44 research outputs found

    Transmitters and Pathways Mediating Inhibition of Spinal Itch-Signaling Neurons by Scratching and Other Counterstimuli

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    Scratching relieves itch, but the underlying neural mechanisms are poorly understood. We presently investigated a role for the inhibitory neurotransmitters GABA and glycine in scratch-evoked inhibition of spinal itch-signaling neurons in a mouse model of chronic dry skin itch. Superficial dorsal horn neurons ipsilateral to hindpaw dry skin treatment exhibited a high level of spontaneous firing that was significantly attenuated by cutaneous scratching, pinch and noxious heat. Scratch-evoked inhibition was nearly abolished by spinal delivery of the glycine antagonist, strychnine, and was markedly attenuated by respective GABAA and GABAB antagonists bicuculline and saclofen. Scratch-evoked inhibition was also significantly attenuated (but not abolished) by interruption of the upper cervical spinal cord, indicating the involvement of both segmental and suprasegmental circuits that engage glycine- and GABA-mediated inhibition of spinal itch-signaling neurons by noxious counterstimuli

    Spontaneous itch in the absence of hyperalgesia in a mouse hindpaw dry skin model

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    We presently investigated if chronic dry skin treatment of the mouse hindpaw results in itch-related behavior, with or without accompanying hyperalgesia and allodynia. Following a 10-day period of treatment of one hindpaw with a mixture of acetone-diethylether-water (AEW), mice exhibited a significant increase in spontaneous biting behavior directed to the treated hindpaw compared to control animals in which one hindpaw was similarly treated with water only (W). Biting in the AEW group was significantly attenuated by the µ-opioid antagonist naltrexone but was unaffected by the µ-agonist morphine. There were no significant differences in hindpaw heat withdrawal latency, mechanical withdrawal threshold, or cold-plate latency between W and AEW treatment groups. These results indicate that chronic AEW treatment induces spontaneous itch but does not alter pain sensitivity, supporting the utility of this model for studies of chronic dry skin itch

    Enhanced responses of lumbar superficial dorsal horn neurons to intradermal PAR-2 agonist but not histamine in a mouse hindpaw dry skin itch model

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    Chronic itch is symptomatic of many skin conditions and systemic diseases. Little is known about pathophysiological alterations in itch-signaling neural pathways associated with chronic itch. We used a mouse model of hindpaw chronic dry skin itch to investigate properties of presumptive itch-signaling neurons. Neurons in the lumbar superficial dorsal horn ipsilateral to hindpaw dry skin treatment exhibited a high level of spontaneous activity that was inhibited by scratching the plantar surface. Most spontaneously active units exhibited further increases in firing rate following intradermal injection of an agonist of the protease-activated receptor PAR-2, or histamine. The large majority of pruritogen-responsive units also responded to capsaicin and allyl isothiocyanate. For neurons ipsilateral to dry skin treatment, responses elicited by the PAR-2 agonist, but not histamine or mechanical stimuli, were significantly larger compared with neurons ipsilateral to vehicle (water) treatment or neurons recorded in naïve (untreated) mice. The spontaneous activity may signal ongoing itch, while enhanced PAR-2 agonist-evoked responses may underlie hyperknesis (enhanced itch), both of which are symptomatic of many chronic itch conditions. The enhancement of neuronal responses evoked by the PAR-2 agonist, but not by histamine or mechanical stimuli, implies that the dry skin condition selectively sensitized PAR-2 agonist-sensitive primary afferent pruriceptors

    Activation of Superficial Dorsal Horn Neurons in the Mouse by a PAR-2 Agonist and 5-HT: Potential Role in Itch

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    Itch, an unpleasant sensation associated with the desire to scratch, is symptomatic of dermatologic and systemic disorders that often resist antihistamine treatment. Histamine-independent itch mediators include serotonin (5-HT) and agonists of the protease-activated receptor-2 (PAR-2). We used behavior, Fos immunohistochemistry, and electrophysiology to investigate if these mediators activate spinal dorsal horn neurons in a manner consistent with itch. Intradermal (id) injection of the PAR-2 agonist SLIGRL-NH 2 in the rostral back evoked bouts of directed hindlimb scratches over 20–30 min. Hindpaw injection of SLIGRL-NH 2 produced Fos staining in superficial dorsal horn which was then targeted for single-unit recording. Small id microinjections of SLIGRL-NH 2 or 5-HT identified responsive single units in the superficial dorsal horn of mice anesthetized with pentobarbital. Thirty-eight units characterized as wide dynamic range, nociceptive specific, or mechanically insensitive exhibited significantly increased firing after id SLIGRL-NH 2 for 9 min, to partial (25%) tachyphylaxis with repeated injection. A majority additionally responded to 5-HT (70%), mustard oil (79%), and capsaicin (71%). Seven units isolated with the 5-HT search stimulus exhibited significant and prolonged responses to 5-HT with tachyphylaxis to repeated injections. The majority also responded to SLIGRL-NH 2 , mustard oil, and capsaicin. The prolonged responses of superficial dorsal horn neurons to SLIGRL-NH 2 and 5-HT suggest a role in signaling itch. However, their responsiveness to algogens is inconsistent with itch specificity. Alternatively, such neurons may signal itch, whereas noxious stimulus levels recruit these and a larger population of pruritogen-insensitive cells to signal pain which masks or occludes the itch signal

    Effects of gustatory nerve transection and/or ovariectomy on oral capsaicin avoidance in rats

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    The incidence of chronic oral pain such as burning mouth syndrome is greater in peri-menopausal females, and was postulated to be associated with gustatory nerve damage. We investigated whether bilateral transection of the chorda tympani, with or without accompanying ovariectomy, affected oral capsaicin avoidance in rats. Female rats had restricted access to 2 bottles, 1 bottle containing capsaicin (concentration range: 0.33-33 μM/L) and the other vehicle. Percent volume of capsaicin consumption and lick counts were measured. The concentration series was tested before and 0.5, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months after the following surgical procedures: (a) bilateral transection of the chorda tympani (CTx); (b) ovariectomy (OVx); (3) CTx plus OVx; or (4) sham CT surgery. Before surgery there was a concentration-dependent decrease in licks and volume of capsaicin consumed, with a threshold between 0.1 and 0.3 ppm. The majority of drink licks occurred during the first 9 minutes of access. Over the 12-month test period, the CTx group did not exhibit reduced capsaicin consumption, and consumed significantly more capsaicin at 6 and 9 months postsurgery. Rats in the OVx group consistently consumed significantly less capsaicin and exhibited significantly higher counts of capsaicin-evoked Fos-like immunoreactivity in the dorsomedial trigeminal subnucleus caudalis (Vc) compared to all other treatment groups. That CTx, with or without OVx, did not enhance capsaicin avoidance indicates that damage to the gustatory system does not disinhibit trigeminal nociceptive transmission