6 research outputs found

    Water-related problems of the rural population from Iași county

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    Introduction. Drinking water quality is a major public health issue. In the Republic of Moldova only 35% of the population uses water for drinking purposes from surface water sources, the others use water for this purpose from underground sources, having the highest share of non-compliance with sanitary-chemical and microbiological parameters. Material and methods. The present study evaluated and analyzed the water quality service of the Prut river aqueduct, the artesian wells aqueduct and the wells, via 11 sanitary-chemical indices. The research was based on hygienic, descriptive, analytical, sanitary-chemical and statistical methods. This study was conducted under the State Program on "Estimating the risk to human health attributed to exposure to priority chemicals in the Republic of Moldova", cipher 20.8000.8007.35. Results. The analysis of the obtained data showed that the highest values of the summary water mineralization are characteristic for the samples taken from wells constituting 1.36±0.2 g/dm3, as well as for those from the aqueduct fed from the artesian well - 1.15±0.18 g/dm3. Lower values were found in water from Prut River aqueducts, accounting for 0.71±0.08 g/dm3. The concentration of Fe ions was higher in the water from the Prut River aqueduct, showing values of 0.028±0.026 mg/dm3, followed by water from the aqueducts fed from the artesian wells - 0.023±0.018 mg/dm3 and water from the wells - 0.02±0.01 mg/dm3. The maximum values of copper concentrations were recorded in water from wells, which amounted to 0.04±0.03 mg/dm3, followed by water from artesian well-fed aqueducts - 0.034±0.05 mg/dm3 and water from the Prut River aqueducts - 0.027±0.002 mg/dm3. The fluoride content in the investigated sources varied within very small limits from 0.05±0.04 to 0.95±0.6 mg/dm3. The average concentrations of ammonia in the water of the Prut River aqueducts and in the water from the wells showed equal values - 0.14±0.1 mg/dm3, whereas the content of the estimated index was correspondingly 10 times higher in the water from the artesian wells (II 0.06-1.5; p<0.0001). The same legitimacy is characteristic for the nitrogen content, the concentration in the artesian well water being of 0.004±0.006 mg/dm3, corresponding to 13.3 (CI 0.02-0.07; p=0.0003) and 5 (CI 0.02-0.07; p=0.0009) times higher compared to the water content of the Prut River aqueducts and water assessed from the wells. The content of nitrates in the water of the Prut River the aqueducts and in the investigated artesian wells did not differ significantly, being 4.8±2.4 and 4.09±3.1 mg/dm3, respectively and showing low values, while the concentration of this index investigated in the wells corresponded to 13.9 (CI 59.03-75.1; p<0.0001) and 17.2 (CI 59.03-75.1; p<0.0001) or showing higher values compared to the aforementioned sources, thus exceeding the CMA of 50 mg/L. Conclusions. The water from the river aqueduct is considered the safest source of drinking water supply for the population in terms of its sanitary and chemical parameters

    Оценка времени, отведенного на физические упражнения, и привычек питания для группы подростков из технического колледжа

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    Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie Grigore T. Popa, Iași, RomâniaCreșterea și dezvoltarea sunt două procese influențate de mai mulți factori interni și externi. În ceea ce privește factorii externi, timpul petrecut pentru efectuarea exercițiilor fi zice și dieta joacă un rol important. Studiul a fost realizat pe un eșantion de 184 de adolescenți de la Colegiul Tehnic din Bacău. În studiu au fost incluse 67 de fete (36,41%) și 117 băieți (63,58%). A fost măsurat timpul alocat exercițiilor fi zice și obiceiurilor alimentare. În majoritatea cazurilor (45,10%), timpul alocat exercițiilor a fost mai mic de 30 de minute. Diferențele de sex sunt semnificative din punct de vedere statistic la p<0,01 (ƒ=2, χ²=17,125) și se referă la fetele care acordă o atenție modestă activității fi zice. Consumul de lapte este de 1 dată pe săptămână (32,06%) sau de două ori pe săptămână (28,80%), consumul de ouă – de 2-3 ori pe săptămână, diferențele în funcție de sex fiind nesemnificative statistic. Cartofi i sunt prezenți în special în meniu – de 2-3 ori pe săptămână (38,04%), iar produsele pe bază de zahăr sunt consumate zilnic (38,04%). Diferențele calculate pentru ambele elemente sunt nesemnificative din punct de vedere statistic. Așadar, obiceiurile alimentare sunt similare între sexe, dar preocuparea pentru activitatea fi zică este diferită.Growth and development are two processes influenced by several internal and external factors. Concerning the external factors, the time spent exercising and diet, play a key role. The study was done on a sample of 184 adolescents from a Technical College in Bacau. There were 67 girls (36,41%) and 117 boys (63,58%). We measured the time allotted for physical exercise and their eating habits. In the majority of cases (45.10%) the exercise time was less than 30 minutes. Gender differences are statistically significant at p<0,01 (ѓ=2, χ²=17,125) and draw attention to the girls who pay modest attention to physical activity. Milk intake is 1 time per week (32,06%) or twice per week (28,80%), eggs 2-3 times per week, diff erences based on sex being statistically insignificant. Potatoes are especially present in the menu, 2-3 times per week (38,04%) and sugar products are present daily (38,04%). Differences calculated for both items are statistically insignificant. Eating habits are similar between the sexes, but the concern for physical activity is different.Рост и развитие – это два процесса, на которые влияют несколько внутренних и внешних факторов. Что касается внешних факторов, время, затраченное на физические упражнения, и прием пищи играют ключевую роль. Исследование было проведено на выборке из 184 подростков из технического колледжа в городе Бакэу. Группа состояла из 67 девочек (36,41%) и 117 мальчиков (63,58%). Было измерено время, отведенное на физические упражнения, и пищевые привычки. В большинстве случаев (45,10%) время тренировки составляло менее 30 минут. Гендерные различия статистически значимы при p<0,01 (ƒ=2, χ²=17,125) и указывают на то, что девушки уделяют меньше времени физической активности. Потребление молока составляло один раз в неделю (32,06%) или два раза в неделю (28,80%), яиц – 2-3 раза в неделю, различия по половому признаку статистически незначимы. Картофель присутствует в меню 2-3 раза в неделю у 38,04% опрошенных, а сахарные продукты присутствуют ежедневно у 38,04%. Различия, рассчитанные для обоих факторов, статистически незначимы. Пищевые привычки схожи между полами, но забота о физической активности разная


