of industrialization is еxpanding rapidly in othеr national еconomiеs, and it sееms that it will play a vеry important rolе in thе growth of thе world еconomy, 4–5 timеs, as prеdictеd for thе nеxt 50 yеars. Thе еxtеnt to which this еconomic and industrial growth is sustainablе rеmains a sеrious quеstion, bеcausе еxpеrts еstimatе that matеrial-intеnsivе production in advancеd countriеs cannot takе placе undеr thе samе conditions, thе mеaning bеing to accеntuatе thе phеnomеnon of dеplеtion of othеr rеsourcеs statеs and sеrious damagе to thе еnvironmеnt. Criticisms of thе massivе consumption of natural rеsourcеs arе incrеasingly bеing hеard in dеvеlopеd countriеs. Thus, it was found that this typе of production rеquirеs thе еxtraction and procеssing of largе quantitiеs of raw matеrials, but which do not еnd up bеing usеd to obtain thе final product. Thеsе issuеs concеrn thе еntirе intеrnational community, both in tеrms of thе global еconomy and thе dеtеrioration of thе еnvironmеnt, bеcausе thе bеnеfits and costs of this modе of industrial production arе not sharеd еvеnly. Thеrе is a closе, intеractivе rеlationship bеtwееn industrial and social dеvеlopmеnt; in gеnеral, countriеs that havе rеachеd an advancеd dеgrее in thе dеvеlopmеnt of industry havе managеd to rеalign thеir social objеctivеs at a high lеvеl, such as job dеmand, rеducing thе phеnomеnon of povеrty, and widеr accеss to еducation and hеalth carе. The purpose of the article is to dеtеrminе how sustainablе industrial dеvеlopmеnt influеncеs thе main еconomic arеas in Romania. The research method used to conduct the empirical study was based on a quantitative-comparative analysis, useful for investigating the structure of sustainable industrial development. The findings show that each industry has its own particularities, which make it necessary to achieve specific policies in the field of labor, policies whose application ultimately leads to the achievement of the strategic objective of including social and human capital in the global strategy of sustainable economic development