32 research outputs found

    Audit of radiology reports of patients with neoplasms performed on computed tomography

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    Background: Evaluation of the peculiarities of radiology reports of patients with neoplasms of the abdomen and pelvis to optimize clinical imaging management. Material and methods: The study included 104 patients, divided into two groups, experimental group (L2) and control group (L1), repeatedly investigated by computed tomography in 2009-2019, a total of 440 examinations, of which 120 prospective examinations and 320 retrospective examinations, aged between 25 and 85 years, with primary tumors of the abdomen and pelvis. Results: Four specific descriptive criteria were analyzed from radiology reports and were obtained the following results: specification of the scanning protocols in radiology reports (0% for L1 and 95.3% for L2), specifying the reason for the examination in radiology reports (100% for L1 and 26.0% for L2), use of international terminology in radiology reports (0% for L1 and 74% for L2), patient follow-up in radiology reports (88.5% for L1 and 59.8 % for L2). Conclusions: Following the SWOT analysis of the radiology reports, has been developed a standardized model for describing CT images of patients with oncological pathologies of the abdomen and pelvis. The decision-making process was built on Strengths, eliminating Weaknesses, exploiting Opportunities and removing Threats

    Evaluation of three dimensional segmental myocardial motion using cardiac magnetic resonance

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    Department of Radiology and Imaging, Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, the Republic of Moldova, The IVth Congress of Radiology and Medical Imaging of the Republic of Moldova with international participation, Chisinau, May 31 – June 2, 2018Background: Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Assessment of global and regional cardiac wall motion represents an important part of the evaluation of cardiac disease and ventricular function. The study aims to provide a brief overview of cardiovascular magnetic resonance techniques used for quantification of global and regional myocardial wall motion. Content: Quantification of myocardial wall motion using various parameters such as radial, circumferential and longitudinal velocities, strain and strain rate, torsion and torsion rate demonstrated a high sensitivity for revealing even subtle functional alterations in myocardial wall motion and holds great potential for detecting a variety of cardiac diseases in their early stage. The presentation discusses commonly used techniques for this purpose such as myocardial tagging by magnetization saturation, strain encoded (SENC) imaging, phase-contrast velocity encoding (VENC) or tissue phase mapping, displacement-encoding with stimulated echoes (DENSE) and 3D cine DENSE tissue tracking methods, etc. The underlying principles of each technique, main advantages and disadvantages as well as their potential clinical applications are also discussed. Conclusions: Recent advances in cardiovascular magnetic resonance have allowed the development of a variety of techniques for accurate quantification of global and regional myocardial wall motion that can facilitate the diagnosis and management of cardiac diseases

    The Development Of Research Competence Based On Quantum Calculation Of Molecular Systems

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    The integration of instruction and research represents one of the fundamental goals of contemporary educational system. Elaborating effective mechanisms for applying research methods able to make science more attractive could solve the problem of motivating young people to study in this difficult but necessary field for society development. The study proposes a model of using chemical synthesis, studying molecular structure and composition of coordination compounds, applying quantum-chemical calculations and testing biological properties. The set of applied methods allows for a detailed analysis of certain features related to the structure and properties of new chemical compounds and is recommended for application within university courses and at pre-university level- for interested students

    Harmonization of educational management in radiology and medical imaging in the Republic of Moldova with international standards

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    Catedra de radiologie şi imagistică, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica Moldov

    Rolul examenului ultrasonografic multiparametric în diagnosticul patologiilor mamare

