12 research outputs found

    Phantom-based study exploring the effects of different scatter correction approaches on the reconstructed images generated by contrast-enhanced stationary digital breast tomosynthesis

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    Stationary digital breast tomosynthesis (sDBT) is an emerging technology in which the single rotating x-ray tube is replaced by a fixed array of multiple carbon nanotube-enabled sources, providing a higher spatial and temporal resolution. As such, sDBT offers a promising platform for contrast-enhanced (CE) imaging. However, given the minimal enhancement above background with standard operational tube settings and iodine dosing, CE breast imaging requires additional acquisition steps to isolate the iodine signal, using either temporal or dual energy subtraction (TS or DES) protocols. Also, correcting for factors that limit contrast is critical, and scatter and noise pose unique challenges during tomosynthesis. This phantom-based study of CE sDBT compared different postacquisition scatter correction approaches on the quality of the reconstructed image slices. Beam-pass collimation was used to sample scatter indirectly, from which an interpolated scatter map was obtained for each projection image. Scatter-corrected projections provided the information for reconstruction. Comparison between the application of different scatter maps demonstrated the significant effect that processing has on the contrast-to-noise ratio and feature detectability (d′) in the final displayed images and emphasized the critical importance of scatter correction during DES

    Estimating scatter from sparsely measured primary signal

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    Scatter radiation severely degrades the image quality. Measurement-based scatter correction methods sample the scatter signal at sparsely distributed points, from which the scatter profile is estimated and deterministically removed from the projection image. The estimation of the scatter profile is generally done through a spline interpolation and the resulting scatter profile is quite smooth. Consequently, the noise is intact and the signal-to-noise ratio is reduced in the projection image after scatter correction, leading to image artifacts and increased noise in the reconstruction images. We propose a simple and effective method, referred to as filtered scatter-to-primary ratio (f -SPR) estimation, to estimate the scatter profile using the sparsely sampled scatter signal. Using the primary sampling device and the stationary digital tomosynthesis systems previously developed in our lab, we evaluated and compared the f-SPR method in comparison with existing methods in terms of contrast ratio, signal difference-to-noise ratio, and modulation transfer function. A significant improvement in image quality is observed in both the projection and the reconstruction images using the proposed method

    Point-of-Care Tomosynthesis Imaging of the Wrist

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    Introduction: Musculoskeletal injury to extremities is a common issue for both stateside and deployed military personnel, as well as the general public. Superposition of anatomy can make diagnosis difficult using standard clinical techniques. There is a need for increased diagnostic accuracy at the point-of-care for military personnel in both training and operational environments, as well as assessment during follow-up treatment to optimize care and expedite return to service. Orthopedic tomosynthesis is rapidly emerging as an alternative to digital radiography (DR), exhibiting an increase in sensitivity for some clinical tasks, including diagnosis and follow-up of fracture and arthritis. Commercially available digital tomosynthesis systems are large complex devices. A compact device for extremity tomosynthesis (TomoE) was previously demonstrated using carbon nanotube X-ray source array technology. The purpose of this study was to prepare and evaluate the prototype device for an Institutional Review Board-approved patient wrist imaging study and provide initial patient imaging results. Materials and Methods: A benchtop device was constructed using a carbon nanotube X-ray source array and a flat panel digital detector. Twenty-one X-ray projection images of cadaveric specimens and human subjects were acquired at incident angles from -20 to +20 degrees in various clinical orientations, with entrance dose calibrated to commercial digital tomosynthesis wrist scans. The projection images were processed with an iterative reconstruction algorithm in 1 mm slices. Reconstruction slice images were evaluated by a radiologist for feature conspicuity and diagnostic accuracy. Results: The TomoE image quality was found to provide more diagnostic information than DR, with reconstruction slices exhibiting delineation of joint space, visual conspicuity of trabecular bone, bone erosions, fractures, and clear depiction of normal anatomical features. The scan time was 15 seconds and the skin entrance dose was verified to be 0.2 mGy. Conclusions: The TomoE device image quality has been evaluated using cadaveric specimens. Dose was calibrated for a patient imaging study. Initial patient images depict a high level of anatomical detail and an increase in diagnostic value compared to DR

    Feasibility of a prototype carbon nanotube enabled stationary digital chest tomosynthesis system for identification of pulmonary nodules by pulmonologists

