25 research outputs found

    Generating nearly single-cycle pulses with increased intensity and strongly asymmetric pulses of petawatt level

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    Generation of petawatt-class pulses with a nearly single-cycle duration or with a strongly asymmetric longitudinal profile using a thin plasma layer are investigated via particle-in-cell simulations and the analytical flying mirror model. It is shown that the transmitted pulses having a duration as short as about 4 fs (1.2 laser cycles) or one-cycle front (tail) asymmetric pulses with peak intensity of about 10(21) W/cm(2) can be produced by optimizing system parameters. Here, a new effect is found for the shaping of linearly polarized laser pulses, owing to which the peak amplitude of the transmitted pulse becomes larger than that of the incoming pulse, and intense harmonics are generated. Characteristics of the transmitting window are then studied for different parameters of laser pulse and plasma layer. For a circular polarization, it is shown that the flying mirror model developed for shaping laser pulses with ultrathin foils can be successfully applied to plasma layers having a thickness of about the laser wavelength, which allows the shape of the transmitted pulse to be analytically predicted.open6

    Controlling the betatron oscillations of a wakefield-accelerated electron beam by temporally asymmetric laser pulses

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    Based on two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations, we investigated the electron beam's transverse oscillations by temporally asymmetric laser pulses in laser wakefield acceleration. Of particular interest in this article are the effects of ultrashort laser pulses having sharp rising and slow falling time scales. In this situation, the accelerated electron beam interacts directly with the laser field and undergoes transverse oscillations due to a phase-slip with the laser field. This oscillation can be matched with the betatron oscillation due to the focusing force of the ions, which can lead to a large transverse oscillation amplitude due to the resonance between them. Furthermore, in this case, the electron beam can be microbunched at the laser wavelength, which may provide the possibility for generation of a coherent synchrotron radiation.open6

    Narrowband THz Emission from a Plasma Oscillator Imbedded in a Plasma Density Gradient

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    A novel method is presented for generating radiation using the beat wave associated with a bi-frequency laser pulse, to excite plasma oscillations in a plasma slab with a density gradient. By resonantly exciting a plasma wave, it can be localised and transformed into a plasma oscillator that produces a beam of radially polarised terahertz radiation. Particle-in-cell simulations and analytic theory are used to demonstrate its main characteristics, which includes narrow bandwidth. The radiator should have useful applications such as terahertz-band particle accelerators and pump-probe experiments

    Observation of ultrafast solid-density plasma dynamics using femtosecond X-ray pulses from a free-electron laser

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    The complex physics of the interaction between short pulse high intensity lasers and solids is so far hardly accessible by experiments. As a result of missing experimental capabilities to probe the complex electron dynamics and competing instabilities, this impedes the development of compact laser-based next generation secondary radiation sources, e.g. for tumor therapy [Bulanov2002,ledingham2007], laboratory-astrophysics [Remington1999,Bulanov2015], and fusion [Tabak2014]. At present, the fundamental plasma dynamics that occur at the nanometer and femtosecond scales during the laser-solid interaction can only be elucidated by simulations. Here we show experimentally that small angle X-ray scattering of femtosecond X-ray free-electron laser pulses facilitates new capabilities for direct in-situ characterization of intense short-pulse laser plasma interaction at solid density that allows simultaneous nanometer spatial and femtosecond temporal resolution, directly verifying numerical simulations of the electron density dynamics during the short pulse high intensity laser irradiation of a solid density target. For laser-driven grating targets, we measure the solid density plasma expansion and observe the generation of a transient grating structure in front of the pre-inscribed grating, due to plasma expansion, which is an hitherto unknown effect. We expect that our results will pave the way for novel time-resolved studies, guiding the development of future laser-driven particle and photon sources from solid targets

    Observation of Fundamental Mechanisms in Compression-Induced Phase Transformations Using Ultrafast X-ray Diffraction

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    As theoretically hypothesized for several decades in group IV transition metals, we have discovered a dynamically stabilized body-centered cubic (bcc) intermediate state in Zr under uniaxial loading at sub-nanosecond timescales. Under ultrafast shock wave compression, rather than the transformation from alpha-Zr to the more disordered hex-3 equilibrium omega-Zr phase, in its place we find the formation of a previously unobserved nonequilibrium bcc metastable intermediate. We probe the compression-induced phase transition pathway in zirconium using time-resolved sub-picosecond x-ray diffraction analysis at the Linac Coherent Light Source. We also present molecular dynamics simulations using a potential derived from first-principles methods which independently predict this intermediate phase under ultrafast shock conditions. In contrast with experiments on longer timescale (> 10 ns) where the phase diagram alone is an adequate predictor of the crystalline structure of a material, our recent study highlights the importance of metastability and time dependence in the kinetics of phase transformations

    Large transverse motion and micro-bunching of trapped electrons in a wakefield accelerator driven by temporally-asymmetric laser pulses

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    The transverse oscillatory motion of trapped electrons under the influence of the laser fields trailing the temporally-asymmetric driving laser pulse was investigated with a theoretical model of the quasi-steady state solution of trapped electron dynamics in the cavity. Our studies show that the transverse oscillation of electrons accelerated in the ion cavity can increase drastically due to the resonance with the laser field of the tail of the temporally-asymmetric pulse. The motion of the accelerated electrons can be represented by a forced harmonic oscillation and it was confirmed by 2D particle-in-cell simulations. These transverse oscillations of beams lead to micro-bunching as well, which can be used for generation of femtosecond coherent radiations of keV range photon energies.close1

    Pulse Shaping by Relativistic Transparency in Overdense Plasma and Its Applications in Particle Acceleration

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    A versatile shaping of a laser pulse using relativistic transparency in an overdense plasma has been studied. First we present the propagation of a linearly polarized pulse through an overdense plasma and a semi-phenomenological 1-dimensional formula to calculate the channel-digging speed. Second the pulse shaping both in longitudinal and transverse directions using a non-uniform plasma slab is presented by 2-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations. The second subject is a unique point of this work in the context of relativistic transparency and pulse shaping. Furthermore the 2-dimensional results are shown to be in a good agreement with the 1-dimensional formula of the channel-digging. The shaping scheme using non-uniform plasmas gives more freedom to the control of the shape of ultraintense pulses for various purposes

    A non-destructive correlated energy spread monitor using multi-stripline electrodes for X-ray free electron lasers

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    During X-ray free electron laser (XFEL) operation, electron beam parameters such as the correlated energy spread, which affects the self-amplified spontaneous emission (SASE) spectrum, should remain optimized for the best performance. However, the correlated energy spread often varies from the optimized condition owing to the drift of RF stations, even when a feedback system with low-level radio frequency is operating. Non-destructive correlated energy spread monitoring could offer a means to stabilize such variations and improve the performance of X-ray generation by maintaining the spectral quality. Herein, we investigated the feasibility of a non-destructive correlated energy spread monitor based on multi-stripline electrodes for use with the 200 pC electron beam at the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory XFEL (PAL-XFEL). Beam tracking and electromagnetic simulations indicated that the correlated energy spread up to approximately 0.1% could be measured without intercepting the beam at the bunch compressors of the PAL-XFEL. Through the 3D FEL simulation, we confirmed that keeping the SASE energy spectrum bandwidth to 0.05-0.15%, with a photon energy of 9.7 keV at the undulator, requires the correlated energy spread of the electron beam to be within 0.12-0.35% at the third bunch compressor. From the simulations, we conclude that the non-destructive correlated energy spread monitor based on multi-stripline electrodes is applicable to XFEL facilities and could serve as an effective optimization tool