26 research outputs found

    Knots, Trees, and Fields: Common Ground Between Physics and Mathematics

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    One main theme of this thesis is a connection between mathematical physics (in particular, the three-dimensional topological quantum field theory known as Chern-Simons theory) and three-dimensional topology. This connection arises because the partition function of Chern-Simons theory provides an invariant of three-manifolds, and the Wilson-loop observables in the theory define invariants of knots. In the first chapter, we review this connection, as well as more recent work that studies the classical limit of quantum Chern-Simons theory, leading to relations to another knot invariant known as the A-polynomial. (Roughly speaking, this invariant can be thought of as the moduli space of flat SL(2,C) connections on the knot complement.) In fact, the connection can be deepened: through an embedding into string theory, categorifications of polynomial knot invariants can be understood as spaces of BPS states. We go on to study these homological knot invariants, and interpret spectral sequences that relate them to one another in terms of perturbations of supersymmetric theories. Our point is more general than the application to knots; in general, when one perturbs any modulus of a supersymmetric theory and breaks a symmetry, one should expect a spectral sequence to relate the BPS states of the unperturbed and perturbed theories. We consider several diverse instances of this general lesson. In another chapter, we consider connections between supersymmetric quantum mechanics and the de Rham version of homotopy theory developed by Sullivan; this leads to a new interpretation of Sullivan's minimal models, and of Massey products as vacuum states which are entangled between different degrees of freedom in these models. We then turn to consider a discrete model of holography: a Gaussian lattice model defined on an infinite tree of uniform valence. Despite being discrete, the matching of bulk isometries and boundary conformal symmetries takes place as usual; the relevant group is PGL(2,Qp), and all of the formulas developed for holography in the context of scalar fields on fixed backgrounds have natural analogues in this setting. The key observation underlying this generalization is that the geometry underlying AdS3/CFT2 can be understood algebraically, and the base field can therefore be changed while maintaining much of the structure. Finally, we give some analysis of A-polynomials under change of base (to finite fields), bringing things full circle.</p

    Real homotopy theory and supersymmetric quantum mechanics

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    In the context of studying string backgrounds, much work has been devoted to the question of how similar a general quantum field theory (specifically, a two-dimensional superconformal theory) is to a sigma model. Put differently, one would like to know how well or poorly one can understand the physics of string backgrounds in terms of concepts of classical geometry. Much attention has also been given of late to the question of how geometry can be encoded in a microscopic physical description that makes no explicit reference to space and time. We revisit the first question, and review both well-known and less well-known results about geometry and sigma models from the perspective of dimensional reduction to supersymmetric quantum mechanics. The consequences of arising as the dimensional reduction of a d-dimensional theory for the resulting quantum mechanics are explored. In this context, we reinterpret the minimal models of rational (more precisely, complex) homotopy theory as certain supersymmetric Fock spaces, with unusual actions of the supercharges. The data of the Massey products appear naturally as supersymmetric vacuum states that are entangled between different degrees of freedom. This connection between entanglement and geometry is, as far as we know, not well-known to physicists. In addition, we take note of an intriguing numerical coincidence in the context of string compactification on hyper-Kahler eight-manifolds

    Lectures on Knot Homology and Quantum Curves

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    Besides offering a friendly introduction to knot homologies and quantum curves, the goal of these lectures is to review some of the concrete predictions that follow from the physical interpretation of knot homologies. In particular, this interpretation allows one to pose questions that would not have been asked otherwise, such as, "Is there a direct relation between Khovanov homology and the A-polynomial of a knot?" We will explain that the answer to this question is "yes," and introduce a certain deformation of the planar algebraic curve defined by the zero locus of the A-polynomial. This novel deformation leads to a categorified version of the Generalized Volume Conjecture that completely describes the "color behavior" of the colored sl(2) knot homology, and eventually to a similar version for the colored HOMFLY homology. Furthermore, this deformation is strong enough to distinguish mutants, and its most interesting properties include relations to knot contact homology and knot Floer homology

    The Derived Pure Spinor Formalism as an Equivalence of Categories

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    We construct a derived generalization of the pure spinor superfield formalism and prove that it exhibits an equivalence of dg-categories between multiplets for a supertranslation algebra and equivariant modules over its Chevalley-Eilenberg cochains. This equivalence is closely linked to Koszul duality for the supertranslation algebra. After introducing and describing the category of supermultiplets, we define the derived pure spinor construction explicitly as a dg-functor. We then show that the functor that takes the derived supertranslation invariants of any supermultiplet is a quasi-inverse to the pure spinor construction, using an explicit calculation. Finally, we illustrate our findings with examples and use insights from the derived formalism to answer some questions regarding the ordinary (underived) pure spinor superfield formalism