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    Background: Screen detected and incidental pulmonary nodules are increasingly common. Current guidelines recommend tissue sampling of solid nodules >8 mm. Bronchoscopic biopsy poses the lowest risk but is paired with the lowest diagnostic yield when compared to CT-guided biopsy or surgery. A need exists for a safe, mobile, low radiation dose, intra-procedural method to localize biopsy instruments within target nodules. This retrospective cross sectional reader feasibility study evaluates the ability of clinicians to identify pulmonary nodules using a prototype carbon nanotube radiation enabled stationary digital chest tomosynthesis system. Methods: Patients with pulmonary nodules on prior CT imaging were recruited and consented for imaging with stationary digital chest tomosynthesis. Five pulmonologists of varying training levels participated as readers. Following review of patient CT and a thoracic radiologist’s interpretation of nodule size and location the readers were tasked with interpreting the corresponding tomosynthesis scan to identify the same nodule found on CT. Results: Fifty-five patients were scanned with stationary digital chest tomosynthesis. The median nodule size was 6 mm (IQR =4–13 mm). Twenty nodules (37%) were greater than 8 mm. The radiation entrance dose for s-DCT was 0.6 mGy. A significant difference in identification of nodules using s-DCT was seen for nodules <8 vs. ≥8 mm in size (57.7% vs. 90.9%, CI: −0.375, −0.024; P<0.001). Inter-reader agreement was fair, and better for nodules ≥8 mm [0.278 (SE =0.043)]. Conclusions: With system and carbon nanotube array optimization, we hypothesize the detection rate for nodules will improve. Additional study is needed to evaluate its use in target and tool co-localization and target biopsy

    The role of stationary intraoral tomosynthesis in reducing proximal overlap in bitewing radiography

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    objectives: This study examined the utility of stationary intraoral tomosynthesis (s-IOT) in opening proximal contacts in bitewing radiography. Methods: 11 DENTSPLY Rinn Dental X-ray Teaching and Training Replica mannequins (Model #546002, Elgin, Ill) were imaged with a prototype s-IOT device (Surround Medical Systems, Morrisville, NC) and standard bitewing (SBW) technique. Premolar and molar bite-wings were acquired with each system. Image receptor holders were used to position receptors and aid in the alignment of the position indicating devices. An expert operator (having more than 5 years of experience in intraoral radiography) acquired the images with the s-IOT prototype and standard intraoral X-ray devices. Images were assessed to analyze percentage overlap of the proximal surfaces using the tools available in ImageJ (NIH, Bethesda Maryland). Results: 253-paired surfaces were included in the analysis. The difference in overlap was statistically significant with standard bitewing (SBW) images resulting in a median overlap of 13%, a minimum of 0%, a maximum of 100% and an interquartile range of 40%. s-IOT resulted in a median overlap of 1%, a minimum of 0%, a maximum of 37% and an interquartile range of 0%. The s-IOT prototype substantially reduced proximal surface overlap compared to conventional bitewing radiography. conclusions: The use of s-IOT reduced proximal contact overlap compared to standard bitewing radiography for an experienced radiographer. Stationary intraoral tomosynthesis may be a potential alternative to SBW radiography, reducing the number of retakes due to closed contacts

    Feasibility of dual-energy CBCT by spectral filtration of a dual-focus CNT x-ray source

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    Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is now widely used in dentistry and growing areas of medical imaging. The presence of strong metal artifacts is however a major concern of using CBCT especially in dentistry due to the presence of highly attenuating dental restorations, fixed appliances, and implants. Virtual monoenergetic images (VMIs) synthesized from dual energy CT (DECT) datasets are known to reduce metal artifacts. Although several techniques exist for DECT imaging, they in general come with significantly increased equipment cost and not available in dental clinics. The objectives of this study were to investigate the feasibility of developing a low-cost dual energy CBCT (DE-CBCT) by retrofitting a regular CBCT scanner with a carbon nanotube (CNT) x-ray source with dual focal spots and corresponding low-energy (LE) and high-energy (HE) spectral filters. A testbed with a CNT field emission x-ray source (NuRay Technology, Chang Zhou, China), a flat panel detector (Teledyne, Waterloo, Canada), and a rotating object stage was used for this feasibility study. Two distinct polychromatic x-ray spectra with the mean photon energies of 66.7keV and 86.3keV were produced at a fixed 120kVp x-ray tube voltage by using Al+Au and Al+Sn foils as the respective LE and HE filters attached to the exist window of the x-ray source. The HE filter attenuated the x-ray photons more than the LE filter. The calculated post-object air kerma rate of the HE beam was 31.7% of the LE beam. An anthropomorphic head phantom (RANDO, Nuclear Associates, Hicksville, NY) with metal beads was imaged using the testbed and the images were reconstructed using an iterative volumetric CT reconstruction algorithm. The VMIs were synthesized using an image-domain basis materials decomposition method with energy ranging from 30 to 150keV. The results were compared to the reconstructed images from a single energy clinical dental CBCT scanner (CS9300, Carestream Dental, Atlanta, GA). A significant reduction of the metal artifacts was observed in the VMI images synthesized at high energies compared to those from the same object imaged by the clinical dental CBCT scanner. The ability of the CNT x-ray source to generate the output needed to compensate the reduction of photon flux due to attenuation from the spectral filters and to maintain the CT imaging time was evaluated. The results demonstrated the feasibility of DE-CBCT imaging using the proposed approach. Metal artifact reduction was achieved in VMIs synthesized. The x-ray output needed for the proposed DE-CBCT can be generated by a fixed-anode CNT x-ray source