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    Centrul Republican de Diagnosticare Medicală, Catedra de Radiologie și Imagistică, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie “Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, The IVth Congress of Radiology and Medical Imaging of the Republic of Moldova with international participation, Chisinau, May 31 – June 2, 2018Introducere: Examenul ultrasonografic al glandelor mamare este tot mai frecvent utilizat pentru evaluarea patologiilor nedefinitivate la mamografie, precum și ca o investigație de primă intenție la pacientele tinere. Accesibilitatea metodei și volumul tot mai mare de informații care poate fi obținut datorită apariției a noi tehnici ultrasonografice și modernizării aparatajului disponibil necesită o ajustare continuă a protocoalelor imagistice și tehnicilor de investigare. Conținut: Prezentarea expune o sistematizare a tehnicilor ultrasonigrafice utilizate în evaluarea patologiilor mamare şi a semnelor ultrasongrafice întâlnite în diverse patologii. Datele prezentate includ și o serie de puncte-cheie precum tehnica corectă de examinare ultrasonografică a glandelor mamare, semnele ultrasonografice caracteristice formațiunilor de volum ale glandelor mamare și diagnosticul diferențial al acestora, utilizarea examenului Doppler și sonoelastografiei, vizualizarea ganglionilor limfatici ai zonelor regionale de circulație limfatică a glandelor mamare, principalele semne ultrasonografice întâlnite în caracterizarea patologiei difuze a glandelor mamare (forma difuză a mastitei, forma infiltrativă a cancerului), datele ultrasonografice ale glandelor mamare pe fundalul tratamentului etc. Concluzii: Examenul ultrasonografic multiparametric al glandelor mamare lărgește considerabil posibilitățile diagnosticului diferențial al patologiilor mamare, oferind noi perspective în depistarea precoce a proceselor neoplazic

    Dificultăți în diagnosticul cancerului mamar

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    Catedra de Radiologie și Imagistică, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie “Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Institutul Oncologic, Spitalul Internaţional Medpark, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, The IVth Congress of Radiology and Medical Imaging of the Republic of Moldova with international participation, Chisinau, May 31 – June 2, 2018Introducere: Cancerul mamar este cea mai frecventă neoplazie la femei (circa un sfert din tumorile maligne diagnosticate la femei), ocupând locul I între cauzele de deces prin cancer în rândul femeilor la nivel mondial. Republica Moldova nu face excepție, datele publicate de Ministerul Sănătății confirmând faptul că cancerul glandei mamare ocupă locul I în structura maladiilor oncologice feminine. Raportul arată că mortalitatea înaltă este determinată, în primul rând, de adresarea bolnavelor în stadii tardive, peste 1/3 din cazuri fiind diagnosticate în stadiul tumoral III sau IV și doar 11,3% în stadiul I. O parte substanțială a deceselor ar putea fi evitată prin utilizarea testelor de diagnostic precoce al proceselor precanceroase. Conținut: Prezentarea expune dificultățile existente în diagnosticul cancerului mamar atât în Republica Moldova, cât și pe plan internațional. În timp ce mamografia reprezintă o modalitate tradițională, utilizată pe larg în Republica Moldova pentru evaluarea patologiilor mamare, disponibilitatea unor noi tehnici imagistice precum elastografia sau imagistica prin rezonanță magnetică oferă noi posibilități de diagnostic ale cancerului mamar și proceselor precanceroase, precum și stabilirea conduitei terapeutice. Noile tehnici prezintă însă adesea și un nou set de provocări educaționale și de integrare atât pentru medicii imagiști cât și clinicieni, deaceea acestea necesită încadrare în algoritmurile de diagnostic existente în funcție de detaliile și informația pe care o pot furniza. Multiple cazuri clinice cu utilizarea a diverse modalități imagistice sunt prezentate pentru ilustrare. Concluzii: Noile tehnici imagistice apărute în ultimii ani oferă noi perspective pentru depășirea dificultăților existente în diagnosticul cancerului mamar. Elaborarea unor protocoale imagistice pentru aplicare la nivel național, precum și actualizarea periodică a acestora au o relevanță deosebită în acest context

    The role of digital tomosynthesis in laryngeal cancer: comparison with radiography and computed tomography

