26 research outputs found

    Pengendalian Risiko Kesehatan Karena Pajanan Merkuri Pada Kegiatan Tambang Emas Tradisional Di Kabupaten Gunung Mas, Kalimantan Tengah

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    Increasing informal gold mining activities can cause environmental pollution and affected the public health. So that, the study was needed in order to assess health risk of population working in or living near informal gold mining and processing in Gunung Mas District, Central Kalimantan. Subjects in cross sectional study were 112 informal miners and 112 living near informal gold mining and processing. We measured content of mercury in ambient, water and fish; and interviewed the subjects. Subjects completed the questionnaire. Estimation of health risk assessment and system dynamics analysis to handle the health risk were conducted too. Detection of mercury using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) and cold vapour method was conducted at Ecology Health Research Center Laboratory. The result showed that; the mean concentration of airborne mercury was 0.072 + 0,0198 mg/m3 in mining area and 0.0369 +0,0092 mg/m3 in out side of mining area respectively. The highest mean level of mercury in fish 0.3167 ppm from market in Kurun District. Intake of inhalation mercury 0.02285 mg/kg, day for miners and 0.01406 mg/kg, day for non-miner living near the informal mining and processing. Mean of RQ inhalation 76.160 for miners and 46.876 for non-miners living near the informal mining and processing. RQ inhalation tend to increase time to time. The miners have to handle mercury emission using retort

    Pajanan Hg Pada Petambang Emas Tradisional Di Kabupaten Gunung Mas, Kalimantan Tengah

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    Increasing traditional gold mining activities can cause environmental pollution and affected the public health. So that, the study was needed in order to assess the determinants that influenced Hg exposure biomarker of population working in or living near gold mining and processing in Gunung MasDistrict, Central Kalimantan. Subjects in cross sectional study were 112 traditional miners and 112 livingnear gold mining and processing. The content of mercury in ambient, water and fish were measured; and the subjects were interviewed by using questionaires. Subjects completed the questionaire and provided urinary, hair and blood samples. Detection of mercury using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) and cold vapour method was conducted at Ecology Health Research Center Laboratory. The result showed that; the mean concentration of ambient mercury was 0.072 + 0,0198 mg/m3 in mining area and 0.0369 +0,0092 mg/m3 in outside of mining area respectively. The highest mean level of mercury in fish 0.3167 ppm from market in Kurun District. Intake of inhalation mercury 0.02285 mg/kg, day for miners and 0.01406 mg/kg, day for non-miner living near the mining and processing. Mean of urinary mercury was 0.0547 ppm, mean of mercury in hair was 22.1134 ppm, and mean of mercury in blood was 0.0267 ppm. Over all, regression analysis showed a significant association. Log (Urinary Hg) = -3,507 + 379,745 (intake Hg inhalation) -0.170 (living) with 85,3% predicted (Hair mercury) = 2.013 + 0.007 (living time) + 0.642 (intake Hg inhalation) + 0.102 log (intake Hg from fish) - 558 (job) with r = 0.890. Blood mercury = -1.627 + 9.046 (intake Hg inhalation) - 0.141 (job) with r = 0.404. Intake of Hg inhalation was highly influenced by Hg exposure biomarker

    Pencemaran di Wilayah Tambang Emas Rakyat

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    Kajian tentang pencemaran di wilayah tambang emas rakyat perlu dilakukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran sejauh mana kegiatan proses penambangan emas yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat berisiko mencemari lingkungan. Kajian dilakukan terhadap hasil penelitian di beberapa negara yaitu; Brazil, Equador, Peru Selatan, Nevada, California, Papua New Guinea, Ghana, Queenland Australia, Mongolia, Tanzania, Bolivia, Zimbabwe, Philipina, Lao PDR, Sudan, Afrika Selatan, Pilipina, Indonesia. Beberapa penelitian tentang tambang emas rakyat memfokuskan pada studi penggunaan bahan berbahaya logam Hg seperti, Hg yang terbuang ke lingkungan, kadar Hg dalam sumber air minum dan ikan. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan tambang emas rakyat di berbagai wilayah mempunyai kesamaan yaitu menggunakan Hg untuk proses amalgamisasi. Akibat amalgamisasi tersebut, sering muncul pencemaran Hg di lingkungan pada saat amalgamisasi dan pemijaran sehingga mengkontaminasi sumber air minum dan ikan yang sangat diperlukan oleh masyarakat sekitar tambang. Oleh karena itu monitoring lingkungan sangat diperlukan sebagai peringatan dini bila terjadi pencemaran. Kajian tentang cost and benefit kegiatan tambang emas belum ada yang melakukan. Di masa mendatang kajian cost and benefit sangat diperlukan untuk dasar penyusunan kebijakan kegiatan lambang emas rakyat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, disarankan untuk menjaga pencemaran jangan sampai meluas, perlu ada sentralisasi (tata ruang) kegiatan proses pengolahan tambang rakyat. Penggunaan alat (retort-amalgam) dalam pemijaran emas perlu dilakukan agar dapat mengurangi pencemaran Hg. Penyuluhan kepada masyarakat tentang bahayanya Hg perlu dilakukan. Bagi tenaga kesehatan perlu ada pelatihan surveilans risiko kesehatan masyarakat akibat pencemaran Hg di wilayah tambang emas rakayat

