560 research outputs found

    Search for exoplanets in M31 with pixel-lensing and the PA-99-N2 event revisited

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    Several exoplanets have been detected towards the Galactic bulge with the microlensing technique. We show that exoplanets in M31 may also be detected with the pixel-lensing method, if telescopes making high cadence observations of an ongoing microlensing event are used. Using a Monte Carlo approach we find that the mean mass for detectable planetary systems is about 2MJ2 M_{\rm {J}}. However, even small mass exoplanets (MP<20M⊕M_{\rm P} < 20 M_{\oplus}) can cause significant deviations, which are observable with large telescopes. We reanalysed the POINT-AGAPE microlensing event PA-99-N2. First, we test the robustness of the binary lens conclusion for this light curve. Second, we show that for such long duration and bright microlensing events, the efficiency for finding planetary-like deviations is strongly enhanced with respect to that evaluated for all planetary detectable events.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures. Paper presented at the "II Italian-Pakistani Workshop on Relativistic Astrophysics, Pescara, July 8-10, 2009. To be published in a special issue of General Relativity and Gravitation (eds. F. De Paolis, G.F.R. Ellis, A. Qadir and R. Ruffini

    Brief communication: Towards a universal formula for the probability of tornadoes

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    A methodological approach is proposed to provide an analytical (exponential-like) expression for the probability of occurrence of tornadoes as a function of the convective available potential energy and the wind shear (or, alternatively, the storm relative helicity). The resulting expression allows the probability of tornado occurrence to be calculated using variables that are computed by weather prediction and climate models, thus compensating for the lack of resolution needed to resolve these phenomena in numerical simulations

    Hypofractionated stereotactic radiotherapy in combination with whole brain radiotherapy for brain metastases

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    Background The efficacy and toxicity of hypofractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (HSRT) in combination with whole brain radiotherapy (WBRT), for the treatment of 1-4 brain metastases, using a non invasive fixation of the skull, was investigated. Methods Between 04/2001 and 01/2006 30 patients with 44 brain metastases underwent irradiation. Every patient received WBRT (10 x 3 Gy); 41/44 lesions received HSRT boost with a median dose fraction of 6 Gy, the fractionation schemes were 3 x 6 Gy and 4 x 8 Gy; a median total dose of 18 Gy was delivered to the tumor isocenter. Results The median survival period was 9.15 months, the actuarial 1-year overall survival and freedom from new brain metastases were 36.6% and 87.9%, respectively; at univariate analysis Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS) was statistically significant (P = 0.05); the actuarial 1-year local control for the 41/44 lesions was 86.1%. No patient had acute or late complications. Conclusions HSRT as a concomitant boost during WBRT is a safe and well tolerated treatment for selected patients with brain metastases

    Optical, near-IR and XX-ray observations of SN 2015J and its host galaxy

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    SN 2015J was discovered on April 27th 2015 and is classified as a type IIn supernova. At first, it appeared to be an orphan SN candidate, i.e. without any clear identification of its host galaxy. Here, we present the analysis of the observations carried out {by the VLT 8-m class telescope with the FORS2 camera in the R band and the Magellan telescope (6.5 m) equipped with the IMACS Short-Camera (V and I filters) and the FourStar camera (Ks filter)}. We show that SN 2015J resides in what appears to be a very compact galaxy establishing a relation between the SN event and its natural host. We also present and discuss archival and new XX-ray data centred on SN 2015J. At the time of the supernova explosion, Swift/XRT observations were made and a weak X-ray source was detected at the location of SN 2015J. Almost one year later, the same source was unambiguously identified during serendipitous observations by Swift/XRT and XMMXMM-Newton, clearly showing an enhancement of the 0.3-10 keV band flux by a factor ≃30\simeq 30 with respect to the initial state. Swift/XRT observations show that the source is still active in the XX-rays at a level of ≃0.05\simeq 0.05 counts s−1^{-1}. The unabsorbed X-ray luminosity derived from the {\it XMM}-Newton slew and SWIFT observations, Lx≃5×1041L_{x}\simeq 5\times10^{41} erg s−1^{-1}, places SN 2015J among the brightest young supernovae in X-rays.Comment: The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 850, Number

    Colloidal inorganic nanocrystal based nanocomposites: Functional materials for micro and nanofabrication

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    The unique size- and shape-dependent electronic properties of nanocrystals (NCs) make them extremely attractive as novel structural building blocks for constructing a new generation of innovative materials and solid-state devices. Recent advances in material chemistry has allowed the synthesis of colloidal NCs with a wide range of compositions, with a precise control on size, shape and uniformity as well as specific surface chemistry. By incorporating such nanostructures in polymers, mesoscopic materials can be achieved and their properties engineered by choosing NCs differing in size and/or composition, properly tuning the interaction between NCs and surrounding environment. In this contribution, different approaches will be presented as effective opportunities for conveying colloidal NC properties to nanocomposite materials for micro and nanofabrication. Patterning of such nanocomposites either by conventional lithographic techniques and emerging patterning tools, such as ink jet printing and nanoimprint lithography, will be illustrated, pointing out their technological impact on developing new optoelectronic and sensing devices. © 2010 by the authors

    Estimations of length-weight relationships and consumption rates of odontocetes in the Mediterranean Sea from stranding data

