601 research outputs found

    Thermal corrections to Rényi entropies for conformal field theories

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    We compute thermal corrections to Rényi entropies of d dimensional conformal field theories on spheres. Consider the n th Rényi entropy for a cap of opening angle 2 θ on S d −1 . From a Boltzmann sum decomposition and the operator-state correspondence, the leading correction is related to a certain two-point correlation function of the operator (not equal to the identity) with smallest scaling dimension. More specifically, via a conformal map, the correction can be expressed in terms of the two-point function on a certain conical space with opening angle 2 πn . In the case of free conformal field theories, this two-point function can be computed explicitly using the method of images. We perform the computation for the conformally coupled scalar. From the n → 1 limit of our results, we extract the leading thermal correction to the entanglement entropy, reproducing results of arXiv:1407.1358

    Superfluid and metamagnetic phase transitions in ω -deformed gauged supergravity

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    We study non-supersymmetric truncations of ω-deformed N = 8 N=8 \mathcal{N}=8 gauged supergravity that retain a U(1) gauge field and three scalars, of which two are neutral and one charged. We construct dyonic domain-wall and black hole solutions with AdS 4 boundary conditions when only one (neutral) scalar is non-vanishing, and examine their behavior as the magnetic field and temperature of the system are varied. In the infrared the domain-wall solutions approach either dyonic AdS 2 × ℝ 2 AdS2×R2 {\mathrm{AdS}}_2\times {\mathbb{R}}^2 or else Lifshitz-like, hyperscaling violating geometries. The scaling exponents of the latter are z = 3 / 2 and θ = −2, and are independent of the ω -deformation. New ω -dependent AdS 4 vacua are also identified. We find a rich structure for the magnetization of the system, including a line of metamagnetic first-order phase transitions when the magnetic field lies in a particular range. Such transitions arise generically in the ω-deformed theories. Finally, we study the onset of a superfluid phase by allowing a fluctuation of the charged scalar field to condense, spontaneously breaking the abelian gauge symmetry. The mechanism by which the superconducting instability ceases to exist for strong magnetic fields is different depending on whether the field is positive or negative. Finally, such instabilities are expected to compete with spatially modulated phases

    Linear resistivity from non-abelian black holes

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    Starting with the holographic p-wave superconductor, we show how to obtain a finite DC conductivity through a non-abelian gauge transformation. The translational symmetry is preserved. We obtain phenomenological similarities with high temperature cuprate superconductors. Our results suggest that a lattice or impurities are not essential to produce a finite DC resistivity with a linear temperature dependence. An analogous field theory calculation for free fermions, presented in the appendix, indicates our results may be a special feature of strong interactions

    Light fermionic NNLO QCD corrections to top-antitop production in the quark-antiquark channel

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    We present the NNLO corrections to top pair production in the quark-antiquark channel proportional to the number of light quark flavors N l . While the double real corrections were derived previously, here we compute the real-virtual and virtual-virtual contributions in this partonic channel. Using the antenna subtraction formalism, we show that the subtraction terms correctly approximate the real-virtual contributions in all their infrared limits. Combined with the integrated forms of the double real and real-virtual subtraction terms, we show analytically that the explicit infrared poles cancel at the real-virtual and virtual-virtual levels respectively, thereby demonstrating the validity of the massive extension of the NNLO antenna formalism. These NNLO corrections are implemented in a Monte Carlo parton level generator providing full kinematical information on an event-by event basis. With this program, NNLO differential distributions in the form of binned histograms are obtained and presented here

    String corrected spacetimes and SU(N) -structure manifolds

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    Using an effective field theory approach and the language of SU(N) -structures, we study higher derivative corrections to the supersymmetry constraints for compactifications of string or M-theory to Minkowski space. Our analysis is done entirely in the target space and is thus very general, and does not rely on theory-dependent details such as the amount of worldsheet supersymmetry. For manifolds of real dimension n<4 we show that internal geometry remains flat and uncorrected. For n=4,6 , Kähler manifolds with SU(N) -holonomy can become corrected to SU(N) -structure, while preserving supersymmetry, once corrections are included

    Universal thermal corrections to entanglement entropy for conformal field theories on spheres

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    We consider entanglement entropy of a cap-like region for a conformal field theory living on a sphere times a circle in d space-time dimensions. Assuming that the finite size of the system introduces a unique ground state with a nonzero mass gap, we calculate the leading correction to the entanglement entropy in a low temperature expansion. The correction has a universal form for any conformal field theory that depends only on the size of the mass gap, its degeneracy, and the angular size of the cap. We confirm our result by calculating the entanglement entropy of a conformally coupled scalar numerically. We argue that an apparent discrepancy for the scalar can be explained away through a careful treatment of boundary terms. In an appendix, to confirm the accuracy of the numerics, we study the mutual information of two cap-like regions at zero temperature

    Logarithmic singularities and maximally supersymmetric amplitudes

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    The dual formulation of planar N = 4 N=4 \mathcal{N}=4 super-Yang-Mills scattering amplitudes makes manifest that the integrand has only logarithmic singularities and no poles at infinity. Recently, Arkani-Hamed, Bourjaily, Cachazo and Trnka conjectured the same singularity properties hold to all loop orders in the nonplanar sector as well. Here we conjecture that to all loop orders these constraints give us the key integrand level analytic information contained in dual conformal symmetry. We also conjecture that to all loop orders, while N = 8 N=8 \mathcal{N}=8 supergravity has poles at infinity, at least at four points it has only logarithmic singularities at finite locations. We provide nontrivial evidence for these conjectures. For the three-loop four-point N = 4 N=4 \mathcal{N}=4 super-Yang-Mills amplitude, we explicitly construct a complete basis of diagram integrands that has only logarithmic singularities and no poles at infinity. We then express the complete amplitude in terms of the basis diagrams, with the coefficients determined by unitarity. We also give examples at three loops showing how to make the logarithmic singularity properties manifest via d log forms. We give additional evidence at four and five loops supporting the nonplanar logarithmic singularity conjecture. Furthermore, we present a variety of examples illustrating that these constraints are more restrictive than dual conformal symmetry. Our investigations show that the singularity structures of planar and nonplanar integrands in N = 4 N=4 \mathcal{N}=4 super-Yang-Mills are strikingly similar. While it is not clear how to extend either dual conformal symmetry or a dual formulation to the nonplanar sector, these results suggest that related concepts might exist and await discovery. Finally, we describe the singularity structure of N = 8 N=8 \mathcal{N}=8 supergravity at three loops and beyond

    On the NNLO QCD corrections to single-top production at the LHC

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    We present a fully-differential calculation of the NNLO QCD corrections to the t -channel mechanism for producing single top quarks at the LHC. We work in the structure function approximation, computing QCD corrections to the light- and heavy-quark lines separately and neglecting the dynamical cross-talk between the two. The neglected contribution, which appears at NNLO for the first time, is color-suppressed and is expected to be sub-dominant. Within this approximation, we find that, for the total cross section, NNLO QCD corrections are in the few percent range and, therefore, are comparable to NLO QCD corrections. We also find that the scale independence of the theoretical prediction for single-top production improves significantly once NNLO QCD corrections are included. Furthermore, we show how these results change if a cut on the transverse momentum of the top quark is applied and derive the NNLO QCD prediction for the ratio of single top and single anti-top production cross sections at the 8 TeV LHC