8 research outputs found

    Algorithm of Operating Equipment Selection Considering Demand Elasticity

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    The algorithm of operating equipment selection under modeling elastic electricity market is proposed in this article. The bid prices and cost characteristics of energy production are basic data for power producers. The algorithm realization is performed for each value of power load and based on individual variables variation. Variables are capacities, prices and aggregate condition. The algorithm operability was approved on testing example of problem of operating aggregates selection taking into account the load behavior of electrical power system

    Cenu veidošanās jautājumi elektroenerģijas tirgos

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    Jaunu attiecību starp energosistēmu un patērētājiem organizācijas svarīga daļa ir metožu un algoritmu izstrāde elektroenerģijas konkurences noteikšanai dažādās stadijās: plānošanā, ekspluatācijā un elektroenerģētikas nozares attīstības vadībā. Pasaules praksē nav vienotas pieejas optimālo modeļu un algoritmu noteikšanai, kurus izmanto efektīvai elektroenerģijas tirgu vadībai. Elektroenerģija ir specifiska prece, jo katrā laika momentā jāizpildās ražošanas un patēriņa bilancei. Elektroenerģijas cenu noteikšanas matemātisko instrumentu izstrādē jāņem vērā šī īpatnība. Mūsdienās pasaules praksē izmanto vairākas pieejas elektroenerģijas konkurences cenu modelēšanā. Apskatāmais darbs paredz noteiktā mērā precizēt cenu veidošanās aspektus vienā no diviem eksistējošiem elektroenerģijas konkurences tirgu pamatmodeļiem

    Functioning of the Electric Power Market in the Baltic States

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    At present in the Baltic States power engineering is occurring the passage from the price formation of the electric power cost on the basis of the fixed tariffs to the competitory market for the price formation. The main mover of this problem solution is the creation of the electric power competitory market in the Baltic States. The power systems of the Baltic States attempt to the energy market liberalization by the different ways. This requires the corresponding Directives of the EUROPEAN UNION. If the large Europe States can allow themselves the search for the ways of the local electric power markets liberalization, then the development of power engineering of our small states is impossible without the joint collaboration. The solution of the problem of the globalization for the electric power production, transfer and distribution under the free energy market conditions will make it possible to agree on the questions of the reliability of the multiple operation for the Baltic States EPS in all cases of their functioning. The realization of these purposes is impossible without the modernization of the existing power stations and building new that use contemporary technologies and equipment. All this must be directed toward the creation of the effective market for electric power, which provides for reduction in the price of the electric powe

    Small Hydropower in Latvia and Intellectualization of Its Operating Systems

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    The authors estimate the potential for power generation from water resources of small and medium-sized rivers, which are abundant in Latvia. They propose the algorithm for optimal operation of a small-scale hydropower plant (SHPP) at the chosen optimality criterion in view of the plant's participation in the market. The choice of SHPP optimization algorithm is made based on two mathematical programming methods - dynamic and generalized reduced gradient ones. Approbation of the algorithm is illustrated by an example of optimized SHPP operation

    Development Opportunities of the Small Hydroenergetics in Latvia and Smart Operating System for Small-Scale Hydropower Plants

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    The possibility of usage of one of the most conventional and affordable local renewable energy resources – water resources of small and medium-sized rivers, in Latvian energy sector has been analyzed. The already known material of this issue, which has been obtained on the basis of previous studies by other authors published in different sources that vary in certainty and reliability, is presented. Actually the presence of this material to some extent was the basis of further research in this direction. Development of the algorithm of small hydropower optimization is in fact the basis of its control system and is based on dynamic programming. The approbation of algorithm is performed on the example of optimization of certain hydropower

    Оптимизация загрузки оборудования когенерационных электростанций

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    The paper considers the issues of operative optimisation of loading (dispatch) of combined cycle cogeneration power plants with non homogeneous structure of equipment. Maximisation of the variable part of profit from electricity sales before taxes is considered as an optimisation criteria. The implementation of the proposed optimisation algorithm shall increase the efficiency of operation of cogeneration power plant in electricity market

    Oптимизация загрузки оборудования теплоэлектроцентралей

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    В данной работе рассмотрен один из возможных алгоритмов краткосрочной оптимизации режима ТЭЦ с учетом изменения цен на энергоресурсы. Реализация алгоритма произведена с помощью метода оптимизации, реализующего стратегию случайного поиск