4 research outputs found

    Some Relevant Econophysics’ Moments of History, Definitions, Methods, Models and New Trends

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    New models result from a new way of thinking or from the trans-disciplinary methods used in new domains. Econophysics improve the quality of the classical research of Economics through its original models and methods. As a new or very young science Econophysics means either a new domain for physicists or new methods and ways of thinking for economists in the modern world. Physicists have recently established careers in the banking, financial, life insurance and marketing more easily than we could imagine only because their appetite for data and new laws of economic realities. After a brief historical background of the last three decades, a new section is defining what Econophysics is, and others underline significant methods, models, results, and trends. A final remark is inspired by the needs of globalize economies.Econophysics, Statistical Physics, Econophysics model, Quantum Statistics, power law, diffusion.


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    This paper intends to analyze from the mathematical, statistical and physical point of view the economic process of concentration – diversification specific to the cotemporary globalization, providing a further approach alternative which is more extended, but also correlated on macro, mezzo and microeconomic layers. Its main original aspects related o the equilibrated integrity of the concentration – diversification phenomenon in the contemporary globalization seen as a rigorous contradictory and progressive phenomenon, from the company’s level, at the regional, national and worldwide level, valorizing the theory of nodes and antinodes from physics or the theory of classic standing waves. The initial part of the paper uses one of the basic principles of the Renaissance, connected to the pictorial perspectives, principle initially formulated by Leonardo da Vinci, and its content briefly presentsboth the classic static theory of the measurement, and the theory of standing waves, in order to identify a permanent balance solution in the analysis of the concentration – diversification phenomena from the economy. Several final remarks related to the further development directions of these original ideas conclude in a symmetrical manner the article and they open at the same time new approach perspectives in a relativist or quantum manner

    Building a Conceptual Model of Routines, Capabilities, and Absorptive Capacity Interplay

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    Researchers have often used constructs such as routines, operational capability, dynamic capability, absorptive capacity, etc., to explain various organizational phenomena, especially a competitive advantage of firms. As a consequence of their frequent use in different contexts, these constructs have become extremely broad and blurred, thus making a void in strategic management literature. In this paper we attempt to bring a sense of holistic perspective on these constructs by briefly reviewing the current state of the research and presenting a conceptual model that provides an explanation for the causal relationships between them. The final section of the paper sheds some light on this topic from the econophysics perspective. Authors hope that findings in this paper may serve as a foundation for other research endeavours related to the topic of how firms achieve competitive advantage and thrive in their environments

    Paradoxismul şi turismul rural

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    Paradoxismul, în dubla sa calitate de curent literar şi metodă ştiinţifică de abordare a realităţii, a fost datorat matematicianului şi logicianului Florentin Smarandache şi a început ca un protest anti-totalitar impotriva unei societăţi plasate în autarhie sau izolare aproape completă, aşa cum era România anilor ’80, când valorile culturale şi ştiinţifice erau manipulate iar cele materiale deţinute aparent de un singur grup ale căror idei şi nevoi aveau prioritate absolută şi impact politic