20 research outputs found

    TREM-1 expression on neutrophils and monocytes of septic patients: relation to the underlying infection and the implicated pathogen

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Current knowledge on the exact ligand causing expression of TREM-1 on neutrophils and monocytes is limited. The present study aimed at the role of underlying infection and of the causative pathogen in the expression of TREM-1 in sepsis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Peripheral venous blood was sampled from 125 patients with sepsis and 88 with severe sepsis/septic shock. The causative pathogen was isolated in 91 patients. Patients were suffering from acute pyelonephritis, community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), intra-abdominal infections (IAIs), primary bacteremia and ventilator-associated pneumonia or hospital-acquired pneumonia (VAP/HAP). Blood monocytes and neutrophils were isolated. Flow cytometry was used to estimate the TREM-1 expression from septic patients.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Within patients bearing intrabdominal infections, expression of TREM-1 was significantly lower on neutrophils and on monocytes at severe sepsis/shock than at sepsis. That was also the case for severe sepsis/shock developed in the field of VAP/HAP. Among patients who suffered infections by Gram-negative community-acquired pathogens or among patients who suffered polymicrobial infections, expression of TREM-1 on monocytes was significantly lower at the stage of severe sepsis/shock than at the stage of sepsis.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Decrease of the expression of TREM-1 on the membrane of monocytes and neutrophils upon transition from sepsis to severe sepsis/septic shock depends on the underlying type of infection and the causative pathogen.</p

    The potential role of migratory birds in the transmission of zoonoses

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    The instinct for survival leads migratory birds to exploit seasonal opportunities for breeding habitats and food supplies. Consequently, they travel across national and international borders. These birds are distinguished in local migrants, short-distance, long-distance and vagrant and nomadic migrants. They can transfer micro-organisms across the globe and play a significant role in the ecology and circulation of pathogenic organisms. They are implicated in the transmission of zoonoses as biological and mechanical carriers and as hosts and carriers of infected ectoparasites. They can cause water-borne, tick-borne and insect-borne diseases. Favourable agents, such as seasonality and stress due to migration, influence the transmission of pathogens. The migration of birds is a natural phenomenon that is followed by the unavoidable repercussions of the participation of these birds as carriers or hosts in the transmission of pathogens. It is not possible to interrupt this sequence but risks can be minimised by controlling and preventing perilous situations. Surveillance of wetlands, ‘stopovers’, places of destination and wintering regions can be done. Furthermore, the implementation strict biosecurity measures that reduce contact with migratory birds will limit the transmission of pathogens

