63 research outputs found

    In silico and in vitro evaluation of PCR-based assays for the detection of Bacillus anthracis chromosomal signature sequences

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    Bacillus anthracis, the causative agent of anthrax, is a zoonotic pathogen that is relatively common throughout the world and may cause life threatening diseases in animals and humans. There are many PCR-based assays in use for the detection of B. anthracis. While most of the developed assays rely on unique markers present on virulence plasmids pXO1 and pXO2, relatively few assays incorporate chromosomal DNA markers due to the close relatedness of B. anthracis to the B. cereus group strains. For the detection of chromosomal DNA, different genes have been used, such as BA813, rpoB, gyrA, plcR, S-layer, and prophage-lambda. Following a review of the literature, an in silico analysis of all signature sequences reported for identification of B. anthracis was conducted. Published primer and probe sequences were compared for specificity against 134 available Bacillus spp. genomes. Although many of the chromosomal targets evaluated are claimed to be specific to B. anthracis, cross-reactions with closely related B. cereus and B. thuringiensis strains were often observed. Of the 35 investigated PCR assays, only 4 were 100% specific for the B. anthracis chromosome. An interlaboratory ring trial among five European laboratories was then performed to evaluate six assays, including the WHO recommended procedures, using a collection of 90 Bacillus strains. Three assays performed adequately, yielding no false positive or negative results. All three assays target chromosomal markers located within the lambdaBa03 prophage region (PL3, BA5345, and BA5357). Detection limit was further assessed for one of these highly specific assays

    C in the sea. Production and microbial breakdown of Phaeocystis Polysaccharides

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    In dit proefschrift wordt een bijdrage geleverd aan onze kennis van de aard en hoeveelheid van organisch materiaal in de zee, en van de rol die mariene organismen spelen in de vorming en omzettingen ervan. De interesse in marien organisch materiaal komt voort uit de belangrijke rol die dit materiaal speelt in de koolstofcyclus in zee. Deze koolstofcyclus heeft onder meer grote invloed op de CO2 concentratie in de atmosfeer en daarmee op het versnelde broeikaseffect. Ook is kennis van de rol van organisch materiaal in de mariene koolstofcyclus noodzakelijk voor een goed begrip van'het 'voedselweb', en daarmee van de dierlijke productie, in zee. ... Zie: Samenvatting

    Yersinia pestis Plasminogen Activator Gene Homolog in Rat Tissues

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    High-Resolution Differentiation of Cyanobacteria by Using rRNA-Internal Transcribed Spacer Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis

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    For many ecological studies of cyanobacteria, it is essential that closely related species or strains can be discriminated. Since this is often not possible by using morphological features, cyanobacteria are frequently studied by using DNA-based methods. A powerful method for analysis of the diversity and dynamics of microbial populations and for checking the purity and affiliation of cultivated strains is denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). We realized high-resolution discrimination of a variety of cyanobacteria by means of DGGE analysis of sections of the internal transcribed spacer between the 16S and 23S rRNA genes (rRNA-ITS). A forward primer specific for cyanobacteria, targeted at the 3′ end of the 16S rRNA gene, was designed. The combination of this primer and three different reverse primers targeted to the rRNA-ITS or to the 23S rRNA gene yielded PCR products of different sizes from cultures of all 16 cyanobacterial genera that were tested but not from other bacteria. DGGE profiles produced from the shortest section of rRNA-ITS consisted of one band for all but one cyanobacterial genera, and those generated from longer stretches of rRNA-ITS yielded DGGE profiles containing one to four bands. The suitability of DGGE for detecting intrageneric and intraspecific variation was tested by using strains of the genus Microcystis. Many strains could be discriminated by means of rRNA-ITS DGGE, and the resolution of this method was strikingly higher than that obtained with previously described methods. The applicability of the developed DGGE assays for analysis of cyanobacteria in field samples was demonstrated by using samples from freshwater lakes. The advantages and disadvantages associated with the use of each developed primer set are discussed
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