67 research outputs found

    Hipertensiunea arterială la pacienții cu diabet zaharat tip 2

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    Background. High blood pressure (HBP) is the most common cause of mortality and morbidity in society, having double incidence on diabetics. It is estimated that 15-37% of the adult population in the world are hypertensive and 35% of them have diabetes (DM). Objective of the study. Study of the clinical-evolutional particularities of diagnosis and treatment among patients with high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. Material and Methods. The study was carried out on a group of 201 patients hospitalized in the Institute of Cardiology. Patients were divided into 2 groups, group I: HBP with type 2 diabetes (105 patients), group II: HBP without diabetes (96 patients). Tests used: biochemical analysis, lipidogram, glycemia, electrocardiography (ECG/EKG), echocardiography (Echo), stress level assessment questionnaire. Results. Among patients with HBP and type 2 diabetes, predominate women in proportion of 57,7% vs. 42,3% of men, the average age being 64,8 ± 20 years. Hyperglycemia was determined more frequently among women in 37,3% of cases, and among men in 32,2% of cases. The predominant ECG/EKG changes among patients with HBP and type 2 diabetes indicate that in 71,4% of cases they have rhythm disorders, in 78,1%-conductibility disorders. Patients with HBP and type 2 diabetes in 52,4% of cases have an excessive level of stress, fact which demonstrates that psychoemotional stress, is one of the essential risk factors that acts with predilection on patients with HBP and type 2 diabetes. Conclusion. Most diabetic patients had HBP deg. II and III, of which HBP deg. II - in 41,9% of cases and deg. III - in 42,9% of cases, fact which denote a much higher cumulative risk among patients with type 2 diabetes. Introducere. Hipertensiunea arterială (HTA) este cea mai frecventă cauză de mortalitate și morbiditate în societate, având o incidență de două ori mai mare la diabetici. Se estimează că 15-37% din populația adultă de pe glob sunt hipertensivi și dintre ei 35% au diabet zaharat (DZ). Scopul lucrării. Studierea particularităților clinico-evolutive de diagnostic și tratament la pacienții cu hipertensiune arterială și diabet zaharat tip 2. Material și Metode. Studiu a fost efectuat pe un lot de 201 pacienți internați în Institutul de Cardiologie. Pacienții au fost divizați în 2 loturi, lotul I: HTA cu DZ tip 2 (105 pacienți), lotul II: HTA fără DZ (96 pacienți). Teste utilizate: analiza biochimică, lipidograma, glicemia, electrocardiografia (ECG), ecocardiografia (EcoCG), chestionar de evaluare a nivelului de stres. Rezultate. Printre pacienții cu HTA și DZ tip 2 prevalează femeile în proporție de 57,7% vs 42,3% bărbați, vârsta medie constituind 64,8 ± 20 ani. Hiperglicemia s-a determinat mai frecvent la femei în 37,3%, iar la bărbați în 32,2% cazuri. Schimbările ECG preponderente la pacienții cu HTA și DZ tip 2 denotă faptul precum că în 71,4% cazuri ei prezintă dereglări de ritm, în 78,1% – dereglări de conductibilitate. Pacienții cu HTA și DZ tip 2 în 52,4% cazuri au un nivel exagerat de stres, fapt ce demonstrează că stresul psihoemoțional, este unul dintre factorii de risc primordiali ce acționează cu predilecție la pacienții cu HTA și DZ tip 2. Concluzii. Majoritatea pacienților au avut HTA gr. II și III, dintre care HTA gr. II – în 41,9% și gradul III – în 42,9% cazuri, fapt ce denotă riscul cumulativ mult mai mare la pacienții cu DZ tip 2

    The clinic and paraclinic peculiarities of patients with Lyme disease treated in T.Ciorba Infectious Disease Hospital during 2009-2012 period