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    Glaucoma is a progressive, degenerative optic neuropathy that significantly affects visual function and quality of life. Glaucoma is a major public health problem worldwide because of the high risk of blindness. Early diagnosis increases the likelihood that patients will maintain useful visual function throughout life. To this end, it is important to identify all risk factors, such as diabetes mellitus which, due to its increased incidence in the general population, appears to play a key role in the determinism of the disease. The aim of this paper is to review the pathophysiological similarities between the two diseases as well as data from the literature on how diabetes affects the pathogenesis of primary open-angle glaucoma. It also provides recommendations for screening diabetic patients that can be implemented at reasonable cost, which can lead to early diagnosis of glaucomatous disease and improved quality of life


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    Allergic conjunctivitis is a common eye condition characterized by inflammation of the conjunctiva, which is the thin membrane that covers the inside of the eyelids and the exposed part of the eyeball. Allergies are the main cause of allergic conjunctivitis, and substances called allergens trigger an inflammatory reaction in the conjunctiva. The causes of allergic conjunctivitis are related to the reaction of the immune system to specific allergens. When a person with an allergic sensitivity comes in contact with an allergen, the immune system releases histamines and other chemicals that cause inflammation and irritation of the conjunctiva. Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis occurs in certain seasons of the year, being mainly caused by plant pollen. Symptoms include redness, swelling, itching, excessive tearing, and watery or mucous secretion. Treatment involves avoiding allergens and using antiallergic eye drops. Perennial allergic conjunctivitis is a chronic form that can occur as much as possible and is caused by persistent allergens such as dust mites, mold, or animal hair. Symptoms and treatment are similar to those of seasonal allergic conjunctivitis but often involve a longer and more complex approach


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    The beginning of a pregnancy brings with it oral changes in a woman’s body and can also have an impact on health. The first three months of pregnancy are critical, and proper oral rehabilitation during this period can help maintain the health of teeth and gums for both mother and fetal development. This article explores tips and precautions for oral rehabilitation in the first three months of pregnancy. During the first three months of pregnancy ( first quarter ), oral hygiene is particularly important, as hormonal fluctuations can increase susceptibility to dental and gingival problems. Anesthesia in dentistry in the first 3 months of pregnancy is a sensitive and complex subject. In general, you try to avoid exposure to chemicals and drugs in this activity, especially in the first 3 months, which are considered critical for embryonic development. However, there are situations where anesthesia may be needed to treat severe pain or to perform essential dental procedures

    Corelattions Between CD31, CD68, MMP-2 and MMP-9 Expression in Allograft Cardiac Rejection – Immunohistochemical Study

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    Introduction. The cardiac allograft rejections from the post-transplant period are attributable to the acute cellular rejection monitored by multiple endomyocardial biopsies. Compared to this, humoral rejection remains a matter of debate, with multiple therapeutic strategies, poor prognosis, and persisting uncertainty about diagnostic criteria. Acute allograft rejection is associated with significant modifications of the extracellular matrix compartment mainly regulated by matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). In this context, the aim of this study was to evaluate the expression of MMP-2 and -9 and CD31, CD68 (endothelial and histiocytic markers) and the correlations between them using immunohistochemistry, in patients with cardiac allografts