9 research outputs found

    The effect of activated water on the photosynthetic processes of plants

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    The article is devoted to the research of the effect of nutrient solutions prepared on the basis of activated water: anolyte and catholyte on glucose synthesis during photosynthesis using the example of seedlings of vegetable crops: Japanese cabbage of the Mizuna variety, peas of the vegetable variety “Zima”, cucumber of the variety “Vsyo putyom”. The research was carried out to determine the mechanism of activated water influence on photosynthesis. As a result, the proposed working hypothesis on the effectiveness of the activated water influence on photosynthetic processes was confirmed. It has been shown that glucose synthesis is closely related to the reduction of absorbed CO2 by NADPH+ and ATP during photophosphorylation, and then their direct participation in this synthesis. It has been established that the increased concentration of hydrogen protons formed during the photolysis of activated water is the reason for the effectiveness of glucose synthesis, and, consequently, productivity. It has been shown that positively charged hydrogen ions H+ involved in photophosphorylation, forming NADPH+, which together with H+ is involved in glucose synthesis, during photolysis of water during photosynthesis have a concentration of ions 3.13·105 times higher in anolyte (534.67·10-4 M/l) than in inactive water (170.67·10-9 M/l), which provides, in comparison with the control, an increase in glucose synthesis by 26.7% for Japanese cabbage of the Mizuna variety; by 39.7% for peas of the vegetable variety “Zima” and by 33.3% for cucumber of the variety “Vsyo Putyom”. At the same time, for plants of vegetable peas “Zima”, an increase in the intensity of growth in the anolyte was noted in comparison with the control by 12.5%

    The study of the consequences of preserving berry crops

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    As a result of studies, it was found that collection samples of berry crops in vitro can be maintained in viable condition on specially selected nutrient media for 12 months. The effect of mannitol concentration (0.45, 0.75 and 1.05%; sucrose control -3%) on the regenerative potential of microprobe of the studied berry crop varieties was estimated. When studying the effect of the reproduction cycle on the morphogenesis of meristemic cultures, it was found that the dynamics of changes in shoot length, number of leaves and shoots depended on the concentration of the active substance. In general, the majority of berry crops that were viable after storage of explants retained the ability to grow again, in many cases reaching or exceeding the control level

    Microalgae is an unclaimed bioenergy resource in Russia

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    There were considered the technological and biological aspects of the perspective of microalgae as a biological resource of alternative energy. An overview analysis of the current state of the art from the point of view of assessing the use of microalgae as a renewable raw material of high productivity for producing third-generation biofuels is presented. In recent decades, research in the field of technologies for the production of biomass of microalgae for energy purposes has focused mainly on the search for strains with a high oil content. In particular, it was found that the lipid content of some strains of algae can be increased to 65% by dry weight under conditions of reduced availability of nitrogen-containing nutrients. One of the directions in research is the use of a photobioreactor for accelerated cultivation of the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris Bin

    Biological features of growing tomatoes in closed agroecosystems

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    Researches were conducted in 2019-2020 in the department of closed artificial agroecosystems for plant growing on the basis of Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM”, Moscow. The object of the study was the seeds of tomatoes Solanum lycopersicum L. The aim of the research was to study the effect of a biostimulant (succinic acid) on biological characteristics and productivity of Solanum lycopersicum L. grown in the substrate hydroponics of a climatic chamber. As a result of conducted researches, there was identified the most effective method of using succinic acid as a biostimulator – inoculation of seeds, which contributed to an increase in yield with a significant rise in relation to the control – 64.1%. The average fruit weight in this variant was 114.1 g, which exceeds the control by 37.0%. The complex application of the biostimulator provided an increase in the average fruit weight in 18.6%, the addition of hydroponics to the nutrient solution is 4.1%