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    Stranding data provide fundamental information on biometric traits of cetaceans useful to increase knowledge on ecological traits and their consumption patterns. In this study, the length weight (L-W) relationships through the power regression model (W = a ×Lb ) were calculated for three dolphin species (the striped dolphin, the common bottlenose dolphin and the Risso’s dolphin) in several Mediterranean subregions and at the scale of the entire basin. Length (L) and weight (W) data were collected from stranding records during the period from 1983 to 2021 acquired from several databases and the literature. Starting from L-W relationships, a bootstrap method was applied to estimate the mean body weights, the daily ingested biomass (IB) and annual food consumption (AFC) rates of different dolphin species. In particular, four different equations were used to estimate the IB rates. Prey consumption by dolphin species was calculated through AFC rates and the available diet information (expressed in weight fractions) of dolphin species for different Mediterranean subregions. Considering the L-W relationships in the Mediterranean Sea, b coefficient values were equal to 2.578, 2.975 and 2.988 for the striped, the common bottlenose and the Risso’s dolphin, respectively. At the Mediterranean scale, the AFC values estimated were 3913 kg (CI 2469–5306) for the Risso’s dolphin, 2571 kg (1372–3963) for the common bottlenose dolphin and 1118 kg (531–1570) for the striped dolphin. Prey consumption pattern showed a clear partitioning among the investigated species, where the common bottlenose dolphin exploits neritic demersal and pelagic fishes (e.g. eel fishes, sparids), the striped dolphin exploits mesopelagic fishes and myctophids, and the Risso’s dolphin was specialized on bathyal cephalopods of Histioteuthidae family. The results obtained in this study provide new information for the investigated species in several Mediterranean subregions providing a first consistent baseline to support the population dynamics modelling. At the same time, the wide uncertainty ranges of some parameters, as well as the lack of information for some species, stress the necessity of improving the data collection associated to stranding events, especially in the southern Mediterranean areas

    Top-down cascading effects driven by the odontocetes in the Gulf of Taranto (Northern Ionian Sea, Central Mediterranean Sea)

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    An investigation of the marine food web in the Gulf of Taranto (Northern Ionian Sea, Central Mediterranean Sea) was carried out to explore the top-down cascading effects driven by the Odontocetes. The food web was analysed by a mass-balance model using 51 functional groups and detailing the trophic impacts of the striped and common bottlenose dolphins, the Risso's dolphin and the sperm whale during the period 2010-2014. Odontocetes resulted top-predators with the highest TL estimated for the Risso's dolphin (TL=5.40) and the lowest for the common bottlenose dolphin (TL=4.47). The striped dolphin played the highest top-down control, showing cascading effects up to the 3rd TL. The Risso's dolphin and the sperm whale played similar cascading effects, but weaker than the striped dolphin. Understanding pattern and strengthen of trophic controls played by the Odontocetes within the food web could contribute to identify the basal mechanisms involved in the ecosystem functioning

    Application of a multi-species bio-economic modelling approach to explore fishing traits within eligible cetacean conservation areas in the Northern Ionian Sea (Central Mediterranean Sea)

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    The assessment of the spatial overlap between eligible cetacean conservation areas (CCAs) and fishing grounds could be a strategic element in the implementation of effective conservation measures in the pelagic offshore areas. A multi-species bio-economic modelling approach has been applied to estimate the fishing traits in eligible CCAs in the Northern Ionian Sea (NIS, Central Mediterranean Sea) between 10-800 m of depth, adopting the Spatial MAnagement of demersal Resources for Trawl fisheries model (SMART). Four possible CCAs were defined according to the distribution of cetacean species, their bio-ecological needs, as well as socio-economic needs of human activities, identifying a Blue, Red, Orange and Green CCAs in the NIS. SMART spatial domain was a grid with 500 square cells (15x15 NM). The analysis was conducted for the period 2016-2019, considering the Otter Trawl Bottom (OTB) fleet activities in the study areas through the Vessel Monitoring System. The spatial extension of fishing activities, hourly fishing effort (h), landings (tons) and economic value (euros) for each CCA and the NIS were estimated as yearly median values. Fishing activities were absent in the Blue CCA, where the presence of the submarine canyon head does not offer accessible fishing grounds. The hourly fishing effort in the Green area accounted for about 22% (3443 h) of the total hourly effort of the NIS, while the Orange and Red areas were about 8% (1226 h) and 2% (295 h), respectively. The Green CCA corresponded to about 14% (36 tons) of the total landings in the NIS, whereas the Orange and Red areas represented about 9% (22 tons) and 6% (16 tons), respectively. The Green CCA accounted for about 13% (156 thousand euros) of the total economic value of the NIS, while the Orange and Red areas represented about 6% (69 thousand euros) and 4% (44thousand euros), respectively. Results showed no or negligible negative effects on trawl activities by potential spatial restrictions due to the establishment of CCAs highlighting the importance to consider spatially integrated information during the establishment process of conservation areas for cetacean biodiversity according to the principles of Ecosystem Based Management

    Brief communication: Towards a universal formula for the probability of tornadoes

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    A methodological approach is proposed to provide an analytical (exponential-like) expression for the probability of occurrence of tornadoes as a function of the convective available potential energy and the wind shear (or, alternatively, the storm relative helicity). The resulting expression allows the probability of tornado occurrence to be calculated using variables that are computed by weather prediction and climate models, thus compensating for the lack of resolution needed to resolve these phenomena in numerical simulations.</p
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