30 research outputs found

    Primary Ewing sarcoma of the axis-C2: A case report and the review of the literature

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    Introduction Neck pain and torticollis are common symptoms in the pediatric population that rarely requires further investigation. However, in case symptoms persist, then a more meticulously approach should be considered. Underlying conditions such as infections, neck injury, autoimmune disorders or even cervical spine cancer should be excluded from diagnosis. Cervical spine cancer is a rare neurosurgical entity in the pediatric population and even rarer is atlantoaxial Ewing's sarcoma. In this report, we present a rare case of primary Ewing's sarcoma of the axis. Case report A 3.5-year-old female with progressive neck pain and intermittent episodes of torticollis was referred to our outpatient clinic. Imaging studies revealed a malignant tumor located on C2 vertebra. Diagnosis of Ewing's Sarcoma was confirmed via open biopsy and the patient was treated with Euro-EWING 99 chemotherapy. Conclusion Pediatric neck pain and/or torticollis should raise high suspicion for malignancy of cervical spine. Modern diagnostic means and techniques can assist in the screening and diagnosis of these tumors

    Active Region Photospheric Magnetic Properties Derived from Line-of-sight and Radial Fields

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    The effect of using two representations of the normal-to-surface magnetic field to calculate photospheric measures that are related to active region (AR) potential for flaring is presented. Several AR properties were computed using line-of-sight (Blos) and spherical-radial (Br) magnetograms from the Spaceweather HMI Active Region Patch (SHARP) products of the Solar Dynamics Observatory, characterizing the presence and features of magnetic polarity inversion lines, fractality, and magnetic connectivity of the AR photospheric field. The data analyzed corresponds to ≈4,000 AR observations, achieved by randomly selecting 25% of days between September 2012 and May 2016 for analysis at 6-hr cadence. Results from this statistical study include: i) the Br component results in a slight upwards shift of property values in a manner consistent with a field-strength underestimation by the Blos component; ii) using the Br component results in significantly lower inter-property correlation in one-third of the cases, implying more independent information about the state of the AR photospheric magnetic field; iii) flaring rates for each property vary between the field components in a manner consistent with the differences in property-value ranges resulting from the components; iv)flaring rates generally increase for higher values of properties, except Fourier spectral power index that has flare rates peaking around a value of 5=3. These findings indicate that there may be advantages in using Br rather than Blos in calculating flare-related AR magnetic properties, especially for regions located far from central meridian

    Heat hardening enhances mitochondrial potential for respiration and oxidative defence capacity in the mantle of thermally stressed Mytilus galloprovincialis

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    Ectotherms are exposed to a range of environmental temperatures and may face extremes beyond their upper thermal limits. Such temperature extremes can stimulate aerobic metabolism toward its maximum, a decline in aerobic substrate oxidation, and a parallel increase of anaerobic metabolism, combined with ROS generation and oxidative stress. Under these stressful conditions, marine organisms recruit several defensive strategies for their maintenance and survival. However, thermal tolerance of ectothermic organisms may be increased after a brief exposure to sub- lethal temperatures, a process known as "hardening". In our study, we examined the ability of M. galloprovincialis to increase its thermal tolerance under the effect of elevated temperatures (24, 26 and 28 °C) through the "hardening" process. Our results demonstrate that this process can increase the heat tolerance and antioxidant defense of heat hardened mussels through more efficient ETS activity when exposed to temperatures beyond 24 °C, compared to non-hardened individuals. Enhanced cell protection is reflected in better adaptive strategies of heat hardened mussels, and thus decreased mortality. Although hardening seems a promising process for the maintenance of aquacultured populations under increased seasonal temperatures, further investigation of the molecular and cellular mechanisms regulating mussels’ heat resistance is required

    Long-term prognostic value of LDL-C, HDL-C, lp(a) and TG levels on cardiovascular disease incidence, by body weight status, dietary habits and lipid-lowering treatment:the ATTICA epidemiological cohort study (2002–2012)

