11 research outputs found

    Creation of Architectural Image in Education Process

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    Process of designing in architecture such as it is nowadays is based on visions (images) of a future objects, two and three dimensional models being created with help of various means and tricks. Those visions are basic Information medium about the features the object being designed, about its functional and aesthetic peculiarities. In those visions worked out by an architect - models of a future object - architect codes in a condensed information of the object. That leads up to the situation in which the created becomes less of a medium in designing process, but its goal

    The Search for the Logical Algorithm of the Town-planning Process

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    The creation of such models of material and spatial environment that can guarantee the most efficient passing of the virtual processes is considered to be one of the main goals for the town planning. But sometimes this goal is not achieved because of the far-fetched space organization accepted in the model, that does not always coincide with the real processes of vital activity. This report does not focus particularly on the damage which is caused by the realization of such defective models. But it is very important to find out the way for complete elimination of the reasons mentioned above. We should also take into account that means of cognition available at the moment are among the basic determiners, which define that “sheari of reality and also that comprehension level of objective laws governing this stage of social development. That is why our conception of the town-planning processes is in constant development and improvement: it gradually approximates to the truth, but, certainly, does not entirely perceive it

    Central spaces of Belarusian boroughs: tradition and innovation of urban development

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    Małe i średnie miasta przeważają w grupie miast Białorusi. Ich kształtowanie i rozwój uzależnione są od szeregu czynników, z których najważniejszymi wydają się być historyczne, przyrodnicze i geograficzno-ekonomiczne. Miasta te charakteryzują się dużym zróżnicowaniem charakteru architektonicznego a jednocześnie wiele ogólnych cech, mają wspólnych. Szczególne znaczenie ma ochrona dziedzictwa historycznego powiązanego z walorami środowiska naturalnego. Takie podejście zawiera zasadniczą odpowiedź na potrzeby związane z ich przekształceniami i rozwojem.Small and middle towns prevail on the whole structure of urban settlements in Belarus. The basic factors that determine forming and evolution of investigated group of towns are historical, natural, economical and geographical conditions. These towns are remarkable for a wide variety of urban appearance, and at the same time they have definite common features. It special significance consists of preservation of theirs’ historical heritage in natural environment. This point of view assigns the main demands to their transformation and evolution

    Unilateral diaphragmatic paralysis. Consequences of brachial plexus block by supraclavicular way with ecogram

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    Introduction: Regional anesthesia has experienced major changes in recent years, particularly due to the use of electrostimulation and ecogram. The unilateral paralysis of the diaphragm is a secondary complication after blocking the supraclavicular brachial plexus, with an incidence of 50 to 67 %. The introduction of echolocation is not exempt from this. Every scholar should provide all the details related to it, so that they can serve as a guide to the coming generations. Objective: To increase knowledge on the management of patients with peripheral nerve blocks under the use of ultrasound and the importance of following them. Clinical case: 60-year-old patient with 82 kg of weight, which was planned elective surgery to remove tumor from the forearm. The patient had antecedents of hypertensive ischemic heart disease treated with the placement of two stents. It was decided to lock the supraclavicular brachial plexus, obtaining a correct locking, but there was a unilateral paralysis of the diaphragm with implications for the patient's welfare. Conclusions: despite using ultrasound for peripheral nerve blocks, you must follow a strict monitoring of each patient throughout the surgical act.</span