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    Catedra Boli infecţioase, tropicale şi parazitologie medicală USFM ,,Nicolae Testemiţanu”There have been examined and treated 39 patients suffering with acute Lyme Disease (LD) during 2009-2012 in the Clinic of Infectious Disease. The incidence of disease was higher during May and July months 33.3% and 20.5% accordingly The most commonly noticed symptom was erythema migratory (EM) in 66% cases, followed by arthralgia and myalgia - in 64, local burning sensations –in 58, head ache- in 46 and fever –in 30% cases. EM syndrome was more frequently noticed in women – in 18 cases vs 8- in men. Also joint pain was a more 742 frequent symptom presented by women 15 vs 10 cases in men. Incubation period was 14 and 13.13 days. Am elucidatat particularitățile clinice epidemiologice si paraclinice la pacienții internați in SCBI ,, T.Ciorbă’’ ( 39 persoane) pe durata anilor 2009-2012. Boala Lyme s-a constatat cel mai frecvent în luna mai (33.3%) și iulie (20.5%). Maladia a evoluat în majoritatea cazurilor cu eritem migrator (EM) la 66%, artralgii- la 64%, senzații de arsuri locale-la 58%, cefalee-la 46% și febră la 30% pacienți. EM și artralgiile s-au constat la femei cu o frecvența mai mare decat la barbați 18 vs 8 și 15 vs 10 corespunzător. La alte simptome frecvența a fost similară. Perioada de incubație varia între 9.36 și 17.96 zile

    Factorii de risc ai sindromului cardiorenal 2/4

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    Background. Cardio-renal syndrome as ‘disorders of the heart and kidneys whereby acute or chronic dysfunction in one organ may induce acute or chronic dysfunction of the other’. Objective of the study. Study of risk factors of patients with cardiorenal syndrome for contribution to early diagnosis. Material and Methods. During the years 2017 - 2019 in the Municipal Hospital "Holy Trinity" were examined risk factors in 50 patients with SCR 2/4. 64% men and 36% women with a mean age 71.42 ± 1.28 years. Results. Risk factors - advanced age 71.42 ± 1.28 years, mean duration cardiovascular disease is 13.48 ± 0.71 years, Chronic Heart Failure (CHF) CF II NYHA 26%, CHF CF III NYHA 74%, Ischemic heart disease (IHD) 92%, Chronic kidney disease (CKD) after KDOQI: CKD G3a 8%, CKD G3b 30%, CKD G4 38%, BCR G5 24%, proteinuria: A1 12%, A2 50%, A3 34%, A4 4%, HTA 100%, male 68%, dyslipidemia 60%, hyperuricemia 62%, diabetes mellitus 50% and anemia 32%. Conclusion. Early diagnosis of CRS will help keep the risk factors under control, preventing the progression of CHF and CKD, by optimizing therapeutic behavior, thus improving the quality of life of people with CRS. Introducere. Sindromul cardiorenal (SCR) este definit ca o afecțiune cardiacă sau renală, în care disfuncția acută sau cronică dintr-un organ poate induce disfuncție acută sau cronică în celălalt. Scopul lucrării. Studierea factorilor de risc ai pacienților cu sindrom cardiorenal pentru contribuția la diagnosticul precoce. Material și Metode. În decursul anilor 2017 - 2019 în Spitalul Municipal „Sfânta Treime” au fost examinați factorii de risc la 50 pacienți cu SCR 2/4. 64% bărbați și 36% femei cu vârsta medie 71,42±1,28 ani. Rezultate. Factorii de risc - vârsta înaintată 71,42±1,28 ani, durata medie a patologiei cardiovasculare este 13,48±0,71 ani, insuficiența cardiacă cronică (ICC) CF II NYHA 26%, ICC CF III NYHA 74%, cardiopatia ischemică (CPI) 92%, boala cronică renală (BCR) după KDOQI: BCR G3a 8%, BCR G3b 30%, BCR G4 38%, BCR G5 24%, proteinuria: A1 12%, A2 50%, A3 34%, A4 4%, HTA 100%, sexul masculin 68%, dislipidemia 60%, hiperuricemia 62%, diabetul zaharat 50% și anemia 32%. Concluzii. Diagnosticul precoce al SCR va contribui la menținerea sub control al FR, în prevenirea progresiei ICC și BCR, prin optimizarea conduitei terapeutice, astfel se va îmbunătăţi calitatea vieții persoanelor cu SCR