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    BACKGROUND: The link between blood lipids and cardiovascular disease (CVD) is complex. Our aim was to assess the differential effect of blood lipids on CVD risk according to age, sex, body weight, diet quality, use of lipid-lowering drugs and presence of hypercholesterolemia. METHODS: In this secondary analysis of the ATTICA prospective cohort study, serum blood lipids, i.e., total cholesterol (TC), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), triglycerides (TG) and liproprotein(a) [Lp(a)], and sociodemographic, anthropometric, lifestyle and clinical parameters were evaluated at baseline (2001/2002) in 2020 CVD-free men and women. CVD incidence was recorded at the 10-year follow-up (2011/2012). RESULTS: All blood lipids assessed were univariately related to CVD risk; however, associations remained significant only for HDL-C and TG in multivariate models adjusted for age, sex, body mass index, smoking, Mediterranean Diet Score, physical activity, presence of hypercholesterolemia, hypertension and diabetes mellitus, use of lipid-lowering drugs, and family history of CVD [RR per 1 mg/dL (95% CI): 0.983 (0.967, 1.000) and 1.002 (1.001, 1.003), respectively]. In stratified analyses, TC and LDL-C predicted CVD risk in younger subjects, normal-weight subjects, and those not on lipid-lowering drugs, while HDL-C and TG were significant predictors in older subjects, those with low adherence to the Mediterranean diet, and hypercholesterolemic subjects; a significant effect on CVD risk was also observed for TG in males, overweight participants and lipid-lowering medication users and for Lp(a) in older subjects and females (all p ≤ 0.050). CONCLUSIONS: The impact of blood lipids on CVD risk differs according to several biological, lifestyle and clinical parameters

    Forecasting Solar Flares Using Magnetogram-based Predictors and Machine Learning

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    We propose a forecasting approach for solar flares based on data from Solar Cycle 24, taken by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) mission. In particular, we use the Spaceweather HMI Active Region Patches (SHARP) product that facilitates cut-out magnetograms of solar active regions (AR) in the Sun in near-realtime (NRT), taken over a five-year interval (2012 – 2016). Our approach utilizes a set of thirteen predictors, which are not included in the SHARP metadata, extracted from line-of-sight and vector photospheric magnetograms. We exploit several Machine Learning (ML) and Conventional Statistics techniques to predict flares of peak magnitude >M1 and >C1, within a 24 h forecast window. The ML methods used are multi-layer perceptrons (MLP), support vector machines (SVM) and random forests (RF). We conclude that random forests could be the prediction technique of choice for our sample, with the second best method being multi-layer perceptrons, subject to an entropy objective function. A Monte Carlo simulation showed that the best performing method gives accuracy ACC=0.93(0.00), true skill statistic TSS=0.74(0.02) and Heidke skill score HSS=0.49(0.01) for >M1 flare prediction with probability threshold 15% and ACC=0.84(0.00), TSS=0.60(0.01) and HSS=0.59(0.01) for >C1 flare prediction with probability threshold 35%

    Heat hardening enhances metabolite-driven thermoprotection in the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis

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    Introduction: Temperature affects organisms’ metabolism and ecological performance. Owing to climate change, sea warming constituting a severe source of environmental stress for marine organisms, since it increases at alarming rates. Rapid warming can exceed resilience of marine organisms leading to fitness loss and mortality. However, organisms can improve their thermal tolerance when briefly exposed to sublethal thermal stress (heat hardening), thus generating heat tolerant phenotypes.Methods: We investigated the “stress memory” effect caused by heat hardening on M. galloprovincialis metabolite profile of in order to identify the underlying biochemical mechanisms, which enhance mussels’ thermal tolerance.Results: The heat hardening led to accumulation of amino acids (e.g., leucine, isoleucine and valine), including osmolytes and cytoprotective agents with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can contribute to thermal protection of the mussels. Moreover, proteolysis was inhibited and protein turnover regulated by the heat hardening. Heat stress alters the metabolic profile of heat stressed mussels, benefiting the heat-hardened individuals in increasing their heat tolerance compared to the non-heat-hardened ones.Discussion: These findings provide new insights in the metabolic mechanisms that may reinforce mussels’ tolerance against thermal stress providing both natural protection and potential manipulative tools (e.g., in aquaculture) against the devastating climate change effects on marine organisms