5 research outputs found

    Manifestations cliniques de l’infection à Coronavirus SARS-Cov-2 (COVID-19): Clinical characteristics of coronavirus infection disease (COVID-19)

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    The pandemic caused by the new coronavirus  (SARS-CoV-2) in Wuhan, China in December 2019 is a very contagious disease. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the ongoing epidemic to be a global public health emergency. Currently, research on this new coronavirus is in progress and several publications are available. The clinical manifestations linked to infection with the new Coronavirus-SARS-COV-2 virus seem to be polymorphic and multi-systemic, going beyond the typical respiratory nosological pattern described (fever, asthenia and respiratory symptoms cough and difficulty in breathing). These manifestations can be cardiovascular, dermatological, ORL, hepatic, renal, ophthalmological and neurological. This review describes the clinical manifestations as well as the pathogenesis known to date of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19); the diagnosis and treatment are not included in this mini review. La pandĂ©mie causĂ©e par le nouveau virus du coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) Ă  Wuhan, en Chine, en dĂ©cembre 2019 est une maladie très contagieuse. L’Organisation mondiale de la SantĂ© (OMS) a dĂ©clarĂ© que l’épidĂ©mie en cours Ă©tait une urgence mondiale de santĂ© publique. Actuellement, les recherches sur ce nouveau coronavirus sont en cours et plusieurs publications sont disponibles. Les manifestations cliniques liĂ©es Ă  l’infection au nouveau Corona-virus SARS-COV-2 semblent ĂŞtre très polymorphes et multi systĂ©miques, dĂ©passant largement le cadre nosologique typiquement respiratoire. Ces manifestations peuvent ĂŞtre cardio-vasculaires, dermatologiques, ORL, hĂ©patiques, rĂ©nales, ophtalmologiques et mĂŞme neurologiques. Cette revue dĂ©crit les manifestations cliniques ainsi que de la pathogĂ©nie connues Ă  ce jour du coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) ; le diagnostic et le traitement ne seront volontairement pas abordĂ©s

    Tests diagnostiques de l’infection à Coronavirus (COVID-19) : des atouts et des limites: Diagnosis testing for Coronavirus infection disease (COVID 19): Assets and limits

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    The world is going through a serious health crisis due to the COVID 19 pandemic. Although little is known about COVID-19, we have observed an increased interhuman transmission of etiological agent SARS-Cov-2 and we assume that each new cases of COVID-19 get at least two or three news persons infected. Therefore, the test for detection of the infection should be much implemented as an efficient strategy to fight against the COVID 19 pandemic. The COVID-19 diagnostic tests are an essential tool for assessing the pandemic. This review paper will discuss the advantages and limitations of the diagnosis tests for COVID 19. There are 2 categories of tests: those that directly detect the virus or its component, and those that search for the antibodies generated by the virus infection. The real time Reverse transcriptase Polymerase chain reaction (test rt-RT-PCR) remains the gold standard for the diagnosis of COVID-19. Its sensitivity on the nasopharynx swab seems high, though false negative cases can occur, with an average of 30% of cases. Serological test detect specific antibodies against SARS-COV-2. They help identify individuals that have been infected by the virus, those healed and that have acquired immunity against the virus. They are diagnosis orientation tests of COVID-19. Until now, none of these tests are 100% reliable, but they are used by a qualified collaborating medical staff. They can help identify the majority of the infected and immunized individuals. Le monde entier fait face Ă  une crise sanitaire sans prĂ©cĂ©dent due Ă  la pandĂ©mie de maladie Ă  virus SARS-COV-2 alias COVID-19. MalgrĂ© les connaissances très incomplètes sur la COVID-19, on a constatĂ© une contagiositĂ© interhumaine Ă©levĂ©e au dĂ©but de la pandĂ©mie actuelle, et on estime que chaque nouveau cas de COVID-19 infecte en moyenne deux Ă  trois personnes. En consĂ©quence, la stratĂ©gie de lutte contre la pandĂ©mie Ă  COVID-19 qui Ă©branle nos sociĂ©tĂ©s passe nĂ©cessairement par une intensification des tests de dĂ©tection de l’infection. Ces tests diagnostiques de la COVID-19 sont un outil essentiel pour suivre la propagation de la pandĂ©mie. Ainsi, l’objectif de la prĂ©sente revue de la littĂ©rature est d’aborder le diagnostic de l’infection Ă  Coronavirus (COVID-19) en s’attardant sur les tests de diagnostic, leurs atouts et leurs limites. Il y a deux catĂ©gories de test : ceux qui recherchent la prĂ©sence directe du virus ou de ses fragments, et ceux qui recherchent les anticorps rĂ©sultant de l’infection par le virus du COVID-19. Le test real time –Reverse Transcriptase –Polymerase chain reaction (rt-RT-PCR) reste le gold standard pour le diagnostic de la COVID-19. Sa sensibilitĂ© sur les Ă©couvillons nasopharyngĂ©s semble Ă©levĂ©e, mais des faux nĂ©gatifs peuvent se produire, avec une frĂ©quence incertaine (environ 30% des cas). Les tests sĂ©rologiques dĂ©tectent les anticorps spĂ©cifiques du SARS-CoV-2. Ils permettent l’identification des individus qui ont Ă©tĂ© infectĂ©s par le virus, se sont rĂ©tablis, et ont dĂ©veloppĂ©, en thĂ©orie, une rĂ©ponse immunitaire efficace contre le virus. Ils constituent des tests d’orientation diagnostique de la COVID-19. A ce jour, aucun de ces tests n’est fiable Ă  100 %, mais, utilisĂ©s par un personnel mĂ©dical qualifiĂ© et en combinaison, ils permettent l’identification de la majoritĂ© des individus infectĂ©s et immunisĂ©s

