21 research outputs found

    Impulsivity as a multifactorial construct and its relationship to PTSD severity and threat sensitivity

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    Changes to the DSM-5's conceptualization of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) highlight the importance of impulsivity within the context of PTSD-related arousal dysregulation. While the relationship between PTSD and threat sensitivity is well defined, how they relate to impulsivity remains understudied. We examined the relationship between PTSD symptom severity, threat sensitivity, and impulsivity. 124 participants completed the PTSD Checklist (PCL-C) and the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale 11th ed (BIS-11). BIS-11 items were separated to define cognitive and behavioral impulsivity subdomains. A trauma-exposed subsample of 39 participants were also exposed to no, ambiguous, and high threat conditions in a threat-enhanced acoustic startle paradigm with psychophysiological response as the outcome variable. PTSD severity was significantly associated with greater overall impulsivity and behavioral impulsivity. Greater overall impulsivity and both cognitive and behavioral impulsivity subdomains were significantly associated with psychophysiological magnitudes across threat conditions in the traumatized subsample. Our results suggest PTSD severity may linked to behavioral impulsivity and both cognitive and behavioral impulsivity are associated with threat sensitivity and hyperarousal. Assessing impulsivity within the context of PTSD, particularly in terms of its cognitive and behavioral subdomains, may provide important, clinically relevant information

    Sex differences in fear conditioning in posttraumatic stress disorder

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    Rationale/statement of the problem: Women are twice as likely as men to develop Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Abnormal acquisition of conditioned fear has been suggested as a mechanism for the development of PTSD. While some studies of healthy humans suggest that women are either no different or express less conditioned fear responses during conditioning relative to men, differences in the acquisition of conditioned fear between men and women diagnosed with PTSD has not been examined. Methods: Thirty-one participants (18 men, 13 women) with full or subsyndromal PTSD completed a fear-conditioning task. Participants were shown computer-generated colored circles that were paired (CS + ) or unpaired (CS − ) with an aversive electrical stimulus, and skin conductance levels were assessed throughout the task. Results: Repeated measures ANOVA analyses indicated a significant sex by stimulus interaction during acquisition, F(1, 232) = 5.16, p <0.05. Women had greater differential conditioned skin conductance responses (CS+ trials compared to CS− trials) than did men, suggesting greater acquisition of conditioned fear in women with PTSD. Conclusion: In contrast to studies of healthy individuals, we found enhanced acquisition of conditioned fear in women with PTSD. Greater fear conditioning in women may either be a pre-existing vulnerability trait or an acquired phenomenon that emerges in a sex-dependent manner after the development of PTSD. Characterization the underlying mechanisms of these differences is needed to clarify sex-related differences in the pathophysiology of PTSD

    The Middle-Out Approach to reconceptualizing, assessing, and analyzing traumatic stress reactions

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    Alternative models of traumatic stress and broader psychopathology have been proposed to address issues of heterogeneity, comorbidity, clinical utility, and equitable representation. However, systematic and practical methods and guidelines to organize and apply these models remain scarce. The Middle-Out Approach is a novel, integrative, contextually informed framework for organizing and applying existing empirical methods to evaluate current and alternative traumatic stress reactions. Rather than beginning to identify traumatic stress reactions from the top-down (i.e., disorder-first approach) or bottom-up (i.e., symptom-first approach), constructs are evaluated from the middle out (i.e., presentation-first approach), unconstrained by higher-order disorders or lower-order diagnostic symptoms. This approach provides innovation over previous methods at multiple levels, including the conceptualization of traumatic stress reactions as well as the type of assessments and data sources used and how they are used in statistical analyses. Conceptualizations prioritize the identification of middle-order phenotypes, representing person-centered clinical presentations, which are informed by the integration of multidimensional, transdiagnostic, and multimodal (e.g., psychosocial, physiological) assessments and/or data sources. Integrated data are then analyzed concurrently using person-centered statistical models to identify precise, discrete, and representative health outcomes within broader heterogeneous samples. Subsequent variable-centered analyses are then used to identify culturally sensitive and contextually informed correlates of phenotypes, their clinical utility, and the differential composition within and between broader traumatic stress reactions. Examples from the moral injury literature are used to illustrate practical applications that may increase clinical utility and the accurate representation of health outcomes for diverse individuals and communities.</p

    Validation of sleep measurement in a multisensor consumer grade wearable device in healthy young adults.

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    Study objectivesOur objective was to examine the ability of a consumer-grade wearable device (Basis B1) with accelerometer and heart rate technology to assess sleep patterns compared with polysomnography (PSG) and research-grade actigraphy in healthy adults.MethodsEighteen adults underwent consecutive nights of sleep monitoring using Basis B1, actigraphy, and PSG; 40 nights were used in analyses. Discrepancies in gross sleep parameters and epoch-by-epoch agreements in sleep/wake classification were assessed.ResultsBasis B1 accuracy was 54.20 ± 8.20%, sensitivity was 98.90 ± 2.70%, and specificity was 8.10 ± 15.00%. Accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity for distinguishing between the different sleep stages were 60-72%, 48-62%, and 57-86%, respectively. Pearson correlations demonstrated strong associations between Basis B1 and PSG estimates of sleep onset latency and total sleep time; moderate associations for sleep efficiency, duration of light sleep, and duration of rapid eye movement sleep; and a weak association for duration of deep sleep. Basis B1 significantly overestimates total sleep time, sleep efficiency, and duration of light sleep and significantly underestimates wake after sleep onset and duration of deep sleep.ConclusionsBasis B1 demonstrated utility for estimates of gross sleep parameters and performed similarly to actigraphy for estimates of total sleep time. Basis B1 specificity was poor, and Basis B1 is not useful for the assessment of wake. Basis B1 accuracy for sleep stages was better than chance but is not a suitable replacement for PSG assessment. Despite low cost, ease of use, and attractiveness for patients, consumer devices are not yet accurate or reliable enough to guide treatment decision making in clinical settings

    Ventromedial and insular cortical volume moderates the relationship between BDNF Val66Met and threat sensitivity

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    While the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism has been linked to various trauma and anxiety - related psychiatric disorders, limited focus has been on the neural structures that might modulate its relationship with objective measures of threat sensitivity. Therefore, we assessed whether there was an interaction of Val66Met polymorphism with brain area volumes previously associated with anxiety and PTSD, such as the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), insular cortex (IC), and dorsal and ventral anterior cingulate cortices (dACC and vACC), in predicting fear-potentiated psychophysiological response in a clinical sample of Veterans. 110 participants engaged in a fear-potentiated acoustic startle paradigm and provided genetic and imaging data. Fear conditions included no, ambiguous, and high threat conditions (shock). Psychophysiological response measures included electromyogram (EMG), skin conductance response (SCR), and heart rate (HR). PTSD status, trauma history, and demographics were also assessed. There was an interaction of Met allele carrier status with vmPFC, IC, dACC, and vACC volumes for predicting SCR (p&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;0.001 for all regions). However, only vmPFC and IC significantly moderated the relationship between Val66Met and psychophysiological response (SCR). The Val66met polymorphism may increase susceptibility to PTSD and anxiety disorders via an interaction with reduced vmPFC and IC volume. Future research should examine whether these relationships might be associated with a differential course of illness longitudinally or response to treatments