    Thermoregulation of plant systems as a factor of production processes

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    Thermoregulation in plant systems is one of the main functions of transpiration, which plays the role of the upper terminal mover of the water current. It creates a continuous flow of water from the root system to the leaves and other vegetative organs of the plant, linking them into a single whole. This flow transports dissolved mineral and partially organic nutrients. The study of thermoregulation on plants of the strawberry garden variety Asia was conducted in 2019–2020 in the department of Closed Artificial Agroecosystems for Plant Growing at the Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM, Moscow. The object of the study was thermoregulation processes occurring in plant systems. The subject of the study was the culture of garden strawberry Fragaria×ananassa (Weston.) Duchesne of the ‘Asia’ variety. As a source of light energy (LE) we used a thirty-six-watt bispectral lamp, consisting of 12 three-watt LEDs of red (660 nm) and blue (450 nm) colors at a ratio of 10:2, providing constant illumination of the culture. The study results allowed for a digital control of the efficiency of production processes in plant systems, due to the implementation of a step-by-step control algorithm in digital devices. The algorithm makes it possible to establish the maximum temperature difference between the leaf surface and the air

    Contribution of Antioxidant System Components to the Long-Term Physiological and Protective Effect of Salicylic Acid on Wheat under Salinity Conditions

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    Salicylic acid (SA) plays a crucial role in regulating plant growth and development and mitigating the negative effects of various stresses, including salinity. In this study, the effect of 50 μM SA on the physiological and biochemical parameters of wheat plants under normal and stress conditions was investigated. The results showed that on the 28th day of the growing season, SA pretreatment continued to stimulate the growth of wheat plants. This was evident through an increase in shoot length and leaf area, with the regulation of leaf blade width playing a significant role in this effect. Additionally, SA improved photosynthesis by increasing the content of chlorophyll a (Chl a) and carotenoids (Car), resulting in an increased TAP (total amount of pigments) index in the leaves. Furthermore, SA treatment led to a balanced increase in the levels of reduced glutathione (GSH) and oxidized glutathione (GSSG) in the leaves, accompanied by a slight but significant accumulation of ascorbic acid (ASA), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), proline, and the activation of glutathione reductase (GR) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX). Exposure to salt stress for 28 days resulted in a reduction in length and leaf area, photosynthetic pigments, and GSH and ASA content in wheat leaves. It also led to the accumulation of H2O2 and proline and significant activation of GR and APX. However, SA pretreatment exhibited a long-term growth-stimulating and protective effect under stress conditions. It significantly mitigated the negative impacts of salinity on leaf area, photosynthetic pigments, proline accumulation, lipid peroxidation, and H2O2. Furthermore, SA reduced the salinity-induced depletion of GSH and ASA levels, which was associated with the modulation of GR and APX activities. In small-scale field experiments conducted under natural growing conditions, pre-sowing seed treatment with 50 μM SA improved the main indicators of grain yield and increased the content of essential amino acids in wheat grains. Thus, SA pretreatment can be considered an effective approach for providing prolonged protection to wheat plants under salinity and improving grain yield and quality

    Justification of the application type universal grain cleaning complex

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    This article summarizes the results of research of the work of Russian universal mobile grain cleaning complex. The problem of grain processing and seed preparation can be solved by using a mobile grain cleaning complex, which allows to carry out all types of cleaning (preliminary, primary and secondary). Operational and technological assessment of universal mobile grain cleaning complexes was carried out in the farms of Voronezh region of Russia. The results of the tests showed that the mobile grain cleaning complexes of universal type MGC-30U, MGC-60U and MGC-100U on all operational and technological indicators, quality indicators of technological process and reliability indicators meet the requirements of Russian standards and will find application in small and medium-sized businesses specializing in the cultivation of cereals crops

    The effect of dissolved oxygen on microgreen productivity

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    The effect of oxygen dissolved in water was researched (1.3 mg/l – without saturation, 6.1 mg/l – air saturation, 14.7 mg/l – oxygen saturation) on the microgreen productivity of “Ivolga” variety wheat of and ‘Aida’ variety lentils. It was found that the enrichment of water for seed germination with oxygen stimulates the speedy germination and receipt of wheat and lentils sprouts 1 day faster than in the variant without saturation. An increase in oxygen concentration contributes to the rapid root system growth of the researched cultures, stimulates the formation of 2 order roots, accelerates the development of the overhead plant parts without dry weight loss. On the 7th day of cultivation, the wet weight of wheat increased by 21% in the variant with air saturation and 56% with oxygen saturation, wet weight of lentils – by 57% and 77%, respectively. Both a deficiency and an excess of oxygen in water can adversely affect the content of basic pigments. Therefore, it is necessary to select the species composition of cultures for composing multicomponent mixtures, to obtain higher microgreen quality when grown on oxygen-rich solutions