    Hubungan Kadar Pb Dengan Kadar Hb Pada Anak Di Wilayah Daur Ulang Aki Bekas Informal Di Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Dan Bekasi

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    The increasing number of unofficial dry battery recycling done by households and small industries could have an impact on public health. During the recycling process there will be Pb emissions (battery major component) into the air. Pb exposure, especially to children can cause health effects such as anemia microcytic and hyprochromic. This study aims to discover the effect of Pb exposure from used batteries recycling on the cases of children with anemia (aged 7-13 years) in Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi in the year 2014. Study design was cross-sectional, with the sample of children as many as 418. Levels of lead in children's blood was measured using Lead Care Analyzer II, and hemoglobin levels in the blood with Hemoque 2.1. The results showed that 36.6% of children suffer from anemia. The test results indicate a statistically significant relationship (p <0.05) between Pb levels in the blood with anemia (low Hb levels); with a very weak correlation (correlation coefficient: 0.124). Need more thorough studies on aspects of health impacts from battery recycling

    Kesehatan Masyarakat Di Wilayah Tambang Emas Kecamatan Ratatotok Dan Sekitarnya

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    Kegiatan tambang emas di kecamatan Ratatotok ada dua macam yaitu tambang emas rakyat dan tambang emas yang dikelola oleh PT Newmont Minahasa Raya. Yang dikelola oleh PT Newmont Minahasa Raya sudah selesai sampai tahun 2006. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji kesehatan masyarakat yang tinggal di sekitar wilayah tambang emas rakyat dan tambang emas yang dikelola PT Newmon Minahasa Raya yang terletak di Kecamatan Ratatotok dan sekitarnya. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa melalui deteksi biomarker masyarakat di kecamatan Ratatotok terpajan oleh Hg yang berasal dari udara, bukan dari jalur makanan (konsumsi ikan laut)ini terlihat dari kadar Hg dalam rambut 100% normal, sedangkan kadar Hg dalam urine ada 24,4% yang di atas normal. Gangguan kesehatan masyarakat yang serupa dengan gangguan karena pajanan Hg tidak disebabkan oleh pajanan Hg dari udara, tetapi ada faktor-faktor lain yang berpengaruh yang harus dipelajari dalam penelitian yang akan datang

    Kajian Risiko Kesehatan Masyarakat Akibat Pajanan Merkuri Pada Pertambangan Emas Rakyat Di Kabupaten Lebak, Banten

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    Indonesia has artisanal gold mining spreading throughout the archipelago, one of which is located in Lebak District of Banten Province. The artisanal gold mining usually use mercury in the amalgamation process. The latest fact showed that mercury used in artisanal gold minings has been directly discharged to the surrounding environment, polluting soil and rivers. Whereas mercury is considered as one of the hazardous and toxic waste (B3) that cannot be directly discharged to the environment as it can cause several health problems. The purpose of this research is to identify mercury concentrations in the environment of Cibeber and Bayah Sub Districts, Lebak District, Banten Province and its effect to the health of community who is in contact with the disposed mercury. This is an analytic descriptive research that uses a health risk assessment method and quantitative approach. This research reveals that mercury concentrations in samples of water, fish, vegetables, and soil taken from the surrounding environment in the research location have exceeded the quality standard which respectively average 0,04695 mg/l, 0,5175 mg/kg, 0,173 mg/kg, and 0,165 mg/kg. The health risk assessment shows that community lives surrounding the gold mining has potency to suffer related health problems as the RQ rate is higher than 1 (RQ = 18,5756)

    Evaluasi Pencemaran Nitrat-nitrit Pada Air Minum Pdam Di DKI Jakarta

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    A survey on drinking water quality was conducted in 1990/1991 to evaluate the impact of organic matters particularly of nitrate-nitrite contamination in raw water. Water samples were taken from Water Supply Enterprices (WSE) in Jakarta, i.e Pejompongan WSE and Pulogadung WSE. The results showed that the treatment efficiency of Pejompongan WSE to reduce nitrate and nitrite concentration was 5% and 82.1% respectively, and that of Pulogadung WSE were 50.0% and 63.2%. The concentration of nitrate in water the supply from Pejompongan WSE and Pulogadung WSE in general is in accordance with the water quality standard. The nitrite level in the water supply from Pejompongan also met the standard, while from Pulogadung did not. It has been observed that the nitrite concentration in water from Pejompongan distribution pipe is increasing with the distance from water treatment installation