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    Introduction. Digital tomosynthesis is a relatively new imaging modality that is already used in the diagnosis of breast cancer and has shown promising results in evaluating patients with pulmonary, osteoarticular, and other pathologies. However, up to date, there are no published studies related to the usefulness of digital tomosynthesis in the evaluation of patients with laryngeal cancer. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical role of digital tomosynthesis in the diagnosis of laryngeal cancer and compare the imaging results with those obtained by digital radiography and computed tomography. Material and methods. The study was carried out between 2015 and 2019 at the Institute of Oncology in the Republic of Moldova and included 253 consecutive patients with laryngeal cancer referred to the Institute of Oncology during this period. All patients underwent digital radiography and digital tomosynthesis investigations. In 41 patients who provided written informed consent, computed tomography was performed. The results of all imaging investigations were compared. Results. The statistical analysis revealed a high degree of agreement and a strong linear correlation between the data obtained with digital tomosynthesis and computed tomography, as well as concordance correlation coefficients for different parameters between 0.63 and 1.0 (mean value = 0.82±0.11). For comparison, the concordance correlation coefficients for the same parameters obtained for digital radiography versus computed tomography ranged between 0.08 and 0.93 (mean value = 0.43±0.25). An updated imaging algorithm that includes digital tomosynthesis has also been proposed for investigating patients with suspected laryngeal cancer. Conclusions. The study demonstrated the usefulness of digital tomosynthesis for the evaluation of patients with laryngeal cancer. When compared to computed tomography, which is considered the gold standard, digital tomosynthesis revealed a much higher performance compared to digital radiography. Considering the availability of low-dose protocols for digital tomosynthesis, the modality might also be helpful for laryngeal cancer screening in a high-risk population. However, new studies are also required to confirm our findings and define the place of digital tomosynthesis in the imaging algorithm for patients with laryngeal cancer

    Longitudinally and circumferentially directed movements of the left ventricle studied by cardiovascular magnetic resonance phase contrast velocity mapping

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    OBJECTIVE: Using high resolution cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR), we aimed to detect new details of left ventricular (LV) systolic and diastolic function, to explain the twisting and longitudinal movements of the left ventricle. METHODS: Using CMR phase contrast velocity mapping (also called Tissue Phase Mapping) regional wall motion patterns and longitudinally and circumferentially directed movements of the left ventricle were studied using a high temporal resolution technique in healthy male subjects (n = 14, age 23 +/- 3 years). RESULTS: Previously undescribed systolic and diastolic motion patterns were obtained for left ventricular segments (based on the AHA segmental) and for basal, mid and apical segments. The summation of segmental motion results in a complex pattern of ventricular twisting and longitudinal motion in the normal human heart which underlies systolic and diastolic function. As viewed from the apex, the entire LV initially rotates in a counter-clockwise direction at the beginning of ventricular systole, followed by opposing clockwise rotation of the base and counter-clockwise rotation at the apex, resulting in ventricular torsion. Simultaneously, as the entire LV moves in an apical direction during systole, the base and apex move towards each other, with little net apical displacement. The reverse of these motion patterns occur in diastole. CONCLUSION: Left ventricular function may be a consequence of the relative orientations and moments of torque of the sub-epicardial relative to the sub-endocardial myocyte layers, with influence from tethering of the heart to adjacent structures and the directional forces associated with blood flow. Understanding the complex mechanics of the left ventricle is vital to enable these techniques to be used for the evaluation of cardiac pathology

    Temporomandibular joint deformities and atlantoaxial impaction in rheumatoid arthritis

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    Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging, Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Republic of Moldova, Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Republic of MoldovaABSTRACT Rheumatoid arthritis is the most common type of autoimmune arthritis characterized by inflammation of the synovial membranes. Even though any articulation can be involved, temporomandibular joints are considered among the last ones to be affected. Cervical spine involvement is also considered a feature of long-standing disease, atlantoaxial impaction with vertical subluxation of the odontoid process through the foramen magnum being one of the most serious complications. Hereby we report a 44-year old patient with rheumatoid arthritis who presented with increasing headaches for several months. Medical imaging investigation revealed severe deformities of both temporomandibular joints and an upward displacement of the odontoid process above the foramen magnum consistent with atlantoaxial impaction. Relevant findings that can be obtained by different imaging modalities and potential therapeutic strategies are also discussed