27 research outputs found

    Clinical application of the KIPPPI; relation between KIPPPI scores and the decision by the child health professional to refer to a specialist and/or request a follow-up consultation.

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    1<p>Unstandardized Beta’s are corrected for confounding effects of child’s gender and ethnicity and significant, <i>p</i><0.05.</p>2<p>Difference of the means divided by SD in the subgroup ‘intervention needed’ and ‘referred’.</p>a<p>indicates a large effect (<i>d</i>≥0.80).</p>b<p>indicates a medium effect (0.50≤ <i>d</i> <0.80).</p>c<p>indicates a small effect (0.20≤ <i>d</i> <0.50).</p

    KIPPPI Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve.

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    <p>Receiver Operating Characteristic curve for KIPPPI scales Wellbeing, Competence, Autonomy and KIPPPI Total score, relative to CBCL1.5-5 Total Problem score in the clinical range. AUC = area under the curve.</p

    Area Under the Curve and sensitivity, specificity, liklihood ratio’s and Youden’s index for a range of KIPPPI scores relative to a clinical CBCL Total Problem score.

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    <p>Note: AUC = area under the curve; 95%CI = 95% confidence interval; sens = sensitivity; spec = specificity; LHR<sup>+</sup> = liklihood ratio positive test; LHR<sup>−</sup> = liklihood ratio negative test; OR = diagnostic odds ratio; J = Youden’s index. All AUC’s were significant (p<0.01). Scores with the highest unroundend Youden’s index are indicated in bold.</p

    Characteristics of the study population, N = 2732.

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    1<p>A child is considered Dutch when both parents were born in the Netherlands.</p

    Overview of the (sub)scales of the KIPPPI and item examples<sup>1</sup> with response options.

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    1<p>The KIPPPI is a Dutch questionnaire and for the purpose of this article some items are translated.</p

    Score distributions, internal consistency and test-retest reliability of the KIPPPI-scales, N<sub>total</sub> = 2732.

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    1<p>% of respondents with the lowest (min) and highest (max) BITSEA scale score (ceiling/floor).</p>2<p>Test-retest Intraclass Correlation Coefficients are all significant, <i>p</i><0.01.</p><p>a = significant difference in mean BITSEA scores between boys and girls, <i>p</i><0.05.</p><p>b = significant difference in mean BITSEA scores between native and non-native children, <i>p</i><0.05.</p

    Discriminative ability of the KIPPPI between subgroups differing in parental worries about the child’s upbringing.

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    1<p>Unstandardized Beta’s are corrected for confounding effects of child’s gender and ethnicity and significant, p<0.01.</p>2<p>Difference of the means divided by SD in the subgroup ‘worried’.</p>a<p>indicates a large effect (<i>d</i>≥0.80).</p>b<p>indicates a medium effect (0.50≤ <i>d</i> <0.80).</p>c<p>indicates a small effect (0.20≤ <i>d</i> <0.50).</p

    Means and standard deviations of BITSEA Problem and Competence scores and CBCL Total Problem score for the total population and for subgroups by child gender and ethnicity.

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    1<p>Percentages do not sum to 100 because of missing values.</p>*<p>mean scores differed significantly between boys & girls and native & non-native children, p<0.05.</p