    The pedagogical function of law to the sophists , Plato and Aristotle

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    The thesis aims to present the law from a pedagogical point of view, according to Protagoras, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. It was based on the study of Platonic and Aristotelian texts; the surviving works of Sophists and scholars of the antiquity and today. The method followed was the philosophical analysis; the detailed analysis of the text of the aforementioned philosophers in connection with laws’ pedagogical nature. The thesis consists of four chapters. Initially, the theories of the Sophists on law and justice are presented followed by the analysis of Protagoras’s positions who defended the law and recognized its pedagogical nature. The second chapter investigates the position of Socrates and Plato towards the law. The laws according to Socrates adequately educate and guide the citizens in order to comply with their requirements spontaneously. Plato argues that the philosophers, who have received appropriate education and have become wise and virtuous, are above the law, hence, they should govern. By the end of his life though he admits that honest politicians hardly exist; as a result the city should by governed by the right laws. The philosopher regards the law as a tutor who moulds moral citizens. The educative role of the laws is estimated by the degree citizens successfully comply with the requirements of the laws. Intentional obedience to the laws of the city consists of paramount obedience. In the third chapter the pedagogical nature of the laws is examined which according to Aristotle, likewise to Plato, is connected with morality. The laws are binding for all citizens. They encode the appropriate behavior, taking into account the prevailing values and the will of the city to render the citizens virtuous and blissful. The education of young people should be based on the right laws, acting as tutors who will force them to behave properly. Chapter four mentions of legislators in general, especially of the "noble" legislators who enacted laws whose instructive nature is directly or indirectly distinguished. The legislator is characterized by Plato as a tutor who commits to moulding righteous citizens. Aristotle stresses as well that the aim of the legislators is to establish the right laws to train good citizens. In conclusion, this thesis puts forward the evaluation of the laws as educators and the perpetual value of their educational nature in order to ensure social justice and happiness of the citizens.Η διατριβή αυτή έχει ως στόχο να παρουσιάσει την παιδευτική διάσταση του νόμου, κατά τον Πρωταγόρα, τον Σωκράτη, τον Πλάτωνα και τον Αριστοτέλη. Η εκπόνηση της διατριβής βασίστηκε στη μελέτη των πλατωνικών και αριστοτελικών κειμένων, αλλά και των διασωθέντων αποσπασμάτων από τα έργα των Σοφιστών. Επίσης βασίστηκε στη μελέτη συναφών με το θέμα κειμένων άλλων διανοουμένων της αρχαιότητας, αλλά και σύγχρονων μελετητών. Η μέθοδος που ακολουθήσαμε είναι η φιλοσοφική αναλυτική, δηλαδή η λεπτομερής ανάλυση των κειμένων των προαναφερθέντων φιλοσόφων σε σχέση με το θέμα της παιδαγωγικής λειτουργίας των νόμων. Η διατριβή αποτελείται από τέσσερα κεφάλαια. Στο πρώτο παρουσιάζονται αρχικά οι θεωρίες των Σοφιστών σχετικά με το δίκαιο και τον νόμο. Στη συνέχεια ακολουθεί η ανάλυση των θέσεων του Πρωταγόρα ο οποίος υπερασπίστηκε τον νόμο και αναγνώρισε την παιδαγωγική λειτουργία του. Στο δεύτερο κεφάλαιο εξετάζεται η στάση του Σωκράτους και του Πλάτωνος έναντι των νόμων. Οι νόμοι, κατά τον Σωκράτη, εκπαιδεύουν τους πολίτες και τους καθοδηγούν κατάλληλα, με αποτέλεσμα την αυτόβουλη συμμόρφωση προς τις επιταγές τους. Ο Πλάτων υποστηρίζει ότι πρέπει να άρχουν οι φιλόσοφοι, οι οποίοι έχουν λάβει την κατάλληλη παιδεία και έχουν γίνει σοφοί και ενάρετοι, γι’ αυτό και υπερέχουν των νόμων. Προς το τέλος της ζωής του όμως παραδέχεται ότι είναι πολύ δύσκολο να υπάρξουν σωστοί πολιτικοί και ότι πρέπει να κυβερνούν την πόλη οι σωστοί νόμοι. Ο νόμος κατά τον φιλόσοφο, είναι παιδαγωγός ο οποίος διαπλάθει ηθικούς πολίτες. Η επιτυχία του παιδευτικού έργου των νόμων κρίνεται κυρίως από το βαθμό συμμόρφωσης των πολιτών με τις επιταγές τους. Ως ανώτερος βαθμός συμμόρφωσης, θεωρείται η εκούσια υπακοή στους νόμους της πόλης. Στο τρίτο κεφάλαιο εξετάζεται η αναγνώριση της παιδαγωγικής λειτουργίας των νόμων από τον Αριστοτέλη, η οποία συνδέεται, όπως και στον Πλάτωνα, με την ηθική. Οι νόμοι είναι υποχρεωτικοί για όλους τους πολίτες. Κωδικοποιούν την προσήκουσα συμπεριφορά, λαμβάνοντας υπόψη τις κρατούσες αξίες και τη βούληση της πόλης, με τελικό σκοπό να καταστούν οι πολίτες ενάρετοι και ευδαίμονες. Η αγωγή των νέων πρέπει να βασίζεται σε ορθούς νόμους, οι οποίοι ως παιδαγωγοί τους αναγκάζουν να πράττουν τα δέοντα. Στο τέταρτο κεφάλαιο γίνεται λόγος για τους νομοθέτες γενικά, κυρίως όμως για τους «ἀγαθούς» νομοθέτες που θέσπισαν νόμους, στους οποίους είναι διακριτός, άμεσα ή έμμεσα, ο παιδευτικός τους χαρακτήρας. Ο νομοθέτης χαρακτηρίζεται από τον Πλάτωνα ως παιδαγωγός καθώς αναλαμβάνει να διαπλάσσει ενάρετους πολίτες. Ο Αριστοτέλης επίσης τονίζει ότι σκοπός των νομοθετών είναι να θεσπίσουν ορθούς νόμους ούτως ώστε να κάνουν τους πολίτες αγαθούς. Συμπερασματικά, η διατριβή αυτή προβάλλει τη θεώρηση των νόμων ως παιδαγωγών καθώς και τη διαχρονική αξία της παιδαγωγικής τους λειτουργίας προκειμένου να εξασφαλιστεί η κοινωνική δικαιοσύνη και η ευδαιμονία των πολιτών

