4 research outputs found

    Klientar si oppleving av kontakten med sosialarbeidarar på sosialkontor

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    Rapporten er basert på omfattande intervju med 14 sosialklientar i fem kommunar i Sogn og Fjordane. Klientane vart spurde om korleis dei opplever møte med eller relasjonen til sosialarbeidaren og korleis det var å møta sosialarbeidaren på fritida. Empirien syner at alle klientane opplevde skam før møtet med sosialkontoret, ingen tenker på seg sjølve som sosialklientar og dei opplever kontakten med sosialkontoret som mellombels. I møte med sosialarbeidaren deler klientane seg i to typologiar, konflikt – og konsensutypologi. Alle klientane er opptekne av relasjonen til sosialarbeidaren og oppfattar den som avgjerande for korleis samhandlinga skal utvikla seg og om dei vil få hjelp. Menn og kvinner opplever møtet med sosialarbeidaren på fritida ulikt. Til skilnad frå mennene var kvinnene opptekne av kva sosialarbeidarane tenkte om dei, og dei hadde ulike opplevingar knytt til dette. Dei kvinnelege klientane var òg opptekne av om teieplikta vert halden

    Supervision of professionals: Interdependency between embodied experiences and professional knowledge

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    Social work counsellors, exposed to hardships of clients’ lives, might, over time, experience strain as bodily reactions of muscle tension and pain. Within the framework of improving professional practice, the aim was to explore meanings attached to moving and breathing by studying the influence of supervision, encompassing experiences and reflections on bodily exercises, and reflection on challenging professional experiences. Action research of interdisciplinary supervision for seven counsellors, based on observations, field notes, reflection notes, and a focus group interview, was carried out. Data were analysed across participants within sessions and over time to compare meaning variations. The counsellors’ change of experiences were identified as phases: What is in it for me, not knowing what to perceive, attention as basis for knowing how to move, experiencing and creating connections, and knowing oneself better. Adjusted to change of experiences, supervisors encouraged counsellors to give attention to, become aware of, and relieve and explore muscle tension and breathing restrictions to contexts of meaning. Supervision based on movement opened access to personal learning. Supervision as approaches of movements and reflections contributed to increased self-knowledge in professional social work practices. Based on ability to perceive and relieve muscle tension and flow of breathing, the approach might be a potential for professionals to handle challenging situations. The findings, related to the lived body, encompass appearances of new meanings and new uses to experiences of muscular tension and flow of breathing

    The importance of relationships in the encounter between NAV staff and young, vulnerable users. An action research study

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    Vulnerable young people not engaged in work, education or training constitute a user group regarded with increasing concern in Europe. Set in a Norwegian context, this article investigates what the users themselves considered to be the most important help towards employment. The article is based on an action research approach and comprises data from a variety of sources, such as research circle method. A key finding is that relationships are the most crucial factor for the users. Long-term contact and persistent and inquisitive helpers are especially important. The meaningful relationship is not limited to the one with the professional helpers; it also includes the relationship between the users. Based on an action-oriented research approach, the article calls for more research that listens to the users’ voices