126 research outputs found

    Energy release in the solar atmosphere from a stream of infalling prominence debris

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    Recent high-resolution and high-cadence EUV imaging has revealed a new phenomenon, impacting prominence debris, where prominence material from failed or partial eruptions can impact the lower atmosphere, releasing energy. We report a clear example of energy release and EUV brightening due to infalling prominence debris that occurred on 2011 September 7-8. The initial eruption of material was associated with an X1.8-class flare from AR11283, occurring at 22:30 UT on 2011 September 7. Subsequently, a semi-continuous stream of this material returned to the solar surface with a velocity v > 150 km/s, impacting a region remote from the original active region between 00:20 - 00:40 UT on 2011 September 8. Using SDO/AIA, the differential emission measure of the plasma was estimated throughout this brightening event. We found that the radiated energy of the impacted plasma was L_rad ~10^27 ergs, while the thermal energy peaked at ~10^28 ergs. From this we were able to determine the mass content of the debris to be in the range 2x10^14 < m < 2x10^15 g. Given typical promimence masses, the likely debris mass is towards the lower end of this range. This clear example of a prominence debris event shows that significant energy release takes place during these events, and that such impacts may be used as a novel diagnostic tool for investigating prominence material properties.Comment: Accepted by AstroPhysical Journal Letters, 6 pages, 5 figure

    Quasi-periodic pulsations in solar flares

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    For several decades, quasi-periodic pulsations (QPP) in flares have been a signature feature of solar dynamics. In the last fifteen years, the advent of new observational instruments has led to a much-improved scope for studying and understanding such phenomena. These events are particularly relevant to the field of coronal seismology, where impulsive events are used as diagnostic tools to estimate the physical parameters of the solar atmosphere remotely. In this thesis we investigate quasi-periodic pulsations in flares from both a numerical and observational perpective, mostly in terms of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves. It has long been suggested that MHD modes may be the cause of QPP in flares as they are capable of modulating a wide range of observable quantities. We study one such mode in detail: the sausage mode. For a model including significant gas pressure, the characteristic period, the ratio of the mode harmonics and the behaviour of the wavenumber cutoff are all considered. Although the period and wavenumber are only marginally affected by this gas pressure, the density contrast ratio and length are important factors. An observational study of a flaring QPP event was undertaken, where new techniques were developed in an attempt to successfully diagnose the QPP mechanism. Cross-correlation mapping was applied to spatially resolved radio data, showing how the strength and phase relationship of a flaring oscillation can be mapped in space. Using this information, we were able to exclude many mechanisms as possible drivers for this event, and suggest that an MHD sausage mode is the likely candidate. A second flaring QPP event was considered, based on the possibility of multiple harmonic oscillations. A sequential spectral peak filtering method was used to demonstrate the presence of multiple significant periods in the flare. Analysis of the harmonic ratios indicated that an MHD wave such as a kink mode was the probable cause. Finally we explore the potential of a new technique in the context of the solar corona, the combination of empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and the Hilbert spectrum. It was established that, under certain circumstances, this method compared favourably with existing analysis techniques such as the Morlet wavelet, and may lead to significant future observational results

    Characteristics of magnetoacoustic sausage modes

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    Aims: We perform an advanced study of the fast magnetoacoustic sausage oscillations of coronal loops in the context of MHD coronal seismology to establish the dependence of the sausage mode period and cut-off wavenumber on the plasma-β\beta of the loop-filling plasma. A parametric study of the ratios for different harmonics of the mode is also carried out. Methods: Full magnetohydrodynamic numerical simulations were performed using Lare2d, simulating hot, dense loops in a magnetic slab environment. The symmetric Epstein profile and a simple step-function profile were both used to model the density structure of the simulated loops. Analytical expressions for the cut-off wavenumber and the harmonic ratio between the second longitudinal harmonic and the fundamental were also examined. Results: It was established that the period of the global sausage mode is only very weakly dependent on the value of the plasma-β\beta inside a coronal loop, which justifies the application of this model to hot flaring loops. The cut-off wavenumber kc for the global mode was found to be dependent on both internal and external values of the plasma-β\beta, again only weakly. By far the most important factor in this case was the value of the density contrast ratio between the loop and the surroundings. Finally, the deviation of the harmonic ratio P1/2P2 from the ideal non-dispersive case was shown to be considerable at low k, again strongly dependent on plasma density. Quantifying the behaviour of the cut-off wavenumber and the harmonic ratio has significant applications to the field of coronal seismology

