110 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Larson, Ingeberg (Saint Agatha, Aroostook County)

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    Intrapartum ultrasound to predict vaginal labor: a prospective cohort study

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    Background: Non-invasive transperineal ultrasound has been used to detect the descent of the fetal head using head-perineum distance (HPD) and angle of progression (AOP). The aim was to evaluate HPD and AOP as predictors of vaginal delivery in the first stage of labor.Methods: This was a prospective cohort study in Riga Maternity Hospital in Latvia from May till August 2016. The study included only nulliparous women with singleton pregnancies and cephalic presentation. Ultrasound was used to measure HPD and AOP. Data was collected on demographics, labor parameters and outcome.Results: Of 36 women enrolled, 26 (72.2%) had a vaginal delivery. The area under the receiver–operating characteristics curve for the prediction of vaginal delivery was 0.865 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.75-0.98) using HPD as the test variable and the area under the curve was 0.877 (95% CI 0.77-0.99) for AOP. The median HPD was lower in the women delivering vaginally than in the women delivering by cesarean section (P40 mm in the other 18 women, of whom 8 (22.2%) delivered vaginally (P<0.001). AOP was ≥105° in 22 (61.1%) women and, of these, 21 delivered vaginally. AOP was <105° in the other 14 (38.9%) women, of whom 5 delivered vaginally (P<0.001).Conclusions: HPD ≤40 mm and AOP ≥105° are both predictive of vaginal delivery in the first stage of labor

    Helsemessige utfordringer hos kvinnelige fitnessutøvere

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    Bakgrunn: Vi leser stadig om fitness i media der både spiseforstyrrelser og doping er knyttet til denne konkurranseformen. For tiden ser det ut til at det er populært å drive med dette blant unge kvinner. Vi har derfor valgt å gjennomføre en spørreundersøkelse for å forstå hvilke utfordringer som følger med utøverne som driver med denne konkurranseformen. Problemstilling: Hvilke helsemessige utfordringer kan følge med fitnesslivsstilen? Metode: Dette er en pilotstudie og en tverrsnittstudie med 22 respondenter. Respondentene ble plukket ut ifra de som var lettest å få tak i, altså en ikke-sannsynlighetsutvelgelse. Spørsmålene i spørreundersøkelsen var tilknyttet både fysiske- og psykiske utfordringer med fitnesslivsstilen. Resultater: Funnene i undersøkelsen viste at respondentene hadde ulike helsemessige utfordringer som spiseforstyrrelser, menstruasjonsforstyrrelser og kaloriunderskudd som senere kan føre til dårlig beinhelse, lav fettprosent og andre komplikasjoner. Konklusjon: I vår spørreundersøkelse hos body- og bikinifitnessutøvere, viste det seg at det var forekomster på flere helsemessige utfordringer og halvparten hadde menstruasjonsforstyrrelser i konkurranseperioden. Det var også tilfelle hvor halvparten har eller har hatt spiseforstyrrelse eller spisevegring. Noen av respondentene kan være i risikosonen for den kvinnelige utøvertriaden og utvikling av osteoporose. De vanligste helsemessige utfordringene de opplevde var humørsvingninger, søvnvansker og svimmelhet

    Gamma-widths, lifetimes and fluctuations in the nuclear quasi-continuum

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    Statistical γ\gamma-decay from highly excited states is determined by the nuclear level density (NLD) and the γ\gamma-ray strength function (γ\gammaSF). These average quantities have been measured for several nuclei using the Oslo method. For the first time, we exploit the NLD and γ\gammaSF to evaluate the γ\gamma-width in the energy region below the neutron binding energy, often called the quasi-continuum region. The lifetimes of states in the quasi-continuum are important benchmarks for a theoretical description of nuclear structure and dynamics at high temperature. The lifetimes may also have impact on reaction rates for the rapid neutron-capture process, now demonstrated to take place in neutron star mergers.Comment: CGS16, Shanghai 2017, Proceedings, 5 pages, 3 figure

