13 research outputs found

    Evaluation of iron content in the grain of some winter wheat cultivars

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    The purpose of the research is to follow the influence of the biological factor on iron content of nine varieties of winter wheat: Alex, Potenzial, Soissons, Kalango, Apache, Kristina, Lovrin 34, Chevalier and Panonnikus. Two of these (Potenzial, Chevalier) are of German origin, three (Apache, Kalango, Soissons) of French origin, one (Kristina) of Yugoslavian origin, one of Austrian origin (Panonnikus) and two (Alex and Lovrin 34) were created at S.C.D.A Lovrin, Romania. The experimental field was placed on a cambic chernozem in Timisoara (west of Romania) in 2010, and the fertilization level was N120P60K60. Quality parameters monitored were: moisture, protein content, hectolitre mass and iron content. Variation in the iron content of different winter wheat cultivars was found in this study. Soissons winter wheat cultivar registered the highest value of iron content (54.3 mg/kg dry matter) followed by Kristina (52.07 mg/kg dry matter) and Kalango (50.45 mg/kg dry matter) winter wheat cultivar. Potenzial and Apache winter wheat cultivars registered the lowest values of iron content: 21.29 (mg/kg dry matter) and 20.5 (mg/kg dry matter), respectively

    Mineral content of different winter wheat cultivars

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    In the present study the contents of Cu, Mn and Zn were investigated in the grains of different winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars. The nine varieties of winter wheat were: Potenzial, Kalango, Apache, Soisson, Kristina, Chevallier, Panonnikus, Alex and Lovrin 34. The experimental field was placed in 2009-2010 agricultural year, on a cambic chernozem in Timisoara (west of Romania) with the fertilization level N120P60K60. For this goal, the mineral elements mentioned were quantified by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) and for their determination was used the atomic absorption spectrophotometer’s contr AA 300, Analytik Jena. The high contents of Cu were registered by Kalango, Panonikus and Soisson winter wheat cultivars and the lower contents by Potenzial and Apache. Regarding Zn content, Soisson had the greatest value and Apache the lowest value of this parameter. With the exception of Apache winter wheat cultivar, all the varieties registered high values of Mn content. Results of our study demonstrated that mineral content for winter wheat cultivars is strongly influenced by the biological factor

    Changes in the quality in tomato fruit due to home-scale freezing

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of home-scale freezing in the quality of tomato fruit cultivated in field conditions, in Romanian west area.Freezing is one of the oldest and most widely used methods of vegetables preservation.Tomatoes were analyzed fresh and stored frozen in domestic freezer at -180C for 2-6 months until analysis. Tomatoes were analyzed regarding moisture, sugar, lycopene content,ascorbic acid, phenolic compounds and total antioxidant capacity. Most important losses due to 6 months home-scale freezing were recorded for lycopene content (47%) followed by vitamin C content (20%), total antioxidant capacity (16%) and phenolic compounds content (13%). The freezing process has no to much effect on the nutritional compounds but for the best quality, use the tomato fruit within short time

    Physico-chemical characterization for different types of food oils

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    Lipids are indispensable food components, which in large measure determine the energy value as well the nutritional, biological and sensory qualities. The aim of this paper was to evaluate some of the physicochemical characteristics (total soluble solids (TSS), relative density, viscosity and acidity index) in case of three alimentary oils. The analyzed oil assortments, in these works are soybean, rape and corn oil purchased from the commercial market having different origins. Oils density varies from species to species and at the same oil with the conservation conditions (conservation period, climatic conditions in which the plant has developed). Viscosity gives relevant indication of the degree of oil fluidity. The experimental results showed that the highest value for viscosity was registered in rapeseed oil (38,7088cP) and the smallest in soybean oil (34,0174cP). Rape oil from improved varieties is very good cooking oil for human consumption while soybean oil has a neutral taste and is recommended for the preparation of various types of salad

    Evaluation of iron content in the grain of some winter wheat cultivars

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    The purpose of the research is to follow the influence of the biological factor on iron content of nine varieties of winter wheat: Alex, Potenzial, Soissons, Kalango, Apache, Kristina, Lovrin 34, Chevalier and Panonnikus. Two of these (Potenzial, Chevalier) are of German origin, three (Apache, Kalango, Soissons) of French origin, one (Kristina) of Yugoslavian origin, one of Austrian origin (Panonnikus) and two (Alex and Lovrin 34) were created at S.C.D.A Lovrin, Romania. The experimental field was placed on a cambic chernozem in Timisoara (west of Romania) in 2010, and the fertilization level was N120P60K60. Quality parameters monitored were: moisture, protein content, hectolitre mass and iron content. Variation in the iron content of different winter wheat cultivars was found in this study. Soissons winter wheat cultivar registered the highest value of iron content (54.3 mg/kg dry matter) followed by Kristina (52.07 mg/kg dry matter) and Kalango (50.45 mg/kg dry matter) winter wheat cultivar. Potenzial and Apache winter wheat cultivars registered the lowest values of iron content: 21.29 (mg/kg dry matter) and 20.5 (mg/kg dry matter), respectively

