50 research outputs found

    Legal Norm Protection for Inter-Faith Marriage of In Indonesia In Framework of Legal Pluralism

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    The existence of legal void in marriage law for Indonesian citizens who engage in inter-religion marriages raises legal uncertainty. Meanwhile, perhaps due to the fact that Indonesia has plural society, the number of potential couples who engagee to inter-religion marriages increases. The purpose of this study is to formulate the concept of legal norms protection for inter-religion marriages in Indonesia. The material of legal components consists of primary and secondary legal which obtained from literature study. We found that the state should provide a space which is recognized by every citizen to exercise his or her rights including the right to raise a family and the right to have freedom related to religion and belief. The basis of the recognition is that inter-religion marriage is philosophically justified because of human rights and it is legally required to provide legal certainty. Meanwhile, sociologically it is increasing in society. The construction of the concept of legal protection norms that have been formulated for the Indonesian citizens who engage to inter-religion marriages are as follows: Inter-religion marriages is a marriage performed by a man and a woman of Indonesian citizens who have different religions. Prospective couples of inter-religion marriages can apply the establishment of marriage to the District Court. The form of state recognition for the citizens, especially pre-married couple with different religion, must register their marriage to Civil Registrar Office

    Development of Capacity Building Needs for Indonesian Police Officer in Law Enforcement

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    The study on the development of capacity building needs for police officers in law enforcement needs to be done thoroughly because of new programs that are being submitted within POLRI. In the hope that the phenomenon of violent behavior committed by officers in duty can be reduced so that the role of Police as a servant and protector of society can be felt by the communityThe objectives of this study are (1) to inventory and identify the laws and policies that govern the role of Police in serving and protecting people, (2) to analyze what constraints faced by police in their role, and (3) material needs model of capacity building for POLRI.The applied method is interview using questionnaire with close and open question and focus group discussion (FGD). FGDs were conducted to gain more in-depth information.The results indicate that there are laws, regulations, and policies being the basis and relevantly translated into programs to upgrade the capacity of POLRI’s members. Despite of that fact, each Police resort district has similar program from one to another. According to the police, the obstacles that they faced on duty are not significant and it seems contradictive with their behavior. There are some aspects which should be highlighted to improve and upgrade the performance of police officers by providing knowledge and understanding on the aspects of legal culture and implementation of human rights both within Police environment and when dealing with the community. The draft of capacity building for POLRI’s members consist of the concept of human rights, legal culture, the art of communication, and the concept of public service and protectio

    Development of Capacity Building Needs for Indonesian Police Officer in Law Enforcement

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    The study on the development of capacity building needs for police officers in law enforcement needs to be done thoroughly because of new programs that are being submitted within POLRI.  In the hope that the phenomenon of violent behavior committed by officers in duty can be reduced so that the role of  Police as a servant and protector of society can be felt by the communityThe objectives of this study are (1) to inventory and identify the laws and policies that govern the role of Police in serving and protecting people, (2) to analyze what constraints faced by police in their role, and (3) material needs model of capacity building for POLRI.The applied method is interview using questionnaire with close and open question and focus group discussion (FGD). FGDs were conducted to gain more in-depth information.The results indicate that there are laws, regulations, and policies being the basis and relevantly translated into programs to upgrade the capacity of POLRI’s members. Despite of that fact, each Police resort district has similar program from one to another. According to the police, the obstacles that they faced on duty are not significant  and it seems contradictive with their behavior.  There are some aspects which should be highlighted to improve and upgrade the performance of police officers by providing knowledge and understanding on the aspects of legal culture and implementation of human rights both within Police environment and when dealing with the community. The draft of capacity building for POLRI’s members consist of the concept of human rights, legal culture, the art of communication, and the concept of public service and protection. Keywords: Development, Capacity Building,  Police Officer and Law Enforcemen

    Perkembangangan peran pecalang sebagai lembaga keamanan adat di masyarakat Bali Indonesia

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    The island of Bali is known as one of the world's tourist destinations with all its unique traditions and customary laws. The Balinese have a traditional security institution known as the Pecalang whose role is different from that of the police. The purpose of this article is to identify the position of Pecalang according to Regional Regulation Number 4 of 2019 concerning Traditional Villages and the development of the role of Pecalang. The method used is a mix of methods, namely normative and empirical methods. The results show that the existence of Pecalang is regulated in Law Number 9 of 1979 concerning Village Government and Regional Regulation Number 4 of 2019 concerning Traditional Villages. Pecalang is formed in each of the customary village residents (pekraman) who have the task of maintaining security and order. The role of pecalang is currently experiencing development, which leads to the business, and can even be used as a political tool. What stands out is the case of the closure of the Hare Krsna hostel where the function as a security guard was instead used as a tool by the village to bring order to religious groups or sects that were allegedly not in accordance with community traditions. The police should have been involved because they thought it was a religious matter and their area. The regulation of pecalang duties needs to be re-examined in the Perda so that its function as a guardian of order is clear and not vice versa. How to cite item: Indrayanti, K. (2021). Perkembangangan peran pecalang sebagai lembaga keamanan adat di masyarakat Bali Indonesia. Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum, 12(3), 294-302. doi:https://doi.org/10.26905/idjch.v12i3.7093

