5 research outputs found

    Prevalence of Hypertension and other CVD risk factors.

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    *<p>HT β€Š=β€Š hypertension;</p>†<p>In those with untreated or inadequately treated hypertension;</p>ΒΆ<p>WHO CVD risk charts start at age 40 years and older;</p>ΒΆΒΆ<p>Those with blood pressure β‰₯160/100 mmHg or 140/90 and 10 year CVD risk of β‰₯20%;</p>**<p>SBP β€Š=β€Š systolic blood pressure, DBP β€Š=β€Š diastolic blood pressure;</p>βˆ₯|<p>NPβ€Š=β€Š not performed;</p>††<p>BMI β€Š=β€Š Body Mass Index;</p>‑<p>WC β€Š=β€Š waist circumference, M β€Š=β€Š male, F β€Š=β€Š female;</p>&par<p>DM β€Š=β€ŠDiabetes Mellitus (non-fasting blood glucose of β‰₯11.1 mmol/L, or a fasting blood glucose of β‰₯7.0 mmol/L, or self reported use of drug treatment for DM);</p>Β§<p>High cholesterol β‰₯6.2 mmol/L;</p>§§<p>Uβ€Š=β€Š1 standard unit of alcohol containing approximately 10 g of ethanol;</p>***<p>Reported parent with hypertension, diabetes or heart disease.</p

    Awareness, treatment and blood pressure control in patients with hypertension.

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    <p>Definitions: Aware β€Š=β€Š respondents who self report to have hypertension, Treated β€Š=β€Š respondents who self report to have hypertension, and who indicate to take drug treatment for hypertension, Controlled β€Š=β€Š respondents who self report to have hypertension, and who have a blood pressure below 140/90 (patients who use drug treatment or for whom treatment status is unknown).</p

    Hypertension prevalence and distribution of blood pressure.

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    <p>2A: Age-standardized and age stratified hypertension prevalence. 2B: Distribution of blood pressure in patients with hypertension (treated and untreated cases). Optimal β€Š=β€Š systolic blood pressure (SBP) <120 and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) <80; Normal β€Š=β€Š SBP 120–129 and/or DBP 80–84; Pre-HT (hypertension) β€Š=β€Š SBP 130–139 and/or DBP 85–89; Grade 1β€Š=β€Š SBP 140–159 and/or DBP 90–99; Grade 2β€Š=β€Š SBP 160–179 and/or DBP 100–109; Grade 3β€Š=β€Š SBP>β€Š=β€Š180 and/or DBP>β€Š=β€Š110.</p