16 research outputs found


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    Hydranencephaly represents one of the most rare cerebral malformations, with poor prognosis and negative impact on both family and society. Usually the patients remain in a permanent vegetative state and require unlimited medical care. Although the majority of affected babies die in utero or in the fi rst days-months of life there have been cases in literature with prolonged survival, for 20 (1), 22 (2) and 32 (3) years. Therapeutically, the medical care provided are purely palliative and oriented to supporting vital function. Conclusions. Hydranencephaly is a rare brain malformation with poor prognosis, life expectancy and quality of life. Diagnosis imposes a number of ethical issues. The importance resides in the fact that prenatal detection represents an indication for therapeutic abortion. Another ethical issue raised is represented by medical care provided, which is exclusively palliative. Both surgical and novel therapeutic methods described by the literature, like endoscopic coagulation of choroid plexes, do not infl uence the neurological status and the neuropsychomotordevelopment (4). All this data should be clearly explained to parents and legal tutors for not raising any false hopes regarding the evolution

    Systemic lupus erythematosus – the discrepancy between renal impairment and clinical and immunological manifestations

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is the prototype of autoimmune diseases with multiorgan involvement, most commonly targeting the skin, joints and kidneys. The existence and type of renal involvement influence the prognosis and this information may be crucial when it comes to establishing the optimal therapy. We present the case of a patient with SLE with skin involvement (vasculitis), joint manifestations and immunological markers remitted under synthetic remissive treatment but with severe renal damage diagnosed at the renal biopsy as a glomerulosclerosis type focal segmental podocytopathy (FSGS) collapsing variant associated with a possible ultrastructural defect of the glomerular basement membrane in the context of the disease with a severe prognosis

    Actual data regarding the impact of viral respiratory co-infection (Covid-19 and flu/Respiratory Syncytial Virus-RSV)- A systematic review

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    Background. The impact of SARS-CoV-2 infection alongside with influenza and RSV, the major viral agents in pediatric disordes, may be an important concern to the healthcare system. Clini-cal outcomes of the interaction are unknown. The aim of this systematic review is to contribute at establishing the prevalence of the co-infection, its clinical outcomes and potential risk factors. Methods. A systematical literature search was performed for papers published in PubMed, Sco-pus, Web of Science, Pedro and Cochrane Library, from January 2020 - the beginning of the COVID 19 pandemic - to June 2023. Our review was conducted in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) methods. Studies were eligible for inclusion if they approached the co-infection COVID 19 and influenza or RSV, and were available in English. Due to the fact that studies conducted on pediatric population are scarce, we included patients of all ages. Results. Out of 159 articles found, 12 were eligible for inclusion. The prevalence of co-infection was between 5% and 12 % for influenza viruses and 10% for RSV. The most common symptoms were high-grade fever, cough, headache, and shortness of breath and the most frequent complications were pneumonia and respir-atory distress. In terms of laboratory findings, co-infected patients presented with signifi-cant lymphopenia and pro-nounced inflammatory response, as well as a progressive ten-dency towards pneumonia and respiratory distress. Regarding the clinical outcomes of co-infection, the majority of articles in-dicated that simultaneous infection with SARS-CoV-2 and influenza predisposes to a more se-vere course of the disease(s), with a longer length of hospital stay and an increased risk of death.Conclusion. Our study underlines that the frequency of such co-infections, although not very high, predisposes to more frequent hos-pitalisations and a longer length of stay, complica-tions including admission to intensive care and more severe outcomes, including life-threatening events. It is therefore essential to determine the epidemiological impact of such an interaction nowadays, in order to in-form and adjust treatment and control and prevention strategies, for limiting co-infection between major respiratory viruses. Due to the lack of studies on children, we were unable to identify specific features of co-infections in this population. Therefore, more studies are needed to evaluate the paediatric population and consequently, our doctoral research en-deavour is warranted

    The prevalence and risk factors for visceral hemangiomas in children with infantile cutaneous hemangiomas

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    One of the most frequent benign tumor pathology in children is represented by infantile hemangiomas (IHs). Although they are mostly cutaneous, sometimes they can develop at visceral level, the liver being the most common localization. Objectives. Estimating visceral hemangiomas (VHs) prevalence, and identification of risk factors for VHs in patients with infantile cutaneous hemangiomas (ICHs). Materials and methods. 6 years cross-sectional study (2012-2017) including children diagnosed with ICHs, admitted in I.N.S.M.C “Alfred-Rusescu“. All patients underwent an ultrasound screening for the detection of VHs. In order to identify possible risk factors, we collected demographic and perinatal data. Outcomes. 138 patients diagnosed with infantile cutaneous hemangiomas (ICHs) were included, with a slight predominance of girls (58%). The prevalence of the VHs in our study was 7,24% (10 patients). The liver was the most common visceral localization (7 patients). Conclusions. Female gender, preterm birth, low birth weight, and multiple gestations were described as potential risk factors for IHs. In our study, only multiple gestations tend to be associated with visceral hemangiomas, but without a significant statistical correlation