    Nuclear Level Density and γ\gamma-ray Strength Function of 63Ni^{63}\mathrm{Ni}

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    The nuclear level density (NLD) and γ\gamma-ray strength function (γ\gammaSF) of 63Ni^{63}\mathrm{Ni} have been investigated using the Oslo method. The extracted NLD is compared with previous measurements using particle evaporation and those found from neutron resonance spacing. The γ\gammaSF was found to feature a strong low energy enhancement that could be explained as M1 strength based on large scale shell model calculations. Comparison of γ\gammaSFs measured with the Oslo method for various Ni\mathrm{Ni} isotopes reveals systematic changes to the strength below 55 MeV with increasing mass.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Level densities and γ\gamma-strength functions in 148,149^{148,149}Sm

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    The level densities and γ\gamma-strength functions of the weakly deformed 148^{148}Sm and 149^{149}Sm nuclei have been extracted. The temperature versus excitation energy curve, derived within the framework of the micro canonical ensemble, shows structures, which we associate with the break up of Cooper pairs. The nuclear heat capacity is deduced within the framework of both the micro canonical and the canonical ensemble. We observe negative heat capacity in the micro canonical ensemble whereas the canonical heat capacity exhibits an S-shape as function of temperature, both signals of a phase transition. The structures in the γ\gamma-strength functions are discussed in terms of the pygmy resonance and the scissors mode built on exited states. The samarium results are compared with data for the well deformed 161,162^{161,162}Dy, 166,167^{166,167}Er and 171,172^{171,172}Yb isotopes and with data from (n,γ\gamma)-experiments and giant dipole resonance studies.Comment: 12 figure

    Experimentally constrained 165,166Ho(n,γ)^{165,166}\text{Ho}(n,\gamma) rates and implications for the ss process

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    The γ\gamma-ray strength function and the nuclear level density of 167^{167}Ho have been extracted using the Oslo method from a 164Dy(α,pγ)167^{164}\text{Dy}(\alpha,p\gamma)^{167}Ho experiment carried out at the Oslo Cyclotron Laboratory. The level density displays a shape that is compatible with %can be approximated with the constant temperature model in the quasicontinuum, while the strength function shows structures indicating the presence of both a scissors and a pygmy dipole resonance. Using our present results as well as data from a previous 163Dy(α,pγ)166^{163}\text{Dy}(\alpha,p\gamma)^{166}Ho experiment, the 165Ho(n,γ)^{165}\text{Ho}(n,\gamma) and 166Ho(n,γ)^{166}\text{Ho}(n,\gamma) MACS uncertainties have been constrained. The possible influence of the low-lying, long-lived 6~keV isomer 166^{166}Ho in the ss process is investigated in the context of a 2~MM_\odot, [Fe/H]=-0.5 AGB star. We show that the newly obtained 165Ho(n,γ)^{165}\text{Ho}(n,\gamma) MACS affects the final 165^{165}Ho abundance, while the 166Ho(n,γ)^{166}\text{Ho}(n,\gamma) MACS only impacts the enrichment of 166,167^{166,167}Er to a limited degree due to the relatively rapid β\beta decay of the thermalized 166^{166}Ho at typical ss-process temperatures.Comment: 11 pages, submitted to Physical Reviews

    Statistical properties of the well deformed 153,155^{153,155}Sm nuclei and the scissors resonance

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    The Nuclear Level Densities (NLDs) and the γ\gamma-ray Strength Functions (γ\gammaSFs) of 153,155^{153,155}Sm have been extracted from (d,pγ\gamma) coincidences using the Oslo method. The experimental NLD of 153^{153}Sm is higher than the NLD of 155^{155}Sm, in accordance with microscopic calculations. The γ\gammaSFs of 153,155^{153,155}Sm are in fair agreement with QRPA calculations based on the D1M Gogny interaction. An enhancement is observed in the γ\gammaSF for both 153,155^{153,155}Sm nuclei around 3 MeV in excitation energy and is attributed to the M1 Scissors Resonance (SR). Their integrated strengths were found to be in the range 1.3 - 2.1 and 4.4 - 6.4 μN2\mu^{2}_{N} for 153^{153}Sm and 155^{155}Sm, respectively. The strength of the SR for 155^{155}Sm is comparable to those for deformed even-even Sm isotopes from nuclear resonance fluorescence measurements, while that of 153^{153}Sm is lower than expected