1,677 research outputs found

    Towards Optimal Degree-distributions for Left-perfect Matchings in Random Bipartite Graphs

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    Consider a random bipartite multigraph GG with nn left nodes and m≄n≄2m \geq n \geq 2 right nodes. Each left node xx has dx≄1d_x \geq 1 random right neighbors. The average left degree Δ\Delta is fixed, Δ≄2\Delta \geq 2. We ask whether for the probability that GG has a left-perfect matching it is advantageous not to fix dxd_x for each left node xx but rather choose it at random according to some (cleverly chosen) distribution. We show the following, provided that the degrees of the left nodes are independent: If Δ\Delta is an integer then it is optimal to use a fixed degree of Δ\Delta for all left nodes. If Δ\Delta is non-integral then an optimal degree-distribution has the property that each left node xx has two possible degrees, \floor{\Delta} and \ceil{\Delta}, with probability pxp_x and 1−px1-p_x, respectively, where pxp_x is from the closed interval [0,1][0,1] and the average over all pxp_x equals \ceil{\Delta}-\Delta. Furthermore, if n=c⋅mn=c\cdot m and Δ>2\Delta>2 is constant, then each distribution of the left degrees that meets the conditions above determines the same threshold c∗(Δ)c^*(\Delta) that has the following property as nn goes to infinity: If c<c∗(Δ)c<c^*(\Delta) then there exists a left-perfect matching with high probability. If c>c∗(Δ)c>c^*(\Delta) then there exists no left-perfect matching with high probability. The threshold c∗(Δ)c^*(\Delta) is the same as the known threshold for offline kk-ary cuckoo hashing for integral or non-integral k=Δk=\Delta

    «Zusammenarbeit ĂŒber Grenzen hinweg war mir ein Anliegen»

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    Zuerst unterrichtete er an der Ingenieurschule Biel deutsche Sprache, dann wurde er Dozent fĂŒr Kommunikation: Mit der GrĂŒndung der Berner Fachhochschule BFH verĂ€nderte sich auch der Aufgabenbereich von Diego Jannuzzo, der im Februar pensioniert wurde. Ein RĂŒckblick

    «Beruflich weiterkommen und sich weiterentwickeln»

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    Weiterbildung ist ein wichtiger Pfeiler der Berner Fachhochschule BFH. Und – Zufall oder nicht – die Zahlen des 25-Jahr-JubilĂ€ums spiegeln sich auch im Bereich Weiterbildung des Departements Architektur, Holz und Bau BFH-AHB wider: Das Angebot umfasst 5 MAS sowie 25 CAS, und der Umsatz betrug im letzten Jahr just 2,5 Millionen Franken. Ein GesprĂ€ch ĂŒber Trends, Misserfolge und Dauerbrenner im Angebot

    The Hall algebra and the composition monoid

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    Let Q be a quiver. M. Reineke and A. Hubery investigated the connection between the composition monoid, as introduced by M. Reineke, and the generic composition algebra, as introduced by C. M. Ringel, specialised at q=0. In this thesis we continue their work. We show that if Q is a Dynkin quiver or an oriented cycle, then the composition algebra at q=0 is isomorphic to the monoid algebra of the composition monoid. Moreover, if Q is an acyclic, extended Dynkin quiver, we show that there exists an epimorphism from the composition algebra at q=0 to the monoid algebra of the composition monoid, and we describe its non-trivial kernel. Our main tool is a geometric version of BGP reflection functors on quiver Grassmannians and quiver flags, that is varieties consisting of filtrations of a fixed representation by subrepresentations of fixed dimension vectors. These functors enable us to calculate various structure constants of the composition algebra. Moreover, we investigate geometric properties of quiver flags and quiver Grassmannians, and show that under certain conditions, quiver flags are irreducible and smooth. If, in addition, we have a counting polynomial, these properties imply the positivity of the Euler characteristic of the quiver flag.Comment: 111 pages, doctoral thesis University of Paderborn (2009