    Efficacy of a Dietary Polyherbal Formula on the Performance and Gut Health in Broiler Chicks after Experimental Infection with Eimeria spp.

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    One-hundred and fifty, one-day-old Ross-308 female chicks were randomly allocated to five equal treatments: NCONTR negative control—not challenged; PCONTR positive control—challenged; PHERB1 and PHERB2 diets were supplemented with phytogenic formula (1 and 2 g/kg feed, respectively)—challenged; PSALIN diet was supplemented with salinomycin (60 mg/kg feed)—challenged. Challenge was made by oral inoculation with 3.5 × 104 E. acervulina, 7.0 × 103 E. maxima and 5.0 × 103 E. tenella oocysts, at 14 days of age. One week post inoculation, bloody diarrhea, oocysts numbers, and intestinal lesions were evaluated, along with intestinal microbiota, viscosity, and pH of digesta, and histopathology. PHERB2 had a comparable (p ≤ 0.001) growth performance and feed conversion ratio to PSALIN. PHERB1 and PHERB2 had similar (p ≤ 0.001) oocyst counts to PSALIN and lower than PCONTROL. PHERB2 and PSALIN had lower (p ≤ 0.001) jejunal, ileal, and cecal lesion scores compared to PCONTR. PHERB1 and PHERB2 had higher (p ≤ 0.001) jejunal and cecal lactobacilli and lower (p ≤ 0.001) coliform counts compared to other treatments. PCONTR had lower (p ≤ 0.001) jejunum villus height, height to crypt ratio, and villus goblet cells. Breast and thigh meat resistance to oxidation was improved (p ≤ 0.001) in PHERB1 and PHERB2 compared to the PCONTR. The polyherbal formula exerted a substantial improvement on growth performance and intestinal health of the Eimeria-challenged birds

    Targeting the YXX&Phi; Motifs of the SARS Coronaviruses 1 and 2 ORF3a Peptides by In Silico Analysis to Predict Novel Virus&mdash;Host Interactions

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    The emerging SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 belong to the family of &ldquo;common cold&rdquo; RNA coronaviruses, and they are responsible for the 2003 epidemic and the current pandemic with over 6.3 M deaths worldwide. The ORF3a gene is conserved in both viruses and codes for the accessory protein ORF3a, with unclear functions, possibly related to viral virulence and pathogenesis. The tyrosine-based YXX&Phi; motif (&Phi;: bulky hydrophobic residue&mdash;L/I/M/V/F) was originally discovered to mediate clathrin-dependent endocytosis of membrane-spanning proteins. Many viruses employ the YXX&Phi; motif to achieve efficient receptor-guided internalisation in host cells, maintain the structural integrity of their capsids and enhance viral replication. Importantly, this motif has been recently identified on the ORF3a proteins of SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2. Given that the ORF3a aa sequence is not fully conserved between the two SARS viruses, we aimed to map in silico structural differences and putative sequence-driven alterations of regulatory elements within and adjacently to the YXX&Phi; motifs that could predict variations in ORF3a functions. Using robust bioinformatics tools, we investigated the presence of relevant post-translational modifications and the YXX&Phi; motif involvement in protein-protein interactions. Our study suggests that the predicted YXX&Phi;-related features may confer specific&mdash;yet to be discovered&mdash;functions to ORF3a proteins, significant to the new virus and related to enhanced propagation, host immune regulation and virulence