    Quasi-periodic pulsations in the gamma-ray emission of a solar flare

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    Quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs) of gamma-ray emission with a period of about 40 s are found in a single loop X-class solar flare on 2005 January 1 at photon energies up to 2-6 MeV with the SOlar Neutrons and Gamma-rays (SONG) experiment aboard the CORONAS-F mission. The oscillations are also found to be present in the microwave emission detected with the Nobeyama Radioheliograph, and in the hard X-ray and low energy gamma-ray channels of RHESSI. Periodogram and correlation analysis shows that the 40 s QPPs of microwave, hard X-ray, and gamma-ray emission are almost synchronous in all observation bands. Analysis of the spatial structure of hard X-ray and low energy (80-225 keV) gamma-ray QPP with RHESSI reveals synchronous while asymmetric QPP at both footpoints of the flaring loop. The difference between the averaged hard X-ray fluxes coming from the two footpoint sources is found to oscillate with a period of about 13 s for five cycles in the highest emission stage of the flare. The proposed mechanism generating the 40 s QPP is a triggering of magnetic reconnection by a kink oscillation in a nearby loop. The 13 s periodicity could be produced by the second harmonics of the sausage mode of the flaring loop

    Quasi-Periodic Pulsations during the Impulsive and Decay phases of an X-class Flare

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    Quasi-periodic pulsations (QPP) are often observed in X-ray emission from solar flares. To date, it is unclear what their physical origins are. Here, we present a multi-instrument investigation of the nature of QPP during the impulsive and decay phases of the X1.0 flare of 28 October 2013. We focus on the character of the fine structure pulsations evident in the soft X-ray time derivatives and compare this variability with structure across multiple wavelengths including hard X-ray and microwave emission. We find that during the impulsive phase of the flare, high correlations between pulsations in the thermal and non-thermal emissions are seen. A characteristic timescale of ~20s is observed in all channels and a second timescale of ~55s is observed in the non-thermal emissions. Soft X-ray pulsations are seen to persist into the decay phase of this flare, up to 20 minutes after the non-thermal emission has ceased. We find that these decay phase thermal pulsations have very small amplitude and show an increase in characteristic timescale from ~40s up to ~70s. We interpret the bursty nature of the co-existing multi-wavelength QPP during the impulsive phase in terms of episodic particle acceleration and plasma heating. The persistent thermal decay phase QPP are most likely connected with compressive MHD processes in the post-flare loops such as the fast sausage mode or the vertical kink mode.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Detection and Interpretation Of Long-Lived X-Ray Quasi-Periodic Pulsations in the X-Class Solar Flare On 2013 May 14

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    Quasi-periodic pulsations (QPP) seen in the time derivative of the GOES soft X-ray light curves are analyzed for the near-limb X3.2 event on 14 May 2013. The pulsations are apparent for a total of at least two hours from the impulsive phase to well into the decay phase, with a total of 163 distinct pulses evident to the naked eye. A wavelet analysis shows that the characteristic time scale of these pulsations increases systematically from ∼\sim25 s at 01:10 UT, the time of the GOES peak, to ∼\sim100 s at 02:00 UT. A second ridge in the wavelet power spectrum, most likely associated with flaring emission from a different active region, shows an increase from ∼\sim40 s at 01:40 UT to ∼\sim100 s at 03:10 UT. We assume that the QPP that produced the first ridge result from vertical kink-mode oscillations of the newly formed loops following magnetic reconnection in the coronal current sheet. This allows us to estimate the magnetic field strength as a function of altitude given the density, loop length, and QPP time scale as functions of time determined from the GOES light curves and RHESSI images. The calculated magnetic field strength of the newly formed loops ranges from about ∼\sim500 G at an altitude of 24 Mm to a low value of ∼\sim10 G at 60 Mm, in general agreement with the expected values at these altitudes. Fast sausage mode oscillations are also discussed and cannot be ruled out as an alternate mechanism for producing the QPP
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