    Visualizing microcalcifications in lumpectomy specimens: An exploration into the clinical potential of carbon nanotube-enabled stationary digital breast tomosynthesis

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    Purpose: To assess the visibility of microcalcifications in images generated by a first-generation carbon-nanotube (CNT)-enabled stationary digital breast tomosynthesis (sDBT) device, using magnified 2D mammography and conventional, moving-source DBT as references for comparison. Methods: Lumpectomy specimens were imaged by magnified mammography and two 3D mammography approaches, including sDBT and moving-source DBT. The planar size of individual microcalcifications was measured in the reconstructed image stacks of sDBT and moving-source DBT and compared to the magnified mammography image. An artifact spread function (ASF) was used to assess the depth dimensions of the microcalcifications displayed through the reconstructed image stacks. Breast-imaging specialists rated their preference for one imaging modality over another when interpreting microcalcifications in the magnified mammography image and synthetic slab images from sDBT and moving-source DBT. Results: The planar size of individual microcalcifications was similar in images generated by sDBT and moving-source DBT when the sDBT projections were binned to match the pixel size used by the moving-source DBT system. However, the unique structure of sDBT allowed for a wider-angle span of projection views and operation of the detector in full-resolution mode without significantly compromising the scan time. In this configuration, the planar sizes of individual microcalcifications displayed by sDBT was more similar to magnified mammography than moving-source DBT, and the microcalcifications had a narrower ASF through depth. Readers preferred sDBT over moving-source DBT when assessing microcalcifications in synthetic slab images, although magnified mammography was rated highest overall. Conclusions: The sDBT system displayed microcalcifications as well as conventional, moving-source DBT when the effective pixel size of the detector was matched. However, with the detector in its full-resolution mode, sDBT displayed microcalcifications with greater clarity. Readers still preferred images generated by magnified mammography over both 3D mammography approaches. This finding is guiding continued hardware and software development to optimize the sDBT technology

    Characterization and preliminary imaging evaluation of a clinical prototype stationary intraoral tomosynthesis system

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    Purpose: Technological advancements in dental radiography have improved oral care on many fronts, yet diagnostic efficacy for some of the most common oral conditions, such as caries, dental cracks and fractures, and periodontal disease, remains relatively low. Driven by the clinical need for a better diagnostic yield for these and other dental conditions, we initiated the development of a stationary intraoral tomosynthesis (s-IOT) imaging system using carbon nanotube (CNT) x-ray source array technology. Here, we report the system characterization and preliminary imaging evaluation of a clinical prototype s-IOT system approved for human use. Methods: The clinical prototype s-IOT system is comprised of a multibeam CNT x-ray source array, high voltage generator, control electronics, collimator cone, and dynamic digital intraoral detector. During a tomosynthesis scan, each x-ray source is operated sequentially at fixed, nominal tube current of 7 mA and user-specified pulse width. Images are acquired by a digital intraoral detector and the reconstruction algorithm generates slice information in real time for operator review. In this study, the s-IOT system was characterized for tube output, dosimetry, and spatial resolution. Manufacturer specifications were validated, such as tube current, kVp, and pulse width. Tube current was measured with an oscilloscope on the analog output of the anode power supply. Pulse width, kVp, and peak skin dose were measured with a dosimeter with ion chamber and high voltage accessory. In-plane spatial resolution was evaluated via measurement of MTF and imaging of a line pair phantom. Spatial resolution in the depth direction was evaluated via artifact spread measurement. The size of the collimated radiation field was evaluated for compliance with FDA regulations. A dental phantom and human specimens of varying pathologies were imaged on a clinical 2D intraoral imaging system as well as s-IOT for comparison and to explore potential clinical applications. Results: The measured tube current, kVp, and pulse width values were within 3% of the set values. A cumulative peak skin dose of 1.12 mGy was measured for one complete tomosynthesis scan using a 50-ms pulse per projection view. Projection images and reconstruction slices revealed MTF values ranging from 8.1 to 9.3 cycles/mm. Line pair imaging verified this result. The radiation field was found to meet the FDA requirements for intraoral imaging devices. Tomosynthesis reconstruction slice images of the dental phantom and human specimens provided depth resolution, allowing visibility of anatomical features that cannot be seen in the 2D intraoral images. Conclusions: The clinical prototype s-IOT device was evaluated and found to meet all manufacturer specifications. Though the system capability is higher, initial investigations are targeting a low-dose range comparable to a single 2D radiograph. Preliminary studies indicated that s-IOT provides increased image quality and feature conspicuity at a dose comparable to a single 2D intraoral radiograph

    Applying synthetic radiography to intraoral tomosynthesis: A step towards achieving 3D imaging in the dental clinic

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    objectives: A practical approach to three-dimensional (3D) intraoral imaging would have many potential applications in clinical dentistry. Stationary intraoral tomosynthesis (sIOT) is an experimental 3D imaging technology that holds promise. The purpose of this study was to explore synthetic radiography as a tool to improve the clinical utility of the images generated by an sIOT scan. Methods: Extracted tooth specimens containing either caries adjacent to restorations (CAR) or vertical root fractures (VRF) were imaged by sIOT and standard dental radiography devices. Qualitative assessments were used to compare the conspicuity of these pathologies in the standard radiographs and in a set of multi-view synthetic radiographs generated from the information collected by sIOT. Results: The sIOT-based synthetic 2D radiographs contained less artefact than the image slices in the reconstructed 3D stack, which is the conventional approach to displaying information from a tomosynthesis scan. As a single sIOT scan can be used to generate synthetic radiographs from multiple viewing angles, the interproximal space was less likely to be obscured in the synthetic images compared to the standard radiograph. Additionally, the multi-view synthetic radiographs can potentially improve the display of CAR and VRFs as compared to a single standard radiograph. conclusions: This preliminary experience combining synthetic radiography and sIOT in extracted tooth models is encouraging and supports the ongoing study of this promising approach to 3D intraoral imaging with many potential applications

    Initial clinical evaluation of stationary digital chest tomosynthesis in adult patients with cystic fibrosis

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    Objective: The imaging evaluation of cystic fibrosis currently relies on chest radiography or computed tomography. Recently, digital chest tomosynthesis has been proposed as an alternative. We have developed a stationary digital chest tomosynthesis (s-DCT) system based on a carbon nanotube (CNT) linear x-ray source array. This system enables tomographic imaging without movement of the x-ray tube and allows for physiological gating. The goal of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of clinical CF imaging with the s-DCT system. Materials and methods: CF patients undergoing clinically indicated chest radiography were recruited for the study and imaged on the s-DCT system. Three board-certified radiologists reviewed both the CXR and s-DCT images for image quality relevant to CF. CF disease severity was assessed by Brasfield score on CXR and chest tomosynthesis score on s-DCT. Disease severity measures were also evaluated against subject pulmonary function tests. Results: Fourteen patients underwent s-DCT imaging within 72 h of their chest radiograph imaging. Readers scored the visualization of proximal bronchi, small airways and vascular pattern higher on s-DCT than CXR. Correlation between the averaged Brasfield score and averaged tomosynthesis disease severity score for CF was -0.73, p = 0.0033. The CF disease severity score system for tomosynthesis had high correlation with FEV1 (r = -0.685) and FEF 25–75% (r = -0.719) as well as good correlation with FVC (r = -0.582). Conclusion: We demonstrate the potential of CNT x-ray-based s-DCT for use in the evaluation of cystic fibrosis disease status in the first clinical study of s-DCT. Key Points: • Carbon nanotube-based linear array x-ray tomosynthesis systems have the potential to provide diagnostically relevant information for patients with cystic fibrosis without the need for a moving gantry. • Despite the short angular span in this prototype system, lung features such as the proximal bronchi, small airways and pulmonary vasculature have improved visualization on s-DCT compared with CXR. Further improvements are anticipated with longer linear x-ray array tubes. • Evaluation of disease severity in CF patients is possible with s-DCT, yielding improved visualization of important lung features and high correlation with pulmonary function tests at a relatively low dose