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    Rezumat. Hidranencefalia reprezintă una dintre malformaţiile cerebrale extrem de rară şi cu prognostic nefavorabil, cu impact psihoafectiv negativ asupra familiei şi societăţii. În mod obişnuit, cei afectaţi rămân într-o stare vegetativă permanentă şi necesită îngrijiri pe termen nelimitat. Deşi majoritatea celor afectaţi decedează în primele zile-luni de viaţă, o parte dintre ei supravieţuiesc până în decada a 2-a a 3-a de viaţă. Din punct de vedere al tratamentului, îngrijirile acordate sunt pur paliative şi sunt îndreptate spre menţinerea funcţiilor vitale. Concluzii. Hidranencefalia reprezintă o malformaţie cerebrală rară, cu prognostic rezervat şi speranţă de viaţă şi calitate a vieţii scăzute. Diagnosticul impune o serie de probleme etice. Importanţa diagnosticului prenatal se impune prin faptul că hidranencefaliare prezintă indicaţie de avort terapeutic. O altă problemă etică o ridică îngrijirile medicale acordate, ce sunt pur paliative, pacienţii fi ind în stare vegetativă permanentă. Atât instituirea tratamentului chirurgical pentru drenajul cantităţii excesive al LCR, cât şi metodele noi terapeutice descrise în literatură, de tipul coagulării endoscopice a plexurilor choroide, nu infl uenţează statusul neurologic şi dezvoltarea neuropsihomotorie a pacienţilor. Toate aceste date trebuie explicate clar aparţinătorilor, pentru a nu-şi ridica speranţe false în ceea ce priveşte evoluţia acestor bolnavi


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    Obiective. Hemoragiile peri-intraventriculare (HPIV) pot determina la sugarii născuţi prematur diferite grade de re tard neuropsihomotor. Un studiu prospectiv efectuat în IOMC pe o perioadă de 4 ani (2009-2012), pe un lot de 160 prematuri, a urmărit prevalenţa gradelor de HPIV diagnosticate prin ecografi e transfontanelară (ETF), identifi carea factorilor de risc asociaţi şi a severităţii afectării neurologice la aceşti pacienţi prin urmărirea lor pe o perioadă de 12 luni. Material şi metodă. Pe perioada studiului, prematurii internaţi în IOMC au fost examinaţi sistematic prin ETF, printr-un protocol standardizat; aprecierea gradelor HPIV s-a efectuat conform clasifi cării Papile. Evaluarea neurologică a fost efectuată sistematic până la vârsta de 1 an. Rezultate. Cel mai frecvent înregistrate au fost HPIV I şi II – 45%, respectiv 37,5% din numărul total de pacienţi. HPIV gradul IV au reprezentat 4,4%. În HPIV grad I şi II afectarea neurologică a fost uşoară, această corelaţie având semnifi caţie statistică (p < 0,01) pentru ambele forme. Hemoragiile gradul III şi IV au fost asociate cu o evoluţie neurologică nefavorabilă, corelaţia între HPIV grad IV şi sechelele neurologice majore având semnifi caţie statistică (p < 0,01). Concluzii. ETF efectuată de rutină tuturor prematurilor permite diagnosticul precoce şi stadializarea HPIV, aprecierea evoluţiei neurologice cu instituirea precoce a tratamentului şi asigurarea consilierii adecvate


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    Objectives. In preterm babies, peri-intraventricular hemorrahges (PIVH) might cause various degrees of neuropsycho-motor impairment. A 4-year prospective study (2009-2012) performed in the IOMC, was aimed to determine the prevalence of different degrees of PIVH diagnosed by head ultrasound (HUS) among 160 admitted preterm babies, the associated risk factors, along with the neuro-developmental effects on a 12-month follow-up period. Material and methods. In the above-mentioned period all admitted preterms were examined by transfontanelar ultrasound according to a standardized protocol based on Papile’s PIVH classifi cation. For those preterms included in the study a 12-month systematic neurologic follow-up was performed. Results. PIVH grade I (45%) and II (37,5%) were the most prevalent types. Grade IV PIVH represented 4,4% from all PIVH cases. The good neurological outcome of grade I and II PIVH, was found to be statistically signifi cant (p < 0.01) for both types. Severe neurological sequelae were associated with grade III and IV and a statistically signifi cant correlation (p<0.01) was found only for grade IV hemorrhages. Conclusion. Systematic HUS screenings for all preterm babies is useful for early diagnosis and PIVH staging, for neurologic outcome prediction, providing the appropriate management strategy and a well-suited parental counseling


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    Atopic dermatitis (atopic eczema) is a common affection in children, characterized by exacerbations and remissions. The forms may be mild, moderate or severe, the problem of treatment is in moderate and severe forms. Fully understanding this condition can revolutionize the therapy used so far. New generations of target drugs are being studied, some of which have promising results. By reviewing these results, new research opportunities are opened up

    Candidate proteomic biomarkers for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (steatosis and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis) discovered with mass-spectrometry: a systematic review

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    <p><i>Context</i>: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is characterized by lipid accumulation in the liver which is accompanied by a series of metabolic deregulations. There are sustained research efforts focusing upon biomarker discovery for NAFLD diagnosis and its prognosis in order investigate and follow-up patients as minimally invasive as possible.</p> <p><i>Objective</i>: The objective of this study is to critically review proteomic studies that used mass spectrometry techniques and summarize relevant proteomic NAFLD candidate biomarkers.</p> <p><i>Methods</i>: Medline and Embase databases were searched from inception to December 2014.</p> <p><i>Results</i>: A final number of 22 records were included that identified 251 candidate proteomic biomarkers. Thirty-three biomarkers were confirmed – 14 were found in liver samples, 21 in serum samples, and two from both serum and liver samples.</p> <p><i>Conclusion</i>: Some of the biomarkers identified have already been extensively studied regarding their diagnostic and prognostic capacity. However, there are also more potential biomarkers that still need to be addressed in future studies.</p


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    In the last decade, AIDS diagnosis has decreased, most likely through easier access to treatment and faster management of HIV infections. Due to the decrease in the number of AIDS patients, the reduction of deaths and the idea of eradication of AIDS can be considered. For all of this, we need to look at the HIV infection that causes AIDS. HIV infection at European level has been declining in recent years, yet there are still countries that continue to grow. Late diagnosis, pre-exposure prophylaxis and the lack of proper education in prevention are still a problem in some European Union countries