    Stress, anxiété, dépression et qualité de vie des patients tuberculeux pharmacorésistants à Kinshasa, République Démocratique du Congo: Stress, anxiety, depression and quality of life of drug-resistant tuberculosis patients in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo

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    Contexte & objectif. La prise en charge mĂ©dicale de la tuberculose pharmacorĂ©sistante connaĂ®t des progrès dans le monde. Mais, le volet psychosocial a Ă©tĂ© peu explorĂ© en RĂ©publique DĂ©mocratique du Congo. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude a Ă©valuĂ© la qualitĂ© de vie des patients tuberculeux pharmacorĂ©sistants (PTP) suivis au Centre d’Excellence Damien (CEDA) Ă  Kinshasa. MĂ©thodes. L’échelle de stress perçu (PSS), l’Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) et l’Indicateur de SantĂ© Perceptuelle de NOTTINGHAM (ISPN) ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©s dans une Ă©tude transversale rĂ©alisĂ©e du 1er avril au 31 dĂ©cembre 2018 sur 81 PTP hospitalisĂ©s au CEDA de Kinshasa. La mĂ©thode de rĂ©gression logistique a recherchĂ© les dĂ©terminants de la qualitĂ© de vie. RĂ©sultats. Au cours de la pĂ©riode de l’étude, 81 PTP Ă©taient reçus dont 62 TB multirĂ©sistants (TB MR, 76,5%) contre 19 TB ultrarĂ©sistants (TBUR, 23,5%), constituant les deux groupes d’étude. L’âge moyen des sujets Ă©tait de 34,7±14,3 ans. Les hommes Ă©taient lĂ©gèrement prĂ©pondĂ©rants (53 %) avec un sex ratio H/F de 1,1. La tranche d’âge de 21 Ă  30 ans Ă©tait plus reprĂ©sentĂ©e (35%). Trois-quarts des sujets Ă©taient solitaires (75%), plus de deuxtiers avaient un niveau secondaire (69%), plus de la moitiĂ© n’avait pas d’occupation (56%), près de deux-tiers frĂ©quentaient les Eglises indĂ©pendantes (60%). Trente-cinq pourcents des patients avaient une mauvaise qualitĂ© de vie. Celle-ci Ă©tait liĂ©e Ă  l’âge >40 ans, au type TBMR, au retard d’accompagnement psychosocial, au niveau d’étude primaire, Ă  la prĂ©sence de la co-infection tuberculoseVIH/SIDA, au stress perçu et Ă  l’anxiĂ©tĂ©-dĂ©pression. Conclusion. Les patients tuberculeux pharmacorĂ©sistants Ă  Kinshasa ont une qualitĂ© de vie altĂ©rĂ©e. Cette situation est favorisĂ©e par l’âge >40 ans, le type de tuberculose pharmacorĂ©sistante, le retard d’accompagnement psychosocial, le faible niveau d’étude, la prĂ©sence de la coinfection tuberculose-VIH/SIDA, le stress perçu,  l’anxiĂ©tĂ© et la dĂ©pression.  Context and objective. Despite many progress in the treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis, psychosocial aspects remain poorly adressed in the Democratic Republic of Congo. This study aimed to evaluate the quality of life of drug-resistant tuberculosis patients. Methods. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in hospitalized drug-resistant tuberculosis patients at CEDA Kinshasa, during the period from April 1 to December 31th, 2018, through the perceived stress scale (PSS), the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and the NOTTINGHAM Health Profil (NHP) tools. Data from 62 multdrug rerestitant TB patients (MDR TB, 76,5%) were compared with 19 ultraresistant (PXDR, 23.5 %) and analyzed, using a multivariate logistic regression analysis to assess the determinants of quality of life. Results. Among a total of 81 pharmaco-resistant TB patients, average age 34.7 ± 14.3 years, with a slight man preponderance (53 %), 35% had a poor quality of life. This was linked to age > 40 years, MDRTB type, delayed psychosocial support, primary education, the presence of TB/HIV co-infection, and perceived stress and anxiety-depression. Conclusion. The study reveals an impaired quality of life in Drug-resistant tuberculosis patients in Kinshasa, with some identified correlates. Targeted measures are needed to improve the management of these patients

    Outcomes and adverse events of pre- and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis patients in Kinshasa, Democratique Republic of the Congo: A retrospective cohort study.

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    BackgroundExtensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR TB) is a very serious form of tuberculosis that is burdened with a heavy mortality toll, especially before the advent of new TB drugs. The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is among the countries most affected by this new epidemic.MethodsA retrospective analysis was performed of the records of all patients with pre- and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis hospitalized from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2017 and monitored for at least 6 months to one year after the end of their treatment in Kinshasa; an individualized therapeutic regimen with bedaquiline for 20 months was built for each patient. The adverse effects were systematically monitored.ResultsOf the 40 laboratory-confirmed patients, 32 (80%) patients started treatment, including 29 preXRB and 3 XDR TB patients. In the eligible group, 3 patients (9.4%) had HIV-TB coinfections. The therapeutic success rate was 53.2%, and the mortality rate was 46.8% (15/32); there were no relapses, failures or losses to follow-up. All coinfected HIV-TB patients died during treatment. The cumulative patient survival rate was 62.5% at 3 months, 53.1% at 6 months and 53.1% at 20 months. The most common adverse events were vomiting, Skin rash, anemia and peripheral neuropathy.ConclusionThe new anti-tuberculosis drugs are a real hope for the management of Drug Resistant tuberculosis patient and other new therapeutic combinations may improve favorable outcomes