    Influence of termic treatment on armoracia rusticana roots and leaves, total polyphenols content

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    The studies were conducted on Romanian horseradish originated from three domestic farms, located in the plains, hills and mountain areas. The localization of the horseradish plant as well as processing and temperature treatment seems to have a big effect on total polyphenols content (TPPC) of roots and leaves. The modifications of TPPC are due to the increasing and decreasing of temperature and they maintain the same profile irrespective of the locations

    Mineral content of different winter wheat cultivars

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    In the present study the contents of Cu, Mn and Zn were investigated in the grains of different winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars. The nine varieties of winter wheat were: Potenzial, Kalango, Apache, Soisson, Kristina, Chevallier, Panonnikus, Alex and Lovrin 34. The experimental field was placed in 2009-2010 agricultural year, on a cambic chernozem in Timisoara (west of Romania) with the fertilization level N120P60K60. For this goal, the mineral elements mentioned were quantified by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) and for their determination was used the atomic absorption spectrophotometer’s contr AA 300, Analytik Jena. The high contents of Cu were registered by Kalango, Panonikus and Soisson winter wheat cultivars and the lower contents by Potenzial and Apache. Regarding Zn content, Soisson had the greatest value and Apache the lowest value of this parameter. With the exception of Apache winter wheat cultivar, all the varieties registered high values of Mn content. Results of our study demonstrated that mineral content for winter wheat cultivars is strongly influenced by the biological factor

    Bio-minerals contribution of seasonal fruits to the recommended dietary allowances

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    The paper presents data regarding the distribution of some mineral bio elements in three assortments of fall fruits – apples, pears and quinces – cultivated in a hill area of Banat, Romania, and an estimate of their mineral supply. Experimental results obtained through the ICP-MS technique show that the fruits analysed have important contents of K, Ca, Mg, and Na, and appreciable contents of Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu. Calculus shows that a consumption of 400 g of fresh fruits (edible parts) supplies the necessary daily amount of macro elements: 14.66% K – in males and females, 9.50% Mg – in females and 7.24% Mg – in males, 2.76% Ca – in males and in females, and 0.18% Na – in males and females. Microelement supply is slightly higher: 16.45% Fe – in males and 7.31% Fe – in females, 12.22% Mn – in females and 9.57% Mn – in males, 9.33% Cu – in males and 5.45% Cu – in females and 3.96% Zn – in males

    Study regarding coffee brew metal content

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    This paper contains data regarding the concentration of some essential mineral elements in certain coffee brews and their mineral supply in the daily-recommended diet. We determined, through flame atomic absorption spectrometry, the concentration of Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu in brews made with five assortments of coffee. The mean values of the concentrations determined experimentally – 34.90 mg/L (Ca), 21.49 mg/L (Mg), 1.180 mg/L (Na), 522 mg/L (K), 0.158 mg/L (Fe), 0.206 mg/L (Mn), 0.146 mg/L (Zn), 0.027 mg/L (Cu) – allowed the calculus of their mineral supply. Data show that an intake of 300 mL coffee brew covers in a small measure the daily recommended intake of essential elements; therefore, coffee brews cannot be taken into account as far as their mineral supply is concerned

    Heavy metals health risk assessment for population via consumption of vegetables grown in old mining area; a case study: Banat County, Romania

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of this study is to measure the levels of heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cd and Pb) found in common vegetables (parsley, carrot, onion, lettuce, cucumber and green beans) grown in contaminated mining areas compared with those grown in reference clear area and to determine their potential detrimental effects via calculation of the daily metal intake (DImetal) and Target Hazard Quotients (THQ) for normal daily consumption of these vegetables, for male and female gender.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Compared with the reference in contaminated areas, soil and plant contents of all analyzed metals are higher, usually over normally content for Mn, Zn, Cu, Cd and Pb. Particularly, in soil, higher values than intervention threshold values (ITV) were found for Cu and Pb and higher than maximum allowable limits (MAL) for Zn, Cu, Cd and Pb for parsley roots and leaves, carrot roots, cabbage, lettuce and cucumber. DImetal and THQ values for male and female were calculated for each vegetable and metal and for which oral reference doses exist. The combined THQ values calculated are concerning in that they are usually below the safe level of THQ<1 for all vegetables grown in reference area. In contaminated Moldova Noua (M) area the combined THQ exceeded the safe level only for parsley roots, while in more contaminated Ruschita (R) area combined THQ exceeded the safe level for parsley and carrot roots, lettuce and cabbage. Cd and Pb, most toxic metals to humans, have an increasing prevalence in the combined THQ for leafy (cabbage and lettuce) and fruit vegetables (cucumber). In the root vegetables only Pb has an increasing prevalence in combined THQ values. In all areas female THQ is higher than male THQ.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results of this study regarding metal contents in soils, vegetables, DImetal and THQ suggest that the consumption of some vegetables (especially parsley, carrot and cabbage and less for lettuce, cucumber and green beans) is not free of risks in these areas. The complex THQ parameter use in health risk assessment of heavy metals provides a better image than using only a simple parameter (contents of metals in soils and vegetables).</p