6 research outputs found

    Corticospinal potentials after transcranial stimulation in humans.

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    The descending volley evoked in humans by transcranial electrical stimulation of the scalp was recorded with epidural and spinal electrodes. It consisted of an early wave, which increased in amplitude and decreased in latency when the strength of the stimulus was increased. The mean conduction velocity of the early wave was 66, SD 2.5 m/s. At high stimulus intensity this wave was followed by later and smaller waves, which travel at the same speed as the initial potential. The recovery cycle of the descending volley was studied by delivering paired cortical stimuli at time intervals ranging from 0.5 to 10 ms. The early wave evoked by the test stimulus recovered to about 50% at a 1 ms interval and to 100% at a 3.5 ms interval. The later waves could not be tested at short time intervals but with time intervals longer than 3.5 ms they recovered to 100%. It is suggested that the initial and later waves after scalp stimulation are equivalent to the D and I waves seen in animal experiments

    Motor potentials evoked by paired cortical stimuli.

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    We recorded the motor evoked potentials (MEPs) from the abductor pollicis brevis muscle, after supramaximal electrical transcranial stimulation, and studied the effect of paired transcranial shocks with varying interstimulus time intervals, in 10 normal subjects, 4 patients with median nerve neuropathy and 2 patients with motoneurone disease. In relaxed muscles the amplitude of the MEP evoked by a single shock averaged 30\% of the M wave. With intervals from 1 to 2.5 msec 2 shocks evoked one MEP far larger in size than the control MEP (70\% of the M wave). With intervals of 10 msec and longer, the 2 shocks evoked 2 independent MEPs; the size of the MEP following the second shock (test) was inversely correlated with the size of the control MEP: the more the control MEP approached the size of the M wave, the smaller the test MEP. Single motor unit records showed that, in the normal subjects and patients with peripheral neuropathy, the same motor unit was activated either by the first or the second shock, whereas in the patients with motoneurone disease it fired twice. In active muscles, the control MEP averaged 70\% of the M wave. With intervals of 10 msec and longer the test MEP was markedly suppressed; with 100 msec intervals it fully recovered. In relaxed muscles, by delivering a double shock at a 1.5 msec interval, thus evoking a large MEP, followed by a second double-shock, the test MEP was completely suppressed for a period of 20 msec; it began to recover at 50 msec intervals and fully recovered after 150 msec.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS


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    The cortical projections to neck muscle motoneurons were studied in normal subjects by electrical and magnetic transcranial brain stimulation. After magnetic stimulation with a large coil, motor evoked potentials were present in about 20% of relaxed and 100% of contracting neck muscles. The latency of these responses was short: about 7 ms in the sternomastoid and splenius and 9 ms in the trapezius muscles. Subtraction of the M-wave latency after stimulation of the accessory nerve at the skull base resulted in a central latency of about 4.5 ms. We suggest that rapid cortical projections connect with neck muscle motoneurons mono or disynaptically. The latency difference between the responses after electrical and magnetic stimulation was smaller in neck than in limb muscles but similar to that seen in masticatory muscles. A small magnetic coil was used to study the pattern of functional lateralization of cortical projections to neck muscle motoneurons; the projections for the sternomastoid and splenius are bilateral but predominantly contralateral, whereas those for the trapezius are exclusively contralateral

    Electrical and magnetic stimulation of the accessory nerve at the base of the skull

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