183 research outputs found

    Japanese Ideas of Asian Regionalism

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    Japan is geographically located on the fringe of Asia. Japan's location is often divided between those arguing that Japan is inside Aisa and those arguing it is outside Asia. Japanese ideas of Asian regionalism are thus immensely varied. This article details a number of Japanese ideas on Asian regionalism with author/agency, scope and method specified. Special mention is made of weak integration of government agencies, thus causing proliferation of many Japanese ideas within Asia. With the increasing self-assertiveness of China, the apparent peaking out of American hegemony, and the steady rise of non-Chinese Asians, Japan tries to maintain enduring alliance with the United States, to invigorate interdependence with China, and to reinvent new relationships with the countries of the East Asian Summit. Japanese ideas of Asian regionalism take those templates as guidelines to develop new ideas of Asian regionalism

    ¿Entramos en el siglo del Pacífico?

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    2012, an era of uncertainty

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    Negotiation as quasi-budgeting: the salmon catch negotiations between two world fishery powers

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    Suggested from the study of budgeting, the quasi-budgeting framework is used to analyze a certain type of negotiation. Three pre-conditions are spelled out for using this framework. A simple structural equation model to account for how negotiation outcomes are determined on the basis of the Soviet-Japanese salmon catch negotiations in the Northwest Pacific for the 1957-1977 period is presented. The estimation results for the 1957-1976 period as well as the predictive performance for the 1977 negotiations are demonstrated to be fairly good, thereby suggesting that the quasi-budgeting framework is both conceptually powerful and methodologically feasible in the study of various international negotiation

    移民と人権 : 深まるグローバル化とその帰結

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    IPSHU Research Report Series No.32 : 2016年度第2回広島大学平和科学研究センター主催国際シンポジウム, 移民・難民―国際社会は人権の危機にいかに立ち向かうのか―, 後半部分 : 日本語版, Editor: Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University (Responsibility editors: Shinsuke TOMOTSUGU, Asami OGURA

    Migration and Human Rights: Deep Globalization and its Consequences

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    IPSHU Research Report Series No.32 : 2nd International Symposium 2016 hosted by Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University, “Migration and Refugee: How the International Society Tackles the Human Rights Crisis”, The first half: English Version, Editor: Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University (Responsibility editors: Shinsuke TOMOTSUGU, Asami OGURA

    A Rare Case of Pelvic Abscess Due to Spontaneous Non-traumatic Bladder Rupture

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    Spontaneous bladder rupture is an uncommon and life-threatening urological emergency, and early diagnosis is often challenging. Herein, we report a case of intraperitoneal bladder rupture in an 81-year-old male with neurogenic bladder-the case of intraperitoneal bladder rupture required late laparotomy for pelvic abscess following initial conservative treatment. An eighty-one-year-old male presented to our emergency department with deterioration of consciousness, fever, and hematuria. He denied previous trauma history and had been treated for neurogenic bladder. Physical examination revealed signs of tenderness in the abdomen. A diagnosis of bladder rupture was made based on laboratory examination indicating renal failure and radiological imaging showing urinary ascites. Conservative management with a Foley catheter and antibiotics (meropenem administered 1 g/day) was initiated. On day seven after admission, the patient complained of abdominal pain and fever, and a diagnosis of pelvic abscess based on contrast-enhanced computed tomography and septic peritonitis was made. An emergency exploratory laparotomy for peritoneal drainage was performed. The postoperative course was uneventful, and the patient was discharged on day 29 after admission. Urinary bladder rupture should always be considered as a differential diagnosis in patients presenting with free fluid in the abdomen, peritonitis, reduced urine output, and hematuria. Clinicians should be aware that secondary bacterial peritonitis can occur as a major complication of a ruptured urinary bladder

    Japan\u27s Foreign policy under a Global Uncertainty

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    In this article the author delineates and analyzes the direction of Japan\u27s foreign policy during the period of a major strutural transition after the end of the Cold war.He first discusses Japan\u27s international security isssues with the heading of the Gulf and Gorbachev, its economic issues under the heading of the GATT and Group Seven, and its regional issues under the heading of the project Europe 1992, the North American Free Trade Area, and the East Asian Economic Grouping.Then he examines the domestic cleavages and competitions along the four dimesions: left versus right, private versus public sector, politicians versus bureaucrats, and interministerial rivalries.Lastly, he concludes that Japan\u27s foreign policy direction exhibits many features, reflecting a global uncertainty, with both rigidity and flexibility, both reactiveness and proactiveness, and both the failure and success of structural adaptation in world politics