    Dysfunctional breathing in patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”. Catedra Neurologie Institutul de Neurologie şi NeurochirurgieWe studied the clinical manifestations of dysfunctional breathing in 40 patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Respiratory center hypersensitivity and hyperventilation syndrome are the main elements of dysfunctional breathing involved in the pathophysiology of IBS. The respiratory center hypersensitivity is caused by anxiety, that is also characteristic for IBS patients. It causes hyperventilation, that in turn induces viscero-intestinal hypersensitivity, thus generating and enhancing IBS symptoms. În această lucrare au fost analizate manifestările clinice ale respiraţiei disfuncţionale la pacienţi cu sindromul intestinului iritabil (SII). Hipersensibilitatea centrului respirator şi sindromul de hiperventilaţie sînt cele mai importante elemente ale disfuncţiei respiratorii, implicate în fiziopatologia SII. Hipersensibilitatea centrului respirator este cauzată de anxietate, care, de asemenea este caracteristică pacienţilor cu SII. Aceasta cauzează hiperventilaţia, care la rîndul ei, induce hipersensibilitatea viscero-intestinală, astfel generînd şi intensificînd simptomele pacienţilor cu SII

    Mechanical thrombectomy techniques for acute ischemic stroke

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    Mechanical thrombectomy technique was introduced as an effective and secure method in acute ischemic stroke patients suffering from intracranial large vessel occlusion (LVO). In this article, we will review the main mechanical thrombectomy techniques and current trends in this type of treatment for acute ischemic stroke

    Temporo-sylvian anastomosis and aneurysm clipping in a case of left M1 aneurysm with progressive evolution after initial embolization: Case report

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    A giant unrupted middle cerebral artery aneurysm partially thrombosed, previously endovascularly treated after a mild right hemiparesis remitted. After 12 months, in routine check we discovered a reperfusion of the aneurysm and decide EC-IC bypass and clipping, with a good outcome

    Preliminary study of thrombogenicity induced by the nanoparticle surface coating of intracranial stents

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    Endovascular treatment of intracranial aneurysms with intracranial stents was proven to be clinically safe and effective, but is still associated with a risk of thromboembolic complications. Stent thrombosis could be a sever complication associated with specific stent surface coatings and designs. Standardized in vitro tests for investigation of thrombogenicity induced by different nanomaterials were used as the basic method in carrying out the present study. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the thrombogenicity of three different nanomaterials (ZnO, TiO2 si Fe3O4) possible used as surface coating for intracranial stents. This study is based on a procedure for in vitro analyses of plasma coagulation time. To measure the plasma coagulation time, platelet-poor plasma from human whole blood was in vitro exposed to nanoparticles and analysed in prothrombin (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin (APTT)

    Current applications of 3d printing in neurosurgery

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    Medical implications of 3-dimensional (3D) printing technology have progressed with increasingly used especially in surgical fields. 3D printing techniques are practical and anatomically accurate methods of producing patient specific models for medical education, surgical planning, training and simulation, and implants production for the assessment and treatment of neurosurgical diseases. This article presents the main directions of 3D printing models application in neurosurgery

    Management of spinal dural arteriovenouse fistula

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    Spinal dural arteriovenous fistulas are rare vascular lesions whose management is still at high interest between specialists. If microsurgical treatment is still considered as treatment of choice for SDAVFs, endovascular treatment is increasingly grow in interest with the development of endovascular techniques and new embolization materials. In this article we made a short discussion about the spinal dural arteriovenous fistulae on aspects related to anatomy, pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment, with some general conclusions