    Insights into the Diversity and Population Structure of Predominant <i>Typhlocybinae</i> Species Existing in Vineyards in Greece

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    Insects of the subfamily Typhlocybinae (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) are pests of economically important agricultural and horticultural crops. They damage the plants directly or indirectly by transmitting plant pathogens, resulting in significant yield loss. Several leafhoppers of this subfamily use vines as hosts. Accurate and rapid identification is the key to their successful management. The aim of this study is to determine the Typhlocybinae species that exist in vineyards all over Greece and investigate the relationship between them. For this purpose, yellow sticky traps were placed, morphological and molecular data were collected, and phylogenetic models were analyzed. The mitochondrial marker Cytochrome Oxidase Subunit I (mtCOI) was applied for the DNA and phylogenetic analysis. The combination of morphological and molecular data resulted in identifying the existence of six different species all over Greece: Arboridia adanae, Asymmetrasca decedens, Hebata decipiens, Hebata vitis, Jacobiasca lybica and Zygina rhamni. Forty-eight different haplotypes were found to exist in the different regions of the country

    Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells (MDSC) in the Umbilical Cord Blood: Biological Significance and Possible Therapeutic Applications

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    Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) represent a heterogeneous population of myeloid cells that suppress immune responses in cancer, infection, and trauma. They mainly act by inhibiting T-cells, natural-killer cells, and dendritic cells, and also by inducing T-regulatory cells, and modulating macrophages. Although they are mostly associated with adverse prognosis of the underlying disease entity, they may display positive effects in specific situations, such as in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), where they suppress graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). They also contribute to the feto-maternal tolerance, and in the fetus growth process, whereas several pregnancy complications have been associated with their defects. Human umbilical cord blood (UCB) is a source rich in MDSCs and their myeloid progenitor cells. Recently, a number of studies have investigated the generation, isolation, and expansion of UCB-MDSCs for potential clinical application associated with their immunosuppressive properties, such as GVHD, and autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. Given that a significant proportion of UCB units in cord blood banks are not suitable for clinical use in HSCT, they might be used as a significant source of MDSCs for research and clinical purposes. The current review summarizes the roles of MDSCs in the UCB, as well as their promising applications

    Epitheliocystis in Greater Amberjack: Evidence of a Novel Causative Agent, Pathology, Immune Response and Epidemiological Findings

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    Epitheliocystis is a fish gill disease caused by a broad range of intracellular bacteria infecting freshwater and marine fish worldwide. Here we report the occurrence and progression of epitheliocystis in greater amberjack reared in Crete (Greece). The disease appears to be caused mainly by a novel Betaproteobacteria belonging to the Candidatus Ichthyocystis genus with a second agent genetically similar to Ca. Parilichlamydia carangidicola coinfecting the gills in some cases. After a first detection of the disease in 2017, we investigated epitheliocystis in the following year’s cohort of greater amberjack juveniles (cohort 2018) transferred from inland tanks to the same cage farm in the open sea where the first outbreak was detected. This cohort was monitored for over a year together with stocks of gilthead seabream and meagre co-farmed in the same area. Our observations showed that epitheliocystis could be detected in greater amberjack gills as early as a month following the transfer to sea cages, with ionocytes at the base of the gill lamellae being initially infected. Cyst formation appears to trigger a proliferative response, leading to the fusion of lamellae, impairment of gill functions and subsequently to mortality. Lesions are characterized by infiltration of immune cells, indicating activation of the innate immune response. At later stages of the outbreak, cysts were no longer found in ionocytes but were observed in mucocytes at the trailing edge of the filament. Whole cysts appeared finally to be expelled from infected mucocytes directly into the water, which might constitute a novel means of dispersion of the infectious agents. Molecular screening indicates that meagre is not affected by this disease and confirms the presence of previously described epitheliocystis agents, Ca. Ichthyocystis sparus, Ca. Ichthyocystis hellenicum and Ca. Similichlamydia spp., in gilthead seabream. Prevalence data show that the bacteria persist in both gilthead seabream and greater amberjack cohorts after first infection