    Understanding on diversity and tolerance in school environment to eradicate violent behavior pattern in Indonesian Community (Study in the environment of traditional religious school)

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    Indonesia is known as a pluralistic country consisting of various ethnicities, languages, beliefs, traditions and religions. Lately there is a phenomenon of violent and intolerancebehavior related to religioninthe community, especially among the younger generation, which has caught the attention of all parties. The purpose of this paper is to identify programs in traditional Islamic school(Pesantren) in Malang, East Java, and Hinduschool(Gurukula) in Bali related totheunderstandingondiversity and tolerance among school students; the concept of diversity and tolerance from the perspective of Islam and Hinduism, the obstacles experienced by school caregivers in implementing the programas well astolerance and the form ofthe learning model. Next, the used methods are interviews using questionnaires and focus group discussions to get a comprehensive description. The results show that both Gurukulaand Pesantrendo not have suchprograms so that the application of materials on the understanding on diversity and tolerance has not been maximized. Knowledge and understanding of diversity and tolerance among the students of Pesantrenis still lesscompared to students of Gurukula. The constraints experienced by schools are the absence of media and the support ofNGOs that facilitate activities so that the program is not optimal because it does not involve students. Hence,the obstacles and constraints experiencedby caregivers are not much exposed. What is needed in the preparation of materialmodule for students is by includingcultural and local wisdom approaches


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    The rights of prisoners have been explicitly regulated in Act No.12 of 1995 on Corrections. The law therein outlines 13 (thirteen) rights reserved for a prisoner while in a Penitentiary. The right to get a wage or premium for the work done is a right that is often neglected in practice in the correctional institution located in our country. This happens because of the stigma of the people who still tend to assume that a prisoner is a party that deserves to be treated arbitrarily because of the crime he has committed. It is this kind of thinking that ultimately also affects officials or prison officers who end up treating incendiary people like humans who are unfit to accept the rights that have been provided by the state. Many inmates are employed in penitentiaries who are not paid for by their employers. If this continues to be done then the purpose of punishment will actually violate human rights inherent in the Prisoners as human beings. However, prisoners must also be protected by their rights as human beings

    Peran Puskesmas terhadap pemberian pelayanan kesehatan reproduksi pada remaja (Studi di wilayah Kota Malang)

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    Penelitian yang berjudul Peran Puskesmas dalam memberikan Pelayanan KRR di Kota Malang, yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana peran Puskesmas dalam pelayanan KRR dan pola pelayanan KRR yang dimiliki oleh Puskesmas. Adapun lokasi penelitian ini adalah di lima belas (15) Puskesmas inti yang berada di lima kecamatan di Kota Malang. Untuk mendapatkan data di lapangan maka dipakai kuisioner yang bersifat terbuka dan tertutup. Karena penelitian ini bersifat eksplorasi maka informasi tentang penelitian ini masih minim sekali. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Puskesmas belum mempunyai program khusus tentang kesehatan reproduksi sehat untuk remaja. Informasi kesehatan pada remaja diberikan lewat program UKS dengan melakukan cek / screening fisik berupa cek mata, telinga dan gigi. Mengenai keluhan reproduksi tidak pernah ditemukan oleh petugas puskesmas, yang mungkin disebabkan kurang aktifnya para petugas untuk mengeksplore apa yang dirasakan oleh remaja. Dinas kesehatan sebagai kepala unit Puskesmas ternyata program KRR masih berbentuk draft. Ini berarti peran puskesmas sebagai unit pelaksana kesehatan Dinkes, khususnya di bidang pemberian pelayanan KRR belum dapat dievaluasi karena fakta di lapang menunjukkan puskesmas belum memiliki program KRR. Maka dapat direkomendasikan dari hasil penelitian ini hendaknya Dinkes Kota Malang mulai mengajak instansi terkait dalam pembuatan program KRR agar substansi program pelayanan KRR itu sesuai dengan harapan masyarakat dan tepat sasarannya. Disarankan substansi program KRR yang akan dibuat hendaknya peningkatan pengetahuan kesehatan reproduksi remaja agar terhindar dari kehamilan pra nikah, kehamilan yang tidak inginkan, pencegahan tindakan aborsi atau pengguguran kandungan yang tidak aman dan terhindar dari PMS termasuk HIV / AIDS