115 research outputs found

    On the spectrum of S=1/2 XXX Heisenberg chain with elliptic exchange

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    It is found that the Hamiltonian of S=1/2 isotropic Heisenberg chain with NN sites and elliptic non-nearest-neighbor exchange is diagonalized in each sector of the Hilbert space with magnetization N/2MN/2-M, 1<M[N/2]1<M\leq[N/2], by means of double quasiperiodic meromorphic solutions to the MM-particle quantum Calogero-Moser problem on a line. The spectrum and highest-weight states are determined by the solutions of the systems of transcendental equations of the Bethe-ansatz type which arise as restrictions to particle pseudomomenta.Comment: 9 pages, Late

    On the rational monodromy-free potentials with sextic growth

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    We study the rational potentials V(x)V(x), with sextic growth at infinity, such that the corresponding one-dimensional \Sch equation has no monodromy in the complex domain for all values of the spectral parameter. We investigate in detail the subclass of such potentials which can be constructed by the Darboux transformations from the well-known class of quasi-exactly solvable potentials V=x6νx2+l(l+1)x2.V= x^6 - \nu x^2 +\frac{l(l+1)}{x^2}. We show that, in contrast with the case of quadratic growth, there are monodromy-free potentials which have quasi-rational eigenfunctions, but which can not be given by this construction. We discuss the relations between the corresponding algebraic varieties, and present some elementary solutions of the Calogero-Moser problem in the external field with sextic potential.Comment: 35 pages, 1 figur

    Universal Lax pairs for Spin Calogero-Moser Models and Spin Exchange Models

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    For any root system Δ\Delta and an irreducible representation R{\cal R} of the reflection (Weyl) group GΔG_\Delta generated by Δ\Delta, a {\em spin Calogero-Moser model} can be defined for each of the potentials: rational, hyperbolic, trigonometric and elliptic. For each member μ\mu of R{\cal R}, to be called a "site", we associate a vector space Vμ{\bf V}_{\mu} whose element is called a "spin". Its dynamical variables are the canonical coordinates {qj,pj}\{q_j,p_j\} of a particle in Rr{\bf R}^r, (r=r= rank of Δ\Delta), and spin exchange operators {P^ρ}\{\hat{\cal P}_\rho\} (ρΔ\rho\in\Delta) which exchange the spins at the sites μ\mu and sρ(μ)s_{\rho}(\mu). Here sρs_\rho is the reflection generated by ρ\rho. For each Δ\Delta and R{\cal R} a {\em spin exchange model} can be defined. The Hamiltonian of a spin exchange model is a linear combination of the spin exchange operators only. It is obtained by "freezing" the canonical variables at the equilibrium point of the corresponding classical Calogero-Moser model. For Δ=Ar\Delta=A_r and R={\cal R}= vector representation it reduces to the well-known Haldane-Shastry model. Universal Lax pair operators for both spin Calogero-Moser models and spin exchange models are presented which enable us to construct as many conserved quantities as the number of sites for {\em degenerate} potentials.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX2e, no figure

    New Algebraic Quantum Many-body Problems

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    We develop a systematic procedure for constructing quantum many-body problems whose spectrum can be partially or totally computed by purely algebraic means. The exactly-solvable models include rational and hyperbolic potentials related to root systems, in some cases with an additional external field. The quasi-exactly solvable models can be considered as deformations of the previous ones which share their algebraic character.Comment: LaTeX 2e with amstex package, 36 page

    Explicit solution of the (quantum) elliptic Calogero-Sutherland model

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    We derive explicit formulas for the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the elliptic Calogero-Sutherland model as infinite series, to all orders and for arbitrary particle numbers and coupling parameters. The eigenfunctions obtained provide an elliptic deformation of the Jack polynomials. We prove in certain special cases that these series have a finite radius of convergence in the nome qq of the elliptic functions, including the two particle (= Lam\'e) case for non-integer coupling parameters.Comment: v1: 17 pages. The solution is given as series in q but only to low order. v2: 30 pages. Results significantly extended. v3: 35 pages. Paper completely revised: the results of v1 and v2 are extended to all order

    Dynamical boundary conditions for integrable lattices

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    Some special solutions to the reflection equation are considered. These boundary matrices are defined on the common quantum space with the other operators in the chain. The relations with the Drinfeld twist are discussed.Comment: LaTeX, 12page

    Quantum Inozemtsev model, quasi-exact solvability and N-fold supersymmetry

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    Inozemtsev models are classically integrable multi-particle dynamical systems related to Calogero-Moser models. Because of the additional q^6 (rational models) or sin^2(2q) (trigonometric models) potentials, their quantum versions are not exactly solvable in contrast with Calogero-Moser models. We show that quantum Inozemtsev models can be deformed to be a widest class of partly solvable (or quasi-exactly solvable) multi-particle dynamical systems. They posses N-fold supersymmetry which is equivalent to quasi-exact solvability. A new method for identifying and solving quasi-exactly solvable systems, the method of pre-superpotential, is presented.Comment: LaTeX2e 28 pages, no figure

    Spectrum of a spin chain with inverse square exchange

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    The spectrum of a one-dimensional chain of SU(n)SU(n) spins positioned at the static equilibrium positions of the particles in a corresponding classical Calogero system with an exchange interaction inversely proportional to the square of their distance is studied. As in the translationally invariant Haldane--Shastry model the spectrum is found to exhibit a very simple structure containing highly degenerate ``super-multiplets''. The algebra underlying this structure is identified and several sets of raising and lowering operators are given explicitely. On the basis of this algebra and numerical studies we give the complete spectrum and thermodynamics of the SU(2)SU(2) system.Comment: 9 pages, late

    Exact Spectrum of SU(n) Spin Chain with Inverse-Square Exchange

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    The spectrum and partition function of a model consisting of SU(n) spins positioned at the equilibrium positions of a classical Calogero model and interacting through inverse-square exchange are derived. The energy levels are equidistant and have a high degree of degeneracy, with several SU(n) multiplets belonging to the same energy eigenspace. The partition function takes the form of a q-deformed polynomial. This leads to a description of the system by means of an effective parafermionic hamiltonian, and to a classification of the states in terms of "modules" consisting of base-n strings of integers.Comment: 12 pages, CERN-TH-7040/9

    Current Problems of the Tertiary Education Modernization and Reform Practices

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    The sphere of postgraduate studies is the most governance reform-sensitive element of high school educational system in Russia.The article focuses on the governmental decisions taken to address difficulties in high school modernization sphere. The article posits that the mainstream modernization vector of educational system connected with the upgraded scientific and pedagogical personnel education is performed in accordance with transformational process set forth in Bologna declaration signed by the Russian Federation. The Covid-19 pandemic challenged the postgraduate reform results in Russia. The article provides a thorough and discourse analysis of scientific publications, expert interviews and normative documents. The study concludes that the set of fundamental approaches to further Russian system of postgraduate studies is currently semi-functional.Current reforms seek to overcome a destructive